Most likely just Norton misreporting, which usually means you have a version of Norton that is older than your computer. Run Norton System Info's CPU benchmark - how does it score?Is this a capacitor issue? According to Norton Utilities test, the 68040 processor on my LC575 is operating at a speed of only 6 Mhz. Not 66, but only 6. Would this be indicative of a capacitor issue or possibly something else?
Yes, but how fast did it benchmark?Update: To double check the possibility of Norton being the problem, I switched out the questionable logic board with another LC575 board I had on hand that has been recently recapped. With the replacement board, Norton reports the 68040 running at 33 Mhz, as expected. Put the other board back in, and it reads as before, 6 Mhz. With that, it seems like it would be a logic board issue rather than a Norton problem.
If you turn the screen brightness down it helps with taking photos.My phone camera has no manual controls to prevent their capture. But, the numbers can be seen if you squint a bit.
The cap juice is corrosive and conductive, and capacitors missing their juice have reduced or no capacitance, leading to irratic behaviour. It might be the cause, and replacing them and cleaning the board might solve your issues, or perhaps it needs further repair.Yes, had five of them done within the past few months. This is the only one remaining, having been kept as a spare should it be needed. Are you thinking the caps are responsible for the weak CPU performance or perhaps other components as well?