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 The Apple logo
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Junior Member

Cayman Island
462 Posts
Posted - 02 Mar 2002 :  02:48:17
I don't know about you guys, but I think that the rainbow coloured mac logo beats the crap out of the new boring white one.

Currently, every piece of mac hardware that I own is blessed with the original logo. I just recently sold my Wall Street, which I believe was the last mac to display it.

The biggest one I've got is on my //e....fully 3/4 of an inch high (for you non-metric yanks).



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Edited by - bigsadhu on 02 Mar 2002 02:49:49

Senior Member

1282 Posts
Posted - 02 Mar 2002 :  02:52:35
I'm with bigsadhu, down with white, and up with rainbow!

"I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd

Covert Ops
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Full Member

523 Posts
Posted - 02 Mar 2002 :  19:53:40

Tallgeese likes rainbow Apple.

Tallgeese don't like one-color Apple logo.

Tallgeese thinks Jobs be crazier than Murdock.

I pity the fool who don't like rainbow.

Sgt. Tallgeese
Thread Lord of Darkness
Apple II Squad Leader
68k Mac Liberation Army

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FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 02 Mar 2002 :  22:29:39

Tallgeese thinks Jobs be crazier than Murdock.

I pity the fool who don't like rainbow.

Long live the A-Team! *starts singing theme song*

Hmm, B.A. (Mr. T) had mad issues...he couldn't accept that Murdock was "special", so he compensated by hurting his feelings!!!

(Murdock is the funniest on that show, IMHO)

Spellcheck/Grammar Bandit and beholder of:
-the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™
-the HTML Keyboard of Greater Knowledge™
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Full Member

506 Posts
Posted - 03 Mar 2002 :  20:39:43
I always thought that the pulsating aqua blue Apple logo is the coolest. The rainbow comes in a close second, though only when it is small, like the logo in the Apple menu in OS 8+.

Wonko The Sane
3 Macs Liberated
"You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The SaneGo to Top of Page

Junior Member

132 Posts
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 :  04:28:11
I like tradition so I will have to go "rainbow" on this. I think Jobs is nuts for the change. I just know two years from now he will institute another change.

Me no likey...Jobs...

Me likey...Woz!

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2899 Posts
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 :  06:41:57

I like tradition so I will have to go "rainbow" on this. I think Jobs is nuts for the change. I just know two years from now he will institute another change.

Me no likey...Jobs...

Me likey...Woz!

amen! but i'll give turtleneck credit for putting an additional slot on a lineup with no differentiation at the mobo level, i think that might be a first! at the time i thought woz musta snuck back in because my 466 will take all the same upgrade goodies as the fastest machine they sold in that generation, i snapped one up before i' d have to buy one that couldn't run OS 9. but the weasel only put 1 each 5.25" & 3.5" bays in a volume where 3 5.25" half heights ought to be. the case is very cool in many ways, but it's HUGE for a mid tower and i've got a slimline desktop PC case with TWICE as many removable drive bays and a bigger PSU, that's TERRIBLE industrial design! anything that size has to be able to accomodate removable drive trays and AT LEAST one ROM drive at the same time, a ROM/ZIP only box is pathetic.

so me still no likey that style over substance pushin' turtleneck wearin' weasel, woz wouldn't have done that and i still think jobs would benifit from it if the woz came back and kicked his sorry @$$.


. . . . .now i'm ready to kick his sorry ass, the son of a ***** relegated all pre 97 spec information to the knowledgebase! you have to freakin' sign in to look up a 68k! THAT *********** ************* SON OF A *****!

back again: sorry, i got so upset that i forgot to say that i've never actually seen one apple logo on a macine that could look appreciably better if replaced by another style. the 3d-"rainbow" (roy g. biv should kick that putz'z ass too, btw) is my favorite, but platinum is my favorite so comparisons are moot, imho. *i really had meant to make an on-topic comment*

Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 04 Mar 2002 07:48:13Go to Top of Page

Junior Member

132 Posts
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 :  14:54:28
Actually I think Woz has an office at Apple or should I say shrine because I think he is never there. The last time I talked to him he only adivised some things...this was on his website awhile back. I wish he had more hands on input. Circuit City has dropped the Apple last week. I went to the certified Apple reseller and he still has not even seen a demo Imac (desklamp)...he was pissed. It is getting real hard to find anything Apple on the southside of Indy. I seem to have more stuff on hand than the resellers. I am pulling for the new reseller ie. MacSelect on the southside but Apple better start shipping units to him fast. All he has is a few Imac DVs.

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Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 :  18:16:28
Apparently the low end model is 2-3 weeks from shipping... I want mine NOW!

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
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