IIci ROM options?


Well-known member
How compatible are the Macintosh II ROMs with each other? I don’t want the IIci ROM to be 32 bit clean — so that I can play all those old Sierra games in color without issues. I’ve tried to run it with two different SE/30 ROMs, but it doesn’t work and the machine just starts with chimes of death (A Mac ROM-inator II works fine). So I’m thinking about buying a PurpleROM and program it with, let’s say a IIcx ROM. Do you think that’ll work with the IIci?


Well-known member
I don‘t think the ROMs are upwards compatible…
Did you try to switch to 24bit addressing in Memory control panel?


Well-known member
Did you try to switch to 24bit addressing in Memory control panel?
For the Sierra games to work you mean? The issue is 32 bit QuickDraw — which is included on all clean ROMs, switching to 24 bit addressing has no effect, unfortunately.

Edit: I wonder if it’d be possible to program a PurpleROM with a stock IIci ROM, but exclude 32 bit QuickDraw?


Well-known member
Have you tried running them in System 6?

Accept my ignorance - I'm not dead sure which games you mean. There are a lot of Sierra games out there.


Well-known member
Have you tried running them in System 6?
Yep, they run, but very glitchy. Only way for me to play them is on my SE/30, with it's "dirty" ROM + color card and monitor. But I'd prefer to run them on my IIci instead.


Well-known member
Sorry, it's the all the old AGI games. 2.x versions does seem to work on newer machine, but they don't exist out there on the interweb, only the older 1.x versions.

Here's an interesting write up someone did about these old games: https://www.savagetaylor.com/2019/12/15/68k-macintosh-and-sierra-agi-games/
Version 2 is included here, can you take the engine, and possibly the pallette file, and use it with other game files? Otherwise, if you can't use the pallette file, is it possible to compare the older and new pallette files and work out the differences to do the same updates to the other games?



Active member
How compatible are the Macintosh II ROMs with each other? I don’t want the IIci ROM to be 32 bit clean — so that I can play all those old Sierra games in color without issues. I’ve tried to run it with two different SE/30 ROMs, but it doesn’t work and the machine just starts with chimes of death (A Mac ROM-inator II works fine). So I’m thinking about buying a PurpleROM and program it with, let’s say a IIcx ROM. Do you think that’ll work with the IIci?
No, I wouldn't expect so.

The IIci was the first Mac II model to use the 68030 MMU during boot for setting up its address space, ISTR for re-mapping the internal graphics into Nubus slot address space. This created a lot of compatibility issues at the time, to the point where journal articles recommended a IIcx with an accelerator over a IIci.

And then the IIci turned into a workhorse...


Well-known member
No, I wouldn't expect so.

The IIci was the first Mac II model to use the 68030 MMU during boot for setting up its address space, ISTR for re-mapping the internal graphics into Nubus slot address space. This created a lot of compatibility issues at the time, to the point where journal articles recommended a IIcx with an accelerator over a IIci.

And then the IIci turned into a workhorse...
Aha, too bad! Then I guess my “just disable QuickDraw in ROM hack” approach might be a bit over simplified too.. :)


Well-known member
They should work in Mini vMac II, not original hardware, but it emulates a Mac II and has colour. Might tie you over until you find a solution.


Well-known member
They should work in Mini vMac II, not original hardware, but it emulates a Mac II and has colour. Might tie you over until you find a solution.
Yeah Mini vMac works, but like mentioned I also have my SE/30, which is old enough for the games to run properly. I was just playing around with the idea of putting an older ROM in the IIci.


Well-known member
Version 2 is included here, can you take the engine, and possibly the pallette file, and use it with other game files? Otherwise, if you can't use the pallette file, is it possible to compare the older and new pallette files and work out the differences to do the same updates to the other games?

The results were quite interesting! Some games crash, some errors a lot, but a few actually seem to work! At least the beginning of the games. Police Quest 1.50 normally has some graphical glitches at the first scene, movement of the character isn't visible in som areas. But after I dropped all the PQ game files in the Larry 2.06 folder — it actually works without the those graphical errors. Even more interesting is that King's Quest 1 also seem to work (at least the gameplay, fonts doesn't match so the intro looks weird). That game is not available in color for download anywhere, only an old 1.10 B/W version is to be found. But with Larry's palette file it works in color!

Not sure a whole play through of these games will work without issues, but still an interesting experiment!1 (5).jpeg