Thanks to everyone who played Tetris Max today!
At Mactoberfest Meetup the competition ended with a dramatic finish. We had two computers running Tetris Max all day. ChrisK set the high bar around noon with a score of 18371, followed by a long run of low-scoring games from the crowd. I was surprised by how many people at a computer event had never played any version of tetris, or even heard of the game before. Most people were struggling to break 10000, let alone 16000. The contest was set to end at 3:30 pm, and with only a few minutes left to go it looked like ChrisK was headed for victory.
But then... at 3:25 pm Lionel started the last game of the day. At 3:30 he was still in playing, and invoked the rule that games in progress at 3:30 could continue to their finish. A few minutes later it appeared that ChrisK's score might be under threat, and a crowd formed around the computer as the tension built.
As the score crept towards 18000, Lionel's game began to fall apart. Could he hang on long enough to win?? Pieces crept towards the top of the board... a few minutes later Lionel barely eked out a victory with 18832 points, squeaking by ChrisK with a margin of just a few hundred points. Whew! He was happy to claim the Performa 460 system prize. Here was the final scoreboard from Tetris Max station #1:
In the online competition,
@3lectr1cPPC settled into a Tetris Max marathon session, but had trouble in the first couple of hours and wasn't able to repeat the same level of scores he'd reached during practice a few days earlier. But after almost three hours he finally had a good run, putting together a monster game with 203 rows cleared and a final score of 32921. That was good enough to win the day and the $100 gift certificate to the BMOW Store.
@3lectr1cPPC also discovered a possible bug in the game, which you can see at time index 2:48:13 in his live stream video, where the game appeared to go into slow motion. This only happened once during his winning game, but he said it's happened before if he lets one piece go down dead center without moving it at all. The following piece will then fall in slow motion. The second the piece is moved, things speed back up.
Congratulations to all!
Mactoberfest Meetup itself was a big hit, and I was not left with a giant pile of e-waste at the end. I'll post more photos and summary later once I've recovered more. Lots of 68kMLA folks were there, and can share their own experiences too.