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Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2002 : 05:27:01
What is a cd caddy? and how does it work?Can I attach a tv to use as a monitor(just for the meantime) shaktiman |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2002 : 06:49:48
What is a cd caddy? and how does it work?Can I attach a tv to use as a monitor(just for the meantime) shaktiman
it's kind of a cross between a jewel case and the a 3.5" floppy disk cartridge. you stick the cd into it lik it's a jewel case and insert the caddy into the drive as you would a floppy into an FDD. it's kind of like an individual removeable tray with a clear plastic cover.i doubt you can get the computer video to come out the NTSC/composite/s-video/whatever, but if i'm wrong about that, i'm not wrong when i tell you it'll be fugly and you won't be very happy with it. you can probably pick up a used 15" monitor for less than the box i think you'll need to convert the mac video out signal for tv. cine' will be the one to ask for definitive info. jt  
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2002 : 08:48:25
The 840av has RCA and S-Video outputs, however, these are designed for dumping editied video to tape/etc., not for outputting system video. So, you could hook them up to a TV that has RCA or S-Video inputs, but you're only going to see whatever you have playing in a given Video application that's using those outputs, not the desktop.At any rate, the only reason you should want to get video output to a television (etc.) is because you want to do a presentation on a large screen or want to record the video to tape or DVD. Using a television as an actual work monitor is a big no-no. Here's some reasons why (the third being the most crucial): 1. You're limited to 640x480 and 24-bit color. 2. Television CRT's have a much lower resolution (DPI), making it hard to read menus, text and icon names (etc.). 3. Televisions CRT's are much less tolerant of static images. Having to constantly display menus, the desktop and other images will cause phosphur burn-in much, much faster than on a computer monitor. Also, like JT said, you can get a hold of a monitor that will work with the 840av for much less money and hassle than trying to get a tv solution to work. Apple Multiscan 15" monitors go for next to nothing these days, and are a goodwork monitor to have around. Also, about caddies: CD drives that use caddies are actually preferred to standard CD drives, because they reduce the risk of scratching/damanging the disk. My 840av originally had a 2x Caddy-loaded CD-ROM, and I've now replaced it with a 4x caddy-loaded CD burner. If you need a caddy, I have at least one that I don't need and could sell to you for peanuts and shipping. Otherwise, if you're just not liking the caddy-loading, I also have an Apple 4x tray-loaded CD drive that I don't need and could sell for cheap. 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! Edited by - cinemafia on 19 Mar 2002 08:51:34
2899 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2002 : 09:20:17
The 840av has RCA and S-Video outputs, however, these are designed for dumping editied video to tape/etc., not for outputting system video. So, you could hook them up to a TV that has RCA or S-Video inputs, but you're only going to see whatever you have playing in a given Video application that's using those outputs, not the desktop.
all right! guessed right again!i found the two page display matrices from the old radius faxback system. if anybody needs compatability info i just need part#&(name&card length) eg. 632-0165-XX (PCPro24x 7") and ROM code eg. 630-0385-03 and i have the software listing as eg.630-0333 Radiusware or Dynamic Desktop and cable #'s 590-0057-01 or 590-0040. these examples are the correct listings for the 840AV for all part #'s and lengths of the PCPro24x but there is no specific mention of a 24xj on this sheet. i'm confused now i hope you guys can make sense of this. jt  
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2002 : 09:33:15
quote: i'm confused now i hope you guys can make sense of this.
