Per the subject, my Apple IIe won't turn on, and there's a buzzing noise coming from the transistor. Originally, the transistor was making a clicking noise, and the power led would blink on and off, but now its gotten faster and the led doesn't turn on at all. I've read a few posts about this issue already, that it may come from a short somewhere, but I'm not such where the issue stems from. I've since taken the psu (Dynacomp 606-5001) apart and internals seem fine. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Per the subject, my Apple IIe won't turn on, and there's a buzzing noise coming from the transistor. Originally, the transistor was making a clicking noise, and the power led would blink on and off, but now its gotten faster and the led doesn't turn on at all. I've read a few posts about this issue already, that it may come from a short somewhere, but I'm not such where the issue stems from. I've since taken the psu (Dynacomp 606-5001) apart and internals seem fine. Any thoughts? Thanks.