PLEASE take them off my hands!I've got several older Macs that I would like to find good homes for.
1) Performa 475, 24M RAM, 250M HD, NIC, OS 8(clean install)- $20
2) Mac IIci, 48M RAM, ??? HD, NIC, Running A/UX - Apple's Old UNIX implementation - $25
3) Performa 6205 --More info pending
4) Visioneer PaperPort mx document scanner, power cable, SCSI-->Serial adapter, original software - $20 OBO (i saw them listed on eBay for $35+)
5) Apple //c + ET Monitor, extra floppy, and lots of disks - Make a reasonable offer
6) PM7200/90 BareBones, Dead PS. $10 (i'll remove the dead power supply before shipping)
all are coming from area code 53212 and I'll ship anyway you want.
Mac Pacifist
current collection:
(1) Mac Plus | (1) Q650 CD |(1) P6115
(1) P6215 |(1) PM7600 | (1)G4 MDD DP
(1) N2100 (1) Duo280c