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911 Posts
Posted - 11 Feb 2002 :  20:03:24
an internal memo was leaked form Radio Shack. All CueCat bar code readers are to be destroyed.

so if you don;t have one, GO ASAP and get one.

I'm going tomorrow and seeing if I can get a dozen.


~Chaplain Marchie
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
Holder of the Compact Mac Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head

~~"We are all Mad here."~~

Guerrilla Recon Leader

2965 Posts
Posted - 11 Feb 2002 :  21:07:14
I've seen those stupid things in thrift stores for 50 cents. They were a big joke on RTMark and in Wired when they came out, too.

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2899 Posts
Posted - 11 Feb 2002 :  21:27:44

I've seen those stupid things in thrift stores for 50 cents. They were a big joke on RTMark and in Wired when they came out, too.

There are tons of links to cool hacks and software for them over on the dark side. I've had one in a drawer for a while but haven't looked for Mac hacks/drivers yet, has anyone done so already?


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LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 12 Feb 2002 :  03:47:30
Forgive my ignorance/stupidity/dumbness, but what is a "CueCat barcode reader"?


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Warrior maclover5
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FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 12 Feb 2002 :  06:54:47
It's a little device that reads bar codes...

FireWire is fast
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308 Posts
Posted - 12 Feb 2002 :  07:30:20
If I remember correctly they plug into the PS/2 port on a PC. A few of the Powermac clones had PS/2 ports and there was an app floating around for a while for Mac that would read the input from a Cuecat and put it in the clipboard.

68k Macintosh Liberation Army
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Guerrilla Recon Leader

2965 Posts
Posted - 12 Feb 2002 :  09:37:26
They were supposed to be this revolutionary device for reading URL's from barcodes to get a website with information about the product that the barcode appeared on, and also to use as high-tech business cards/resumes/etc. Although all the one's I've ever seen were PS/2, I'm almost positive that there was a USB version made, though it may be significantly rarer.

They failed mostly because they debuted on what became the tail end of the dot-com burst, and have thusly gone the way of optical floppy disks and iOpeners.

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2899 Posts
Posted - 12 Feb 2002 :  13:07:36

They were supposed to be this revolutionary device for reading URL's from barcodes to get a website with information about the product that the barcode appeared on......

Actually, they were given away free to dupe people into sending the information about what they were interested directly into the databases of the company who came up with this revoultionary self-invasion of privacy schems.

They failed mostly because they debuted on what became the tail end of the dot-com burst, and have thusly gone the way of optical floppy disks and iOpeners.

Actually, they failed mostly because it was a fairly transparent ploy and REALLY stupid internet bubble business "plan". The pc hardware geeks figured out how to give them all the same addresses or disable the addressing completely, and in short order the software geeks trotted out drivers and apps for the free hardware.

The other stuff was smoke blown up the . . . . . er . . . .i/o ports of the investment community and the vulture capitalists by the CPA, MBA, Investment Banker and other assorted weazel-geeks. They even tried to make like they weren' giving them away, they were licensing them! RShack had already printed sales receipts for most of them!

Revenge of the techno-nerds!

btw: there are lists of hardware, free for the taking, from companies (many deceased) with such business "plans". those geeks on the dark side may be deluded regarding os's, and MHz, but when it comes to hackin' hardware and writin' drivers and apps for patches-on-hacks-of-kluges, we got a lot to learn from them!

IMHO, of course!

Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 12 Feb 2002 13:10:57Go to Top of Page

Guerrilla Recon Leader

2965 Posts
Posted - 12 Feb 2002 :  15:27:49
Oh yeah, that too! Sorry, I forgot the whoel RTMark expose, it's been so long...well, not that long, but maybe I wasn't paying enough attention...

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1282 Posts
Posted - 12 Feb 2002 :  20:57:02
I just called the local RaidoShack and they already sent them off to the junk yard! I'll call tomorrow to some other ones near me....


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Junior Member

308 Posts
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 :  07:21:45
I had to go to Radio Shack anyway to get a power supply for my mp3 player so I asked the clerk if they had any cuecats left. He said they had already gotten rid of them. Maybe time to do some dumpster diving...

68k Macintosh Liberation Army
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911 Posts
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 :  15:59:44
As mentioned, thre are many other uses for the CueCats. Especially if you are into hardware hacking, or running Mac OS X (easier to get at some device level controls)

Regardless, I now have somewhere around 80-100 CueCats. If you want any, give me a tip at marchie@mac.com


~Chaplain Marchie
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
Holder of the Compact Mac Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head

~~"We are all Mad here."~~Go to Top of Page

Junior Member

308 Posts
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 :  17:28:13
Are they the PS/2 ones or the USB models.

68k Macintosh Liberation Army
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2899 Posts
Posted - 13 Feb 2002 :  18:46:06

I now have somewhere around 80-100 CueCats. If you want any, give me a tip at marchie@mac.com

~~"We are all Mad here."~~

* D****T! now I'm mad anyway! better be a good sport! . . . . . WHY? . . . . . act grownup now, jt . . . . . . . .grr, g*****m plastic fish! *

Nice haul, Marchie, way to go!

*grumble, grumble,*

I managed to get six tonight! *bfd! and they're all ps-2's who gives a rodent's rump! . . . . . . . . now, now, act like a big boy! *

congratulations, comrade,

*there, didn't that feel better tha . . . . . . . . .aaaarrrrgh!*

* starts to look online for a plastic cat . . . . . ! . . . . wonders if cue cats like fish . . . . . grinnnnnnnnns! *

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