Calling All THINK Pascal Programmers: Hermes II Needs You!

Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
Yes, some would say that THINK Pascal is an old, dead programming language, and maybe they are right.

However, the fact is that the only true PC-ANSI-based, Macintosh BBS software that remains alive today is Hermes II, which I happen to use on my own BBS, the Armageddon BBS.

In fact, as I explain on the official Armageddon BBS website -- see the URL in my sig below -- just a few weeks ago, I compiled the latest version of Hermes II -- 3.5.11 -- using the open source code which Michael Alyn Miller -- the current owner and most recent developer of Hermes II -- has generously made available on the GitHub website.

Not only that, but I have written a detailed, easy-to-follow tutorial which will help any Mac OS X user to compile the Hermes II BBS source code on their machine -- even with Yosemite -- using SheepShaver or Basilisk. You will find it in the links section on the Armageddon BBS home page.

The thing is, Hermes II has been open source for almost two years now, but sadly, no one has taken up the challenge to update it, or more importantly, to port it to Mac OS X.

It would no doubt be challenging and a time-consuming task to do this, but it would really be great if Hermes II was available to Mac OS X users in a modern interface, and not have to be run in Mac Classic mode via SheepShaver or Basilisk II.

If you visit the Armageddon BBS home page, you will see that other than the right version of the MPW development environment -- which I hope to get from Michael soon -- I have everything you need to start enhancing and modernizing Hermes II. Some of it can be found in the links at the bottom of the home page, while others  you can download directly from my actual BBS, or from my Hotline server.

In short, other than the right version of MPW, I already have all of the tools that you need.

So how about it? Are you ready to dust off your THINK Pascal programming skills and give Hermes II a modern makeover?

Maybe if you visit my BBS and poke around, you will get inspired and motivated to help out. Maybe that nostalgia for the old days will kick in.

Why don't you give it a shot and see what happens?

Just telnet to or to Both should work.

And BTW, I already have a list of things that I would like to see improved in or added to Hermes II. I am not a programmer, as otherwise, I would do some of it myself.

The ball is in your court!




Well-known member
Had to give your BBS a go, used a telnet app on my windows phone to try.

Quite interesting. Been on a BBS a few times a while ago (first time with a smartphone though).


Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
Yes, I was quite surprised to see you log on with a smartphone. I had read that there are telnet clients for some smartphones, the iPhone included, but I have wondered about exactly what kind of user experience a mobile phone can provide for a BBS. I don't own or use any mobile devices myself, just desktop computers.

Can you tell me if you were seeing the screens similar to what I have posted on the following page:

Better yet, if you can post an image or two of exactly what you are seeing with your smartphone, I would be appreciative In fact, if they are good, I might include them as examples of a smartphone login on the Armageddon BBS website, with your permission, of course. :)



Well-known member
It displays with a few issues, but is useable. Just not ideal. Haven't found a telnet client on this phone that works correctly yet. Its hard to type cause when you type it lags before it responds (have to wait 1-10 seconds between key presses). But all of these issues are with the client itself.


Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
Wow! One to ten seconds between typing each character???

Ouch! How do you endure such misery? :)

BTW, sorry I missed you in chat. I logged on to the BBS, and then went into public chat, the very second that you logged off.

Anyway, I hope you find a better telnet client . . . or use a decent desktop computer. :D

I'm off to make some breakfast.



Well-known member
 I want to be able to use my performa 475, and maybe even my llgs.

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Well-known member
Would be neat to telnet into the BBS using the machines I did BBSing with. my IBM 5155, or maybe my Delta Gold Elite XT. 


Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
I want to be able to use my performa 475, and maybe even my llgs.
Your Performa will definitely work if you've got a telnet client for it. If not, I have a stripped down version of the Public Address BBS software which will do exactly that. All you have to do is select "Open Telnet Terminal" under the "Ports" menu. PA  is available on both my BBS, as well as on my Hotline server, I believe.


Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
By "works well", are you saying that you successfully telneted to my BBS? If so, how were the ANSI screens displayed?


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Well-known member
It doesn't display properly either on PT100 (which is a VT100 terminal emulator) or NewtsCape which is my (and possibly the) preferred Newton browser. There is one program - EZConnect that purports to offer ANSI support. There were also discussions about ANSI support about 5 years ago on some boards - mostly about porting an ANSI font, apparently. I'm not set up to transfer files from my computer right now and the only versions of the pretty obscure EZConnect are all .zip [i have no idea if Newton can actually unzip and then install but I'd guess not]. So I'll have to attempt connecting through EZConnect another time.

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Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
Yes, that is exactly what you will see when your computer or device is not properly interpreting the ANSI escape codes and colors codes.

Did you happen to visit the Armageddon BBS website? On there, you will see exactly what you are supposed to be seeing on your device.


Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
Thanks for the info. The Apple IIgs was a little before my computing days began. I didn't touch a computer until I was 37 years old. In fact, personal computers did not even exist when I was in high school. That wouldn't happen until well over a decade later! :)


Hardcore SysOp

Well-known member
For those of you who may not be aware of it, and who are using a recent version of macOS, to my great surprise, I very recently discovered that over the years since I last set up my Hermes II BBS in 2015, Apple has apparently improved the ability of the Terminal to display PC-ANSI graphics, such as are displayed on old school BBSes.

I discovered this quite by accident the other day when I visited a BBS via the Terminal. What this means is that you don’t even need a macOS compatible telnet client. You can di it right in the TerminL on your large iMac screen, or whatever big monitor you are using.

There is one small caveat however. Apple has removed the telnet binary from recent versions of macOS due to security concerns. But this lack of the telnet binary is easy to overcome. Simply reinstall it using Homebrew. I believe the Terminal command is:

brew install telnet

If that does not work, try the following, and provide your admin password when requested to do so:

sudo brew install telnet

If you do not have Homebrew installed yet, that command will install Homebrew first, and then the telnet binary as well.