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Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2002 : 15:42:07
Oh my!Quadra 810 dana
2899 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2002 : 16:57:20
Oh my!Quadra 810
bananadana u b ding-dong! LOL! jt 
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2002 : 17:21:48
Hmmm...if that was real, it would make a very cool SCSI tower.-------------------- FireWire is fast General, 4 star beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2002 : 17:47:23
Hmmm...if that was real, it would make a very cool SCSI tower.
my thought exactly, but figured somebody else would make it so i kept silly message short. that's really cool this time vrhackmaniac, i think it's your best yet, i love it, would be an awsome new home for a pb mobo, might even be big enough for a duo dock hack!jt: in awe of your prodigous pixellating efforts. 
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2002 : 19:50:12
I've gotta hand it to you, dana, you sure can handle yourself with photoshop. This is great!{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 3, under Firewire's qualifications } { My baby: Q660av } |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2002 : 00:28:44
whoa, look like someone ran over it with a truck!Kinda reminds me of the first mobile phone I owned. It was one of the 'bricks', but became a slimeline phone after being run over.... 68k MLA ParaMedic |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2002 : 07:32:20
whoa, look like someone ran over it with a truck!Kinda reminds me of the first mobile phone I owned. It was one of the 'bricks', but became a slimeline phone after being run over....
cool! accordianed sidepanels and treadmarks on the top-plate! popping up from completely flat and scampering after the truck (or steamroller) on its stumpy little quadra peds!jt 
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 20 Feb 2002 : 07:41:33
A nice pic, Dana!~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 02 Mar 2002 : 04:46:26
I saw this on the ScreenSavers, cute thing great for Rhapsody and linuX. Though it strangly recembles a Quadra 810... Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Macs Liberated:16 I love macs, macs love me, lets go blow up some PeeCee's. With a Power surge we'll fry their Circutry.
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 : 06:53:53
Dana,I reccomend finding a graphics house in need of a Photoshop could be quite valuable to them! Either way, great work, and keep all the Fakeintoshes coming!  -------------------------- Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 5 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 : 07:22:02
I saw this on the ScreenSavers, cute thing great for Rhapsody and linuX. Though it strangly recembles a Quadra 810...
great find, Ti!<RANT MODE> i was just posting about this kind of thing, look at the size of that box, it's got EXACTLY the same removable drive capacity as a top of the line mac! the quicksilvers are THREE freakin' times the volume of that thing and the morons at apple can't manage to fit in one more ROM bay! the arrogance of that turtlnecked putz is simply amazing! no wonder the whole world thinks that macs are toys, we are NEVER going to hit a 10% market share! has there EVER been a mac with an EXTRA 5.25" removeable bay that would have given us the luxury of using a sound-blaster bay mounted breakout box? no wonder there have never been drivers for sound, graphics accelerator or all-in-wonder cards for the mac! i HATE that ignorant arrogant self-serving weasel, from day one he has tried to force his pathetic narrow vision of stylish closed-system computing down our throats, it should NOT be a struggle to get a mac to do all the things that are so easy (in terms of hardware expansion) in the PC world. since his hissy fit over the killy clip mods of the 128k thru the childish removal of the mezzanine slot that was the most important feature of the bondi's, jobs has done his best to feed his need to feel cool and superior to the PC using masses from the blood sweat and tears of his loyal customers. if mac users really wanted pretty machines without expansion options, why did he have to shut down the clonemakers or pull the plug on the cube? because mac users DON'T want style at the cost of function and expandability! </RANT MODE> NOT A HUMBLE OPINION, i'm ready to rumble, anybody ready to argue the point? jt >8-| Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 04 Mar 2002 07:36:53 |
911 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 : 09:37:16
Actually... I WILL argue that rant.In what way are G4 towers NOT expandable? Sure, they come with 3 open PCI slots....which is the same as most Wintel clones that consumers buy. Granted, you can always buy mobo's with 6 slots. Macs were the first to come with FireWire as standard product, and even now you can find many many Wintel clones that don't have FireWire ports. Apple pushed the envelope by switching over to a USB and FireWire based extrernal device structure, whereas most PCs still use PS/2, Serial, and Parralel ports. But you ask WHY the PCs are like this? Because of Windows. Windows cannot operate on a system soley powerd by USB. If it can't use a serial or PS2 port, it freaks. Now, this is Win98 we're talking about here. I'm not certain what the status is on 2000/XP. I know ME was this way. You seem to say that Mac users don't have high powered sound systems at their disposal. You mention the sound blaster breakout box, and sound drivers. There is one contest to this: QuickTIme. Mac users don't NEED a SoundBlaster XG to get a full set of MIDI XG voices. It's in QuickTime. Need to do advanced sound compression and wave analysis? You need a programme that provides an interface to (you guessed it) QuickTime. If