Well, I went to the store the other day and picked up some of those new Mr. Clean magic eraser things and thought hey, these would be great for removing scuff marks from poor little scuffed up Macs and guess what - they work pretty good! How was that for a nice long sentense? Anyway, it takes a little scrubbing, but the deep scuff marks in my 6400/180 came completely out. What they do even more amazingly is remove the way-down dirt that gets into the textured surface of Mac.
Believe it or not, I think they also take out yellowing (
), but I don't have any really yellowed Macs so I can't be too sure, but I know it took out some yellowing from a monitor I've got.
I also removed scuff marks in a PACE soldering station too without hurting the paint! The box says it may scratch delecate surfaces, though. I also noticed that it leaves a slight white haze in whatever you scrub, but it comes right out with a damp rag to leave the surface looking as good as new!
Btw, I meant to post about the 6400/180. It had a great fall from the storage shed.
It was in the front on top of a PS/2 Model 60 Tower and a TV set that was percariously balanced above fell on it and pushed it into the louvered door. So when I went to open up the storage shed, there was a slight resistance on the door. So I was like what the heck? and forced it open and there went the 6400/180 flying out onto the pavement and the TV right behind it. The PS/2 was alright and just had its front cover knocked off and a tab on one of the bezels broke off. A little Krazy Glue will fix that. The poor little 6400/180 however was left with black and white scuff marks all over it and some unidentified pieces rattling around inside. 
I took it home to test it and it started up fine (phew) but froze on the starting Mac OS logo screen. I got it to boot from a CD and read floppies, so it looks like the hard drive is the only thing that got ruined. It's like really slow to read files now, but strangely enough they're all there. That's besides the freezing on boot. Also, the little tabs on one side of the CD-ROM's sled that hold it to the case broke off. All but one Krazy Glued back on so there's nothing wrong with it now. A new hard drive and all will be well. 
The Lightning Stalker
Performa 631CD, 7.5.5
LC III Mail Server
6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV
7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 4G, 9.2.2
Beige G3/266 ATX Tower
Lady Smith Apples:
Apple IIc 5.25"
2 Apple IIe
Edited by - The Lightning Stalker on 08 Dec 2003 16:23:31