IIci no video sometimes?


Well-known member
Have a recapped IIci that will chime and startup with video if it has RAM only in bank A. BUT occasionally it will boot OK with RAM in bank B as well. Mostly it will not start with Bank B filled and if it doesn't start and the RAM is removed from B I have to remove the supply and let it sit for quite a while sometimes hours before it will boot from just RAM in Bank A again. I have never had video from the onboard socket and have a Nubus card for video. I have tried filling Bank B only and get good chime, no video problem. The RAM is all good and tested working in other computers and I have tried different good sets with same problem. I've tried using Rominator instead of onboard ROM same outcome. Any thoughts on what are the likely suspects is appreciated


IIci uses bank A for video memory. if you don't have memory in Bank A it should work fine but won't display video (obviously)


Well-known member
Thanks tried Bank B only still no go. Can't get it to display video at all now so whatever is causing it has gone from unreliable to dead