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ComputerEyes/RT SCSI Video Frame Grabber


Well-known member
So everyone I have this ComputerEyes/RT external SCSI Video Frame Grabber. I bought this a while back. I am recapping it now. The thing is I have no adapter for this unit! It has a headphone input port in the front which is supposed to be for the AC Adapter. I don't know what voltage or which is positive and negative on the DC side... I am assuming it is DC powered because on another I saw online it had a BIG warning label on the bottom to plug the headphone jack plug into the unit first before plugging it in the wall (horrible engineering). Who would use that kind of adapter connector? Because you know people won't read that warning notice... Anyways I digress... if anyone knows the correct AC adapter I need that would be most helpful. See attached photos for reference.


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Well-known member
I think the tip or the inside is the positive and the outer round area is the negative. Thanks to Techknight perhaps an Atari adapter would work. I’m holding off on powering it up till I can get a confirmation hopefully from someone who owns one. I still have about 4 caps left to do.. had to order those from mouser..


Well-known member
That bridge rectifier almost makes me think it could take low voltage AC. I've owned a few things that could take either AC or DC at the same voltage.


Well-known member
See what's mounted to those heatsinks.

If they're regulators, you'll have an idea of what it expects.

Also check if the jack is a mono or stereo type. The original supply may be a center tapped transformer.


Well-known member
I have this ComputerEyes/RT
A bit tangential, but are you generally interested in this sort of thing? Reason I ask is that I have a ComputerEyes NUBUS adapter that came in a IIfx I recently acquired. Haven't figured out what to do with it yet...


Well-known member
Mg.man well not really. I don’t have many machines except compact macs that I could throw a Nubus style in. It was just an oddity I wanted to check out. Someone else might be interested in that Nubus one 😊😊 I do appreciate the thought!!


Well-known member
I’ll investigate the jack and the components more carefully and try to get an idea of where the wires trace to.


Well-known member
I'm interested on what exactly to do with it as well... One of those gadgets that I am just interested in testing and seeing what it does.. lol


Well-known member
I -think- that's the continuous video model. The nubus version can only do photos.

Not too much would be worth doing with it nowadays. The only thing I could think of that might be somewhat easy to do is hook up a cctv camera system to output video to it, but even then, quality would be awful and slow. Or maybe somehow get a converter for your phone and whatnot and output media from that to your Mac directly?


Well-known member
I found this information on this model.


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Well-known member
So everyone I have this ComputerEyes/RT external SCSI Video Frame Grabber. I bought this a while back. I am recapping it now. The thing is I have no adapter for this unit! It has a headphone input port in the front which is supposed to be for the AC Adapter. I don't know what voltage or which is positive and negative on the DC side...
Are you still looking for the voltage? I just saw this thread now and I have one of these with the AC adapter. Used to use it with my PowerBook 180c to capture stills from videos. I think I also captured a few very short video clips. Might have also used it on a Macintosh IIci.


Well-known member
Got it out last night and this is what was on the AC adapter:

Plug-In Class 2 Transformer

Input: 120V 60Hz 40W
Output: AC 8V 3A

Didn't have a camera handy but can get a photo if needed.


Well-known member
Got it out last night and this is what was on the AC adapter:

Didn't have a camera handy but can get a photo if needed.
Oh thank you this is awesome!!! Since the output is 8V AC there should be no polarity issues I am assuming. I know there is a MUST to plug the end into the unit FIRST before plugging it in the wall.

Is there a brand name on it or anything?? If possible when you have a chance, no rush at all could you take a photo of it for me?? Much appreciated!!!!
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Well-known member
Is there a brand name on it or anything?? If possible when you have a chance, no rush at all could you take a photo of it for me?? Much appreciated!!!!
I don't remember a brand name but I'll get a photo the next chance I get.


Well-known member
Thank you so much!!! No rush. If you could get photos of all the sides with the specs that would be great… havin a photo of the brand you might never know I could find one along the way 😊😊

Thank You