the 190 and 5300 are muuch smaller than the 3400/Kanga aren't they?(Remember, the 3400 has a much larger screen, and the *subwoofer* the 190 and 5300 didn't have room for that stuff )
Other than that, I'm sure that it'd be possible to do something... It'd be interesting to see how they do compare in size, maybe to see if the difference in size isn't really that great, (iff'n the 190 only has like, one bay or something, vs. a 3400 having dual bays... in which case I can see something good happening
Of course, it would be interesting to see a Duo-like "bottom attachment" for the 190, maybe a right angle scsi adaptor and some well-placed magnets or something(like velcro), then, you'd have much room for extra stuff.
Another idea, would be to extend the entire body of the 190cs, and see if you couldn't add in a 3400 style drivebay as well as some "extra batteries" or something down there. It would be huge, and hot, and heavy, and probably awkward, but you'd have an ÜberCD-PowerBook (It'd have to be a PowerBook 300 series ) with a very long battery life.
Of course, I have no idea how you'd go about interfacing some of that stuff, unless you could solder some stuff to the motherboard, or take an expansion bay connector a bit farther down the line, into the new section of the case.
Unless, of course, ML5 is right, and the 190 and the 3400 are similar in size, and you can just pop the cd drive in there no problemo.
I, of course, have never seen a 190 or 5300 or 3400 in real life before, so I wouldn't be able to tell you.
(I think someone named cory needs some sleep, to go off rambling like that)
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