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516 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 11:51:48
How many people here @ 68kMLA are interested in cameras and photagraphy?I ask because i'm thinking about starting a discussion forum for cameras, a "vintage camera liberation army" of sorts... is there any interest in something like that? ________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 12:12:57
I own a couple of old cameras, but I kinda lost interest in that a while ago. They're not necessarily vintage either. One is a Yahsika SRT-101 and the other 2 are Pentax Asahi. One is A mini 110 SLR and the other a 35mm SLR.The Lightning Stalker Performa 631CD, 7.5.5 LC III Mail Server Q610 Q650 6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV 7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 4G, 9.2.2 Beige G3/266 ATX Tower Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc 5.25" 2 Apple IIe |
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 12:35:38
i have close to 50 cameras, my favorites being my Canon AE-1 SLR and Yashica Electro 35 GSN rangefinder... I also have several Polaroid Swingers :D google those, they're cool. ________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. |
Junior Member

257 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 14:12:43
I like photography through vintage cameras. . .nothing super vintage through. . .just an Asahi like TLS and some polaroids. I am more interested in super-8 film. I have a Technicolor Mark Ten and a bunch of projectors. Kind of expensive, but so worth it when you have a finished film!_____________________________________________ I have a problem with vintage electronics. . .I am working on it. Performa 630CD,Performa637CD,Centris 610,Quadra 630,Quadra 950,Quadra 605,SE,8500/180,G3,Giant 80mb SCSI HD,Giant 100mb SCSI HD |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 15:41:27
I like photography, both old and new. I probably have about a dozen cameras of which maybe half are functional (my favorites are a Minolta 16Ps, an Olympus OM-4Ti and a Minolta Dimage 7). Currently I am only taking digital piccies, although I still have a few rolls of 35 mm film in the freezer.I would not call my relationship with old cameras anything like vintage liberations. Rather, I buy old cameras (anything under $2 is my motto) and take them apart to see how they work. I especially like rangefinder mechanisms, zoom lenses, and old exposure automation systems. I guess that makes me a vintage camera vivisectionist.  G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 18:40:04
Photography is my one line of work/hobby that I enjoy best, even before Computers.I have yet to price out a good SLR, I know a few pawn shops that might carry some old ones which will work just great for me. 
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2003 : 20:45:16
quote: I am more interested in super-8 film.
Super-8 is cool. I have a small projector but only a couple of films of me from when I was a kid. Even if I did have a camera, I don't know where I would get the film and get it developed.quote: Rather, I buy old cameras (anything under $2 is my motto) and take them apart to see how they work.
I hear you all the way, G4. Once I took apart a 50mm lens and messed up the focus in the process. To fix it, I just measured an object exactly 5 feet away, set the focus ring to 5' and moved the innermost lens around until it was clear. Some of those parts sure are small. Makes you feel like a watchmaker or something.  I got out of photography because in order to take good pictures, you need serotonin. Something I lost a long time ago. And when I do get it, it's not natural. The Lightning Stalker Performa 631CD, 7.5.5 LC III Mail Server Q610 Q650 6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV 7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 4G, 9.2.2 Beige G3/266 ATX Tower Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc 5.25" 2 Apple IIe Edited by - The Lightning Stalker on 27 Nov 2003 20:55:09 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2003 : 00:51:22
I like photography through vintage cameras. . .nothing super vintage through. . .just an Asahi like TLS and some polaroids. I am more interested in super-8 film. I have a Technicolor Mark Ten and a bunch of projectors. Kind of expensive, but so worth it when you have a finished film!
I once had a Kodak Ektar something or other. It seems to have been a very interesting piece of technology, I am saddened that I didn't keep it. Especially, since from what I hear, 8 mm movie projectors (I was offered to like, just take several of them one day, and am still sad that I didn't) are pretty common (around here obviously...) However, I couldn't find any film, and didn't at that time know that it may have been something that could have been beneficial in the future. I do remember reading through the pamphlet that was in the box with it... all those people watching those movies on those projectors, in color... they looked pretty happy. (/me is off to ponder movie projectors for awhile) Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2003 : 01:34:41
How many people here @ 68kMLA are interested in cameras and photagraphy?
Sort of. I'm a complete newbie to it all, and pop my useful pics up online, but my total photographic experience is about 2 months or so. (I don't count the quicktake, really) dana

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2003 : 02:14:59
oh, photography as well.I am very interested in starting with digital photography. Just tonight, I started with Adobe Illustrator, so I can't imagine that digital photography should be too much more challanging, especially considering that it's a much point and click operation (literally) I also hope to have my own photographic exploitations shared on the web eventually. (As well as my experimentations with Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Adobe photoshop and other such graphic programs. Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Junior Member

344 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2003 : 05:53:26
I fixed up an old minolta something-or-other SLR for my sister to use in photography class. The biggest problem was finding a replacement light meter battery, since the original is a 1.4 (?) volt mercury battery. Those are not made anymore, but I found an adaptor that converts a 1.5 volt silver battery to 1.4 volt output, and keeps a stable discharge curve.It came with several lenses, a macro lens, telephoto, and a zoom lens. We got the whole thing for $100. I like fixing the cameras up, but I don't know anything about using an SLR. Artillery Commander/Engineer, 68kMLA Liberated: LCII , III+, IIci, Q700, 800, and 840av, P550, 410 Contraband: Beige G3/300 MT o/c 400mhz, (2) 6100's Hotline mirror server: 
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2003 : 06:53:47
quote: I got out of photography because in order to take good pictures, you need serotonin. Something I lost a long time ago. And when I do get it, it's not natural.
You don't need steady hands to be a good photographer, just a tripod. A lot of pro photographers swear that tripods help them take better pictures. A tripod slows down the process and really forces you to think about composition and framing.G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2003 : 12:40:08
I have several 8mm cameras too, mostly Kodak Brownies but I have an original Kodak Cine-8 too! its very cool. So, if I started a firum for photography discussion, would anybody go there? ________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. |
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 01 Dec 2003 : 15:10:27
just thought id announce this in this thread:I got an Argus C3! Yaay! i love it! ________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. |
New Member
60 Posts |
Posted - 02 Dec 2003 : 00:39:54
The oldest I've got would have to be a Zenit-E, don't use it as I think it has a light leak or something.____________________________ Classic, LC, LC II, LCIII, Q605, Mac IIsi, Mac IIci, Duo 230, Duo 250, Duo Dock II. |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 02 Dec 2003 : 12:20:37
I would not call my relationship with old cameras anything like vintage liberations. Rather, I buy old cameras (anything under $2 is my motto) and take them apart to see how they work. I especially like rangefinder mechanisms, zoom lenses, and old exposure automation systems. I guess that makes me a vintage camera vivisectionist. 
* faints dead away*  Actually, I used to collect professional level Rangefinders/Lenses!
I did tear down and assemble a good unit from two non-functional F36 motor drives and rebuilt a cordless battery pack for my early Nikon F collection though. For the longest time I had what you probably have to call an extreme contrarian/reactionary/elitist attitude about cameras. I refused to own zoom lenses or anything with a battery in it (except electronic flashes and motor drives of course! ) until I finally broke down and bought a remaindered Nimslo 3-D Camera and then a Gossen Luna Pro SBC (humongous battery powered hand held light meter) the only camera I owned that had a battery/meter in it was my Olympus XA. Everything I owned were completely manual cameras with sets of fixed focal length lenses, used with compact hand held selenium cell (generate their own current) light meters! I LOVE photography using vintage cameras and lenses!  jt . Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 02 Dec 2003 12:28:33 |