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LC475 Sad Mac Chimes :(


Well-known member
Hello everyone I have an LC475 motherboard I purchased from Europe the Board has the distinct EURO after the serial number on the board. I bring this up because I am in the US and am having some doubts about things. For starters I have installed a working known good CPU, I have cleaned the board, I have recapped the board, and I have reflowed all on board RAM and the EGRET chip. I also have a brand new PRAM battery. What's weird here is that the computer boots and chimes followed by SAD MAC chimes. I assumed typical PRAM reset would do it but nothing happens. There is no image on screen either, the only way I can physically reboot the computer is by turning it off and then on or by using the CUDA switch to reset it. I will include a video below, any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
As fast as it chimes and then death chimes, I’m guessing a RAM or ROM issue. It looks like there is RAM on board, so I’d start with removing the RAM SIMM to see if the behavior changes. It would be good if you could post some high resolution pictures of the board too.


Well-known member
As fast as it chimes and then death chimes, I’m guessing a RAM or ROM issue. It looks like there is RAM on board, so I’d start with removing the RAM SIMM to see if the behavior changes. It would be good if you could post some high resolution pictures of the board too.
Tried with ram removed still same thing cleaned up almost all chips and reflowed, I accidentally lifted a pad to the egret but fixed it with a bodge wire, I reflowed ROMS, also RAM has been reflowed.


Well-known member
Tried with ram removed still same thing cleaned up almost all chips and reflowed, I accidentally lifted a pad to the egret but fixed it with a bodge wire, I reflowed ROMS, also RAM has been reflowed.
Someone was messing around in here SCSI port had like 7 non jointed pins to the board so reflowed still nothing my guess is maybe EGRET because I get no video but it chimes so I don’t think it could be, if it’s a bad RAM chip how do I diagnose which is even bad?


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Well-known member
EGRET should be doing its thing because you get Sad chimes. The machine has started and read from ROM by that point.

Are you absolutely sure there's no bad traces around the RAM or a faulty onboard RAM chip? That's the most likely cause of this.


Well-known member
EGRET should be doing its thing because you get Sad chimes. The machine has started and read from ROM by that point.

Are you absolutely sure there's no bad traces around the RAM or a faulty onboard RAM chip? That's the most likely cause of this.
Ok here's what's weird I reflowed and cleaned all RAM chips the machine boots which is great. However, there's some weird issues 2 to be exact. For starters when I boot without the additional RAM Simm (not VRAM) I get no video but with it I do. The other weird thing is when I choose shut down or restart in the control panel the computer just locks up otherwise sound and everything works great I even moved files and played games.


Well-known member
Locking up on shutdown/restart sounds like a software problem - are you on a fresh install and checked nothing on the drive/file system is corrupt?

No idea about video only with the additional RAM but I guess if it works, go with it ;)


Well-known member
Locking up on shutdown/restart sounds like a software problem - are you on a fresh install and checked nothing on the drive/file system is corrupt?

No idea about video only with the additional RAM but I guess if it works, go with it ;)
Well it’s a BlueScsi I just pulled from my other LC I’ll record a video tommorow it’s the weirdest thing ever.


Well-known member
How did you perform the system software install? I've had a corrupted OS before that has caused weird issues like this, which is why I ask.