Yeah, just leave it all up to us! Perhaps we can invoke the 68k Muse?  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2002 : 18:06:32
da----na! Where are you?~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 00014 Macs liberated. |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 20 Mar 2002 : 01:23:17
My Quadra arrived yesterday. I switched it on with the keyboard plugged in and all seems fine. I HAVE NO MONITOR.I was halfway through buying all the things I need to make the quadra work when I have now been stopped access to ebay. Why can I not get onto ebay? I dont know, I can get but not I cannot use my lycos email either It comes up and tell me how many emails I have recieved but when I click to go to in box it says, "page not available" blah blah blah. Why can't I get my lycos mail? I dont know. I was going to connect this pc monitor using an adapter, but, I found the adapter on belkin but this would cost $45 + Pounds to dollars conversion + postage to the uk. This is not a viable option. I cannot locate this adapter in the uk. shaktiman |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 20 Mar 2002 : 18:35:47
You can import one from Australia, I know they're about $14 AUS which would be peanuts for you, the only problem being postage. Jaycar has ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 00014 Macs liberated. |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 20 Mar 2002 : 19:08:58
My Quadra arrived yesterday. I switched it on with the keyboard plugged in and all seems fine. I HAVE NO MONITOR.I was going to connect this pc monitor using an adapter, but, I found the adapter on belkin but this would cost $45 + Pounds to dollars conversion + postage to the uk. This is not a viable option. I cannot locate this adapter in the uk.
you can also build your own fairly easily if you have a source for a DB15 and an HD15 connector or old cables to chop up and rewire. but ask auntiesolder on fritter, she's a hardware hacker from the UK and may be able to recommend a source.  
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 28 Mar 2002 : 04:46:07
Please could I have the cd caddy cinemafia? also have you got a hard drive sled? tell me the price of any things you want to sell.Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Scott shaktiman |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 28 Mar 2002 : 09:09:47
Sure, I have both a CD caddy and some extra drive sleds. I take it you need the 3.5" version, right?I can sell you both the caddy and the sled for US$3, but I'm not sure what shipping is going to be to the UK. Both items are fairly light, I can't imagine it being more than US$10. Let me try to find out for you. Do you have a paypal account? 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! Edited by - cinemafia on 28 Mar 2002 09:14:05 |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 04 Apr 2002 : 16:59:23
I was going to connect this pc monitor using an adapter, but, I found the adapter on belkin but this would cost $45 + Pounds to dollars conversion + postage to the uk. This is not a viable option. I cannot locate this adapter in the uk.
The Belkin adapter is a silly price, you can buy them from (a UK reseller) but it really isn't worth it. Instead. locate your nearest branch of Maplin Electronics or go to them by mail order and get one from them, they have a nice £7.99 one with the dip switches (to select which monitor to emulate) and the instructions on a label on the reverse side so you don't loose them, mine is great  -- Mark Benson Visit FlatPackMacs Online <> |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2002 : 01:18:51
Tybut too late I have bought the adapter off ebay. I paid £17 but really dont care, I went into Maplins(Cambridge branch) and asked thier advice. They were very snotty. I asked if they would make a cable up for me and one said"firstly we dont make cables up" and then he went on about the monitor "I strongly suggest you buy a monitor that was made for your Apple". This is not the type of response I am used to and I did not appreciate it at all. Last time I went in I was given helpfull friendly advice, this time I was dismissed as a nut and treated surly. I intend to boycott Maplins here but I am moving soon and will have a couple of Maplins near me bigger and (hopefully) better than the Cambridge branch. shaktiman |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2002 : 05:44:52
Yep sounds like Maplin  I have been treated well by some of the staff and crap by others in my local branch in Southampton, I went ion once and asked for a new PRAM battery for my LCIII and the guy (a junior staff) gave me the wrong one. I went back a couple of days later and the boss (who's a great guy) said 'I don't know what possessed him to give you that one!, the Apple battery's clearly marked in the catalog here.' and sio it was. I find that I can find a lot of cables and adapters for SCSI etc. on the racks and shelves in Maplin and only interface with the staff when I'm desperate. You just have to grin and bear it I'm afraid, they are a bit up themselves at times but they are about the only place I know that sells stuff like that that I can walk into rather than mail order from. -- Mark Benson Visit FlatPackMacs Online |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 06 Apr 2002 : 01:58:03
ty good friendshaktiman |