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3 Posts
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 :  20:15:26
Most likely by Friday I will know if I can pick up a 5200/LC (ppc I know...), 2 LC 520's, and a few Mac Classics for free. I'm rubbing my lucky Apple Pro Mouse...

I didn't want to start too many topics and clutter things up, so I will ask here: Why does Mactracker list the LC520's max OS as 7.6.1 instead of 8.1? Is it because 520 only has an '030 processor? What kind of upgrades are available?

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 :  22:00:06
Yes, the maximum OS is 7.6.1, and even though 8.1 can be tricked to run on there, its probably not something you want to do unless you like staring at spinning watch icons. There are a ton of upgrades available for this machine, including logic board upgrades (some are drop ins, others require hacking). The RAM is upgradable to 36 megs, by dropping in a 32 meg 72 pin SIMM. Make sure the SIMM is single sided, otherwise it won't fit. You can replace the logic board with one from an LC550, or (most preferably) a LC575 logic board. Depending on the one you get, you'll end up with either a 33 Mhz 68030 or 68LC040 respectively. The 2x caddy loading internal CD ROM may be starting to annoy you, but unless your internal CD ROM drive is tray loading, there is no way to upgrade the internal drive without replacing the chassis, because the chassis is only designed to take the 300 caddy loading drive. If you want a better CD ROM, you'd be better off just getting an external drive. Also, there is, unfortunately, no way to get a resolution above 640x480 because the internal screen doesnt support it. You can replace the logic board with one from a PowerPC, but it requires a lot of hacking, which you probably don't want to try. Anyway, thats it, and if you need any help, just ask.


Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!!

Warrior maclover5
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