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Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2002 : 12:46:55
Ok, heres what I have to sell. Ive been cleaning out my closet so heres what I found. If noone wants to give more than a few bucks, I think Ill just hang on to them. Ok, I have no idea what this is worth so Ill just name a random price. Ok, this is gonna be long Ive got a SRW disk case, colored clear graphite In it are: MasterType-1984,Appleworks,Bank Street Writer,MasterType training ground,Appleworks startup,Appleworks tutorial, 6 other appleworks disks,The Print Shop,Appleworks 3.0, Graphics Library,Ghost Busters,Kareteka,Apple presents the IIe,Apple presents Appleworks,Animate,Prodos,Getting down to BASIC,Exploring Apple logo,Sys utils,Diskware Dos 3.3,PFS. All on 800k disks. Name a price...?(25?)Apple IIc Powersupply- worked about 2 years ago, should probably still work. Price?(10?) A lot of Q-tab stickers to put on 800k disks Solver red green blue orange, red, blue I counted, theres 100 of them.(10) Price? Also, I think I have the manuals and stuff- 10 manuals I think.... all überthick, and about the //c If somone is interested, just post or write my email. If you have trouble naming your own price (I know I always do) These are all super mint-the powersupply is yellowish white the sickers still had their origional seal on the pack, which I opened.....rats... and the disks were last used a a year ago.....worked OR TRADE!!!! ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! or, in the very unlikeley event that these are worth a lot, could somone please do me a favor and tell me? Tito Tito Macs Liberated: Powerbook 145 Powerbok 150 Powerbook 160 Apple \\c (now dead)
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2002 : 14:07:52
iNeed that power supply for my //c, dough is what I'm low on what are you interested in trading for? ThanksJeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Macs Liberated:16 I love macs, macs love me, lets go blow up some PeeCee's. With a Power surge we'll fry their Circutry.
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 10 Mar 2002 : 18:10:53
ok, cool. Name what you got...... Im kinda lookin for old powerbook stuff, but anything else we could negociate would be great. E mail I think I remember you posted a page with stuff you had to sell, ill go look at that Tito Macs Liberated: Powerbook 145 Powerbok 150 Powerbook 160 Apple \\c (now dead)
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