ATX power supply to SuperMac S900 adapter?


Well-known member
By any chance, anyone knows where to get a ATX power supply to SuperMac S900 adapter? A working UMAX power supply that's compatible for the S900 is getting harder to find, so a adapter to use a ATX supply would be nice.


Well-known member

All the information you need to build your own ATX to Umax adapter:

Ignore the bit about Molex Mini-Fit BMI connectors. They're not compatible with the Molex Mini-Fit Jr line.

Let's see....

A few more notes and sources for the AT-style connectors used to connect to the Umax board:

There's a lot of unnecessary detail in the first article. The easiest thing to do is to get yourself an ATX Power Supply Extender cable for <$10, cut the motherboard end off, keep the power supply end, and splice it onto the wires from your original Umax power supply.

However, the methods described in the article are a bit neater and more elegant.


Well-known member
Also the archives for the LowEndMacs SuperMacs List contains years of discussion about using the S900.