Mac Plus - Error Code 017C01


Active member

I just purchased a Mac Plus and when I first booted I got a chime and then nothing. No flicker or picture whatsoever on the picture tube. Also, the Mac Plus's floppy drive had one of those "phony" plastic place saver inserts in the floppy drive which did not pop out when I turned the machine on. I subsequently had to shut down the machine, use a paper clip and, eventually, the plastic disk popped out.

I tried putting a boot disk in, but after accepting it, the floppy drive was silent as was the entire machine. No sound whatsoever. I then ejected the boot disk with a paper clip. I shut down the machine.

However, I decided to try once more. This time I turned the machine, got a chime, and walked away. When I cam back ten minutes later, the screen was black but there was a "sad Mac" icon in the middle of the screen with the error code "017C01" beneath it.

Does anyone on here know what that error code means?? I'm trying to decide whether I should send the machine back or work through the problem, assuming of course, that I can do so and that it doesn't cost me an inordinate amount of money or time. I have 4 1MB sims which I bought to place in the machine, and if that's all that's wrong, I'd be more than willing to take my chances and replace the existing, what I assume to be, 256k Simms. If, however, the problem is with the ROM or some other aspect of the motherboard, is it easily fixable, i.e., without an inordinate amount of technical knowledge of electronics and without spending a boatful of money.

If anyone can help me out here, I would be very grateful!! Thanks all!!!


Active member
Either keep that plastic disk, or sell it. They are sought after.
Any idea (ball park) what I could get for the plastic disk? If it's high enough, I'd keep the broken Mac Plus and then diddle to fix it over time. Please let me know. Thanks mutely!


Well-known member
IIRC, error codes beginning with '01' are ROM errors. I'd suggest checking that the ROMs are securely in place, none of the pins are bent, and that the sockets are sound. Otherwise, it might be the ROMs themselves that are damaged - not that common, but does sometimes happen.


Active member
Thank you cheese straws. I was beginning to figure out that it was probably the ROMs based on other error codes that started with 01 and were explained elsewhere. Question: there's a seller on eBay who's selling Mac Plus ROMs. If I purchase a pair from him and then replace what's on the logic board with the new ROMs, do you think that might resolve the problems without me having to do too deep a technical dive? Just asking. BTW, thanks mutely!


Well-known member
I'd suggest doing a quick visual inspection of the ones you've got first - make sure they're stuck in the sockets properly, nothing is bent, etc. After that it's worth trying new ROMs, yes, so long as you're not being charged exorbitant prices for them!


Well-known member
I would take the roms out and clean the pins. Then reseat them. Sometimes this helps to solve rom problems.


Active member
Thinking of replacing the existing ROMs on a 1988 Mac Plus logic board. Does anyone know what the ROMs are for the 1988 version of the Mac Plus? I've attached the 1986 versions, i.e., version 1, 2 and 3, but is there a different version for the 1988 machine??

Just asking.


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Well-known member
There are only the 3 ROM versions for the Plus regardless of manufacture year. The newest one is most compatible with a variety of SCSI drives (I believe all of the changes were related to starting up from a SCSI drive), but these days with SCSI drive emulators that's likely less of a concern.