Macs had such a dismal offering of sound eqiupment that you say, then Moby, Nine Inch Nails, IceT, the 2002 Winter Olympic games, Madonna, and U2 couldn't be useing Macs to produce their work. But they do, and they swear by them. Graphic acceleration? All-In-Wonder cards? Who's fault is that? It'snot Apple's. Apple doesn't write the drivers for 3rd party equipment. Closed system? Since Job's return, it's been anything but. Apple computers used to use the following: ADB DB-15 video 8 pin Serial Apple-Only drive sleds HD-45 video Amplified Audio In NuBus PDS (variable by model!) And what are these? These are non-standards. These are 3rd party manufacturers haveing to make one version of the hardware for Macs, and one for Windows. That's expensive. What do Macs use now? AGP PCI USB IEEE 1394 (FireWire) SVGA ADC Ok... ADC connectors are proprietary. But the rest? They are industry standards. All it takes is the 3rd party makers to write drivers, and bingo, they have a product that sells for both platforms. In the end, what are modern Macs? Open. Standard hardware, easy access. I can think of several PC makers that could learn a few lessons from Apple regarding exactly how to make a system userfriendly from a expansion perspective, and to play nice witht he rest of the computing world. ~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head [i]-Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
911 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 : 09:41:47
Ok.. it was cute for a while, but I think we need to be able to type win dows without it being starred out...~Marchie |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 : 11:49:12
Actually... I WILL argue that rant.In what way are G4 towers NOT expandable?
i'm glad you decided to, marchie. that zip bay is a waste of enough bezel real estate for a second ROM drive or a removable drive tray setup, in an era of incredibly inexpensive ide drives that have overtaken all but incredibly expensive SCSI drives in performance, this is a serious deficiency in design and the empty volume above the ROM is an abomination. the four internal bays are very nicely done, if a little meagre in terms of the pc world, but a well designed color/style consistent drive tray system would be tailor mad for an era of multiple OS requirements and and for backup.
Sure, they come with 3 open PCI slots....which is the same as most Wintel clones that consumers buy. Granted, you can always buy mobo's with 6 slots.
exactly, just the minimum, the first time they added a slot to the lineup, i bought my first neew mac since the Q630. granted, the mac had the first implementation of a local bus, but the pds specs chopped up a market that was already too small due to the dearth of standardised slots in general. i have a couple of boxes full of i/o cards for pc's and apple couldn't even make the third one they built into the 630 functional. they got a huge black eye from their own customers for that fiasco. the parallel port is something that should have been on the the SE and every mac made since. lack of support of a third or fourth serial port on a machine with one and a half (appletalk is nice for some things by mungs up half your available i/o) and requires serial printers is downright stupid.
Macs were the first to come with FireWire as standard product, and even now you can find many many Wintel clones that don't have FireWire ports. Apple pushed the envelope by switching over to a USB and FireWire based extrernal device structure, whereas most PCs still use PS/2, Serial, and Parralel ports. But you ask WHY the PCs are like this? Because of Windows. Windows cannot operate on a system soley powerd by USB. If it can't use a serial or PS2 port, it freaks. Now, this is Win98 we're talking about here. I'm not certain what the status is on 2000/XP. I know ME was this way.
adding either one or scsi or multiple modems to a pc is a matter of buying an inexpensive card as was the addition of com ports 3 and four and lpt 2 all on one card that cost 15-20 bucks and had a game port on it to boot! i looked at four of em in the box with my rocket yesterday (ever priced a hurdler card? have you ever even SEEN one?) and PC users have ALWAYS had the slots to spare. game, set, match: PC
You seem to say that Mac users don't have high powered sound systems at their disposal. You mention the sound blaster breakout box, and sound drivers. There is one contest to this: QuickTIme.Mac users don't NEED a SoundBlaster XG to get a full set of MIDI XG voices. It's in QuickTime. Need to do advanced sound compression and wave analysis? You need a programme that provides an interface to (you guessed it) QuickTime. If Macs had such a dismal offering of sound eqiupment that you say, then Moby, Nine Inch Nails, IceT, the 2002 Winter Olympic games, Madonna, and U2 couldn't be useing Macs to produce their work. But they do, and they swear by them.
i wasn't clear enough, the mac has lots of wonderful high end stuff at higher prices for all kinds of content development. my point was that entry and mid range offerings are dismal. quicktime has become a wonderful software environment, but the magazines noticed and noted that the sound blaster doughtercard for the LC630/DOS setup was better sound hardware than that found on macs. what they failed to note was that early sound cards also came with the SCSI interfaces for CD's and that the standardization of hardware left mac game development and compatibility in the dust. The G-4's sound hardware doesn't seem up to what it should be, but i don't really do sound so i could very well be wrong about the present lineup. my main point is that nobody does that kid of breakout box development for the mac because they CAN'T, there's never any place to put it and we end up with hydra cables on overly expensive equipment.
