It's later, and I'm posting a bit more.I'm going to ask tomorrow probably if we're even doing that chapter in the book (it's got menus, and using a database) and if we're not, I'll just have to bring myself home with a bunch of motivation, and use RealBasic to do that stuff.
I've been thinking about trying to use RealBasic for more things anyway. One thing I've been wanting to try to do with RealBasic, is make a Novell NetWare like system (but better!) that lets you control who uses different computers. I'm actually planning it more for OS7/8/9, but I bet that it can be implemented easily on 3.x/9x as well.
One thing that I'm actually thinking of now for that program, would be for one mac to run a database with all of the users, and their preferrences (so's you can have individual preferrences on any given mac) and then, each of the users on any given workstation connected to, and configured to use a certain server, will type in their name/password and the system will authenticate it.
I'm certain that it's possible, and I've even gotten some great interface ideas, I just need to help myself implement it more.
First, I'm going to see if there's a way I can make multiple programs use one database (an administration, a client, and a server program) and then I need to figure out how to easily make the client do what I want. After that, it's free sailing, just need to make the program that serves it.
The database can *PROBABLY* be run on any given 68k with MySQL, which mean that the server might be an A/UX machine.
Any ideas, comments, questions?
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