Hardcore SysOp
Well-known member
Yes, some would say that THINK Pascal is an old, dead programming language, and maybe they are right.
However, the fact is that the only true PC-ANSI-based, Macintosh BBS software that remains alive today is Hermes II, which I happen to use on my own BBS, the Armageddon BBS.
In fact, as I explain on the official Armageddon BBS website -- see the URL in my sig below -- just a few weeks ago, I compiled the latest version of Hermes II -- 3.5.11 -- using the open source code which Michael Alyn Miller -- the current owner and most recent developer of Hermes II -- has generously made available on the GitHub website.
Not only that, but I have written a detailed, easy-to-follow tutorial which will help any Mac OS X user to compile the Hermes II BBS source code on their machine -- even with Yosemite -- using SheepShaver or Basilisk. You will find it in the links section on the Armageddon BBS home page.
The thing is, Hermes II has been open source for almost two years now, but sadly, no one has taken up the challenge to update it, or more importantly, to port it to Mac OS X.
It would no doubt be challenging and a time-consuming task to do this, but it would really be great if Hermes II was available to Mac OS X users in a modern interface, and not have to be run in Mac Classic mode via SheepShaver or Basilisk II.
If you visit the Armageddon BBS home page, you will see that other than the right version of the MPW development environment -- which I hope to get from Michael soon -- I have everything you need to start enhancing and modernizing Hermes II. Some of it can be found in the links at the bottom of the home page, while others you can download directly from my actual BBS, or from my Hotline server.
In short, other than the right version of MPW, I already have all of the tools that you need.
So how about it? Are you ready to dust off your THINK Pascal programming skills and give Hermes II a modern makeover?
Maybe if you visit my BBS and poke around, you will get inspired and motivated to help out. Maybe that nostalgia for the old days will kick in.
Why don't you give it a shot and see what happens?
Just telnet to armageddonbbs.com or to Both should work.
And BTW, I already have a list of things that I would like to see improved in or added to Hermes II. I am not a programmer, as otherwise, I would do some of it myself.
The ball is in your court!
However, the fact is that the only true PC-ANSI-based, Macintosh BBS software that remains alive today is Hermes II, which I happen to use on my own BBS, the Armageddon BBS.
In fact, as I explain on the official Armageddon BBS website -- see the URL in my sig below -- just a few weeks ago, I compiled the latest version of Hermes II -- 3.5.11 -- using the open source code which Michael Alyn Miller -- the current owner and most recent developer of Hermes II -- has generously made available on the GitHub website.
Not only that, but I have written a detailed, easy-to-follow tutorial which will help any Mac OS X user to compile the Hermes II BBS source code on their machine -- even with Yosemite -- using SheepShaver or Basilisk. You will find it in the links section on the Armageddon BBS home page.
The thing is, Hermes II has been open source for almost two years now, but sadly, no one has taken up the challenge to update it, or more importantly, to port it to Mac OS X.
It would no doubt be challenging and a time-consuming task to do this, but it would really be great if Hermes II was available to Mac OS X users in a modern interface, and not have to be run in Mac Classic mode via SheepShaver or Basilisk II.
If you visit the Armageddon BBS home page, you will see that other than the right version of the MPW development environment -- which I hope to get from Michael soon -- I have everything you need to start enhancing and modernizing Hermes II. Some of it can be found in the links at the bottom of the home page, while others you can download directly from my actual BBS, or from my Hotline server.
In short, other than the right version of MPW, I already have all of the tools that you need.
So how about it? Are you ready to dust off your THINK Pascal programming skills and give Hermes II a modern makeover?
Maybe if you visit my BBS and poke around, you will get inspired and motivated to help out. Maybe that nostalgia for the old days will kick in.
Why don't you give it a shot and see what happens?
Just telnet to armageddonbbs.com or to Both should work.
And BTW, I already have a list of things that I would like to see improved in or added to Hermes II. I am not a programmer, as otherwise, I would do some of it myself.
The ball is in your court!