The Mac Plus SCSI implementation is weird. In particular, it doesn't support
blind transfers, where the CPU delegates data transfer to the SCSI chip:
Pages 393-394, Guide to the Macintosh Family Hardware, 2nd Edition
Macintosh disk images begin with a SCSI driver the ROM reads on start up, so when you format a SCSI disk, you install that driver. Most SCSI utilities install a disk driver that uses blind transfers because they're much faster than software polling. But the Plus doesn't support these! Instead of nicely transferred data, instead you'll see a weird error as the SCSI transfer corrupts state,
like one about an illegal instruction.
The solution is to use a disk image with a driver that uses polling. As mentioned in
this thread, one way to get a disk image with that driver is to format it with SilverLining. That's hard to do if you don't happen to have a working Mac already, so I made this available:
The homepage has some information.)
I've been using copies of this since 2022 with my ZuluSCSIs and my Mac Plus; I believe this worked for
@frankz as well.
I should have started a thread about this or something back then. Sorry!