Graphic acceleration? All-In-Wonder cards? Who's fault is that? It'snot Apple's. Apple doesn't write the drivers for 3rd party equipment. Closed system? Since Job's return, it's been anything but. Apple computers used to use the following: ADB DB-15 video 8 pin Serial Apple-Only drive sleds HD-45 video Amplified Audio In NuBus PDS (variable by model!) And what are these? These are non-standards. These are 3rd party manufacturers haveing to make one version of the hardware for Macs, and one for Windows. That's expensive. What do Macs use now? AGP PCI USB IEEE 1394 (FireWire) SVGA ADC Ok... ADC connectors are proprietary. But the rest? They are industry standards. All it takes is the 3rd party makers to write drivers, and bingo, they have a product that sells for both platforms. In the end, what are modern Macs? Open. Standard hardware, easy access. I can think of several PC makers that could learn a few lessons from Apple regarding exactly how to make a system userfriendly from a expansion perspective, and to play nice witht he rest of the computing world.
i'll agree with you on most of the above, but more slots, bays and the power to use them needs to be provided, they are improving and i bought a new machine when they did. but jobs brought out the first unexpandables and went crazy when people figured out how to create their own pds and use it. he did the same thing when griffin figured out how to wedge excellent video into the mezzanine slot and had it yanked from the spec like a petulent child. run the numbers for rev's A & B resale values as compared the the candy-ass iMacs, NO CONTEST! and which rev will be the classic hackers choice when your kids set up the ppcmla, you guessed it: bondi blue/mezzanine inside, the others don't have anywhere near the potential. removing serial and adb was a big mistake in my opinion, but it's working out ok for us and better for the pc crowd, we took the arrows in the face again and the dark lord had learned the lesson of the win95 fiasco: watch the mac's errors and strikeouts at least as closely as its home runs. they should have paid more attention to the agony of the system 7 transition the first time around, the mordorsoft take on X will be far more palatable to early adopters than 95 was or X is now (which is much better than 7 btw).my wrist hurts, you have the floor. i like a good debate, thanks, marchie! jt 
Junior Member

132 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 : 15:20:41
Call me a heretic but I like Mac X OS and Windows XP. I fit the compuer and operating system to the job. Apple has had it's share more than most on hardware design pitfalls. Not than Wintel machines have not...remember the FPU fiasco on the early Pentium chips. The old Apple OS 7.1 and 8.1 specifically beat any of the Windows variants of the day Win 3.1 even through Win 95. Apple always seem to have a penchant for weird choices in memory design, underpowered power supplies and as Trash pointed out, leaving out drive bays on certain models. At the same time they made some real winners. I still love my Quadra 610. The Mac SE 30's are still as neat as they ever were. I do scratch my head over Color Classics and all the motherboard swaps ppl are doing. The beige G3's are still a great value and are very upgradeable. I don't see anyone fighting over Packard Bell's, old Compaq Deskpros and IBM 8088's. Yet Apple owners are still finding uses for their older machines and are part of the family. That should speak volumes. Apple marketing sucks...Apple owners survive in spite of it. Five years from now we will be talking up the then "old" Imacs and how wonderful they
2899 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2002 : 15:44:12
Call me a heretic but I like Mac X OS and Windows XP. I fit the compuer and operating system to the job.
that's not herecy, that's smart! pick your apps then your computer, if you're lucky you can even CHOOSE the platform. more likely than not you can't. Win 3.0 was the BEST OS of the day for design at the time of its release, CorelDraw's feature set was head and shoulders above that of Illustrator and Freehand at the time, sometimes i'm not entirely convinced that they have caught up now, but the mac market isn't really worth the the investment of development resources for them to fully exploit it, which should speak volumes to the hard core wintel bashers, but doesn't seem to.
I don't see anyone fighting over Packard Bell's, old Compaq Deskpros and IBM 8088's. Yet Apple owners are still finding uses for their older machines and are part of the family. That should speak volumes. Apple marketing sucks...Apple owners survive in spite of it.
actually, i used a 386sx25 clone for my fax server until its drive couldn't deal with being enslaved to a mac for one more day. if babypb hadn't been replaced by a 230 as my quicken machine i'd probably still be using a clone. that's another thing, i got a fax card almost two years (maybe a little over one it's kinda hazy) before the first faxmodems came out for the mac! lots of people keep dedicated game pc's for older flight sims and such, or our kids would never let them near the primary machine and to have something to use most of the tome anyway!
Five years from now we will be talking up the then "old" Imacs and how wonderful they
yep, and like i said it'll be the bondi's with the slots in 'em at the top of the list. if anybody wants to be a hero, find one of the griffin cards and put it away for your kidand maybe a second one for yourself in between!jt 