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911 Posts |
Posted - 22 Mar 2002 : 16:07:01
one Quadra 950 for sale.minimum 400MB hard drive and 32 MB of RAM. Otherwise a stock system, available with an extra Mac II Video card. The case is NICE, and I'll clean the marker writing off it. Buyer will pay shipping, but I can ship for pretty cheap. Taking MONEY for this one. Place your bids. ~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head -Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ Edited by - marchie on 22 Mar 2002 16:10:04 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 23 Mar 2002 : 07:42:15
Taking MONEY for this one.Place your bids.
not good at this game, i'll start the bidding at $50 and throw in a board swap to get you up to a g rev on your LWII if you want.jt 
911 Posts |
Posted - 23 Mar 2002 : 08:50:08
So that's $50 and a LaserWriter IIg logic board?Anyone care to up that? I'm tempted to close it right there, but... BIDDING WILL CLOSE MONDAY 9AM Eastern Standard Time, GMT-5. I reserve the right to judge money+trade as I see fit. ~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head -Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 23 Mar 2002 : 11:14:12
So that's $50 and a LaserWriter IIg logic board?
yup, i'll test the ethernet before i send it, i've got three g's lined up on the bench, all with 8MB. i'd just want your "f" board in exchange to stick the II carcass. how are you doing with your feed probs? i'm heading downtown to tekserve to pick-up feed roller replacement parts right now, i'll let you know how it goes if you haven't fixed yours yet. do your symptoms match the link i posted?jt 
911 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2002 : 22:16:41
Any takers gonna outbid?`Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head -Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
911 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2002 : 22:35:18
Problem...I went to pick up the IIf, and the board was fried... it would "sorta" power up... as in, the lights would go on, and then it's startup process would die, and the ports were fried. So I only have a LaserWriter IINTX board to swap. Want anything else in addition to that? ~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head -Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 25 Mar 2002 : 10:25:21
Problem...I only have a LaserWriter IINTX board to swap. Want anything else in addition to that?
hey marchie, looks like you'll be shipping to 10463! no big deal on the board swap, a IIntx board will be better in the carcass than nothing, i guess. got any aaui 10baseT transceivers or something interesting left to make up the difference? don't know what the current prices really are for anything, but all the steps below g boards looked kinda steep. what do you think you could throw in? i knew the ethernet would come in handy even if you'd had the f already, that's why i offered one to you, comrade.whatever you think is fair's ok by me. jt  back again: i think one of the SX engines on the g's gives the same kind of startup symptom you mentioned, but the boards all booted and printed over the appletalk/serial ports just fine. i got my etherwave transceiver back from a buddy, do you know if it needs a terminator if i don't daisy chain it? haven't done any research on it yet, for testing the AAUI ports. do you care if i don't test the SCSI and RS-232 ports? i really am not familiar enough to set up a drive for fonts and i don't have a PC in the shop for testing the serial ports. do you know if there is a mac driver for the RS-232 port! i've got cables and adapters up the wazoo! Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 25 Mar 2002 10:38:44 just realized, somebody might have e-mailed a better offer, oh well, time will tell . . . . . . *enough time already!* . . . please post results of sale! i'll be back later, gotta run. Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 25 Mar 2002 10:53:47 |
911 Posts |
Posted - 25 Mar 2002 : 17:29:20
Deal.Dont' worry about testing the other ports, Partially working is good enough :-). I can throw in an AAUI transceiver, no prob. I'll send a good Farralon. Need any Special Cat5 cables? I can send a custom made one if you want. ~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head -Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 25 Mar 2002 : 17:37:53
Deal.Dont' worry about testing the other ports, Partially working is good enough :-). I can throw in an AAUI transceiver, no prob. I'll send a good Farralon. Need any Special Cat5 cables? I can send a custom made one if you want.
done! hopefully i'll have some cool nubus cards from the fx auction i just won to stuff the sucker with! i've got the tools, a coupla bags of RJ-45's and a coupla boxes of solid copper at&t 4 pair of a really decent vintage, so thanks anyway on the cabling. 10463 for shipping, e-mail the details and i'll send a box with the board and a money order for whatever amount you specify. do you know anything about the etherwave voodoo or is it googletime again?thx, jt  