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Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 10 Feb 2002 : 16:34:13
Anyway, Im a super poor student and Im looking for any one (or all) or the following HDI cables for my PowerBook 160 : A HDI-Ethernet converter A HDI-SCSI converter A SCSI CD drive A monitor converter cable, so i can get an external monitorI have like $0, but I think I could fork out $22 for all of the above mentioned. I was really hoping somone would be lookin to donate some of this stuff to schools, but would be willing to donate em to me. If your interested in selling any of the above for a low price (exept the cd drive, you would need to have the scsi converter too) email me at exept remove the toad part DIE SPIDERS!!!!!! Hopefully somone can help me, I would be really thankful, as these cables go for a load on ebay. Tito
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 22 Feb 2002 : 13:02:37
common people! plz help me!!! tito also, any hdi cables AT ALL!!!!!!!!!! video, whatever, I have NOTHING
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 22 Feb 2002 : 13:13:48
I have a 4x Apple CD-ROM. It's pesently internal, but I think I still have all the pieces to the external case it originally came in.I also have one of those external video adapters (looks like this). I also have an HDI-30 to C-50 cable, but I kinda need it. Well, I will eventually, anyway.  If I can figure out how much shipping would be, I can give you a price! 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! Edited by - cinemafia on 22 Feb 2002 13:14:51 Edited by - cinemafia on 22 Feb 2002 13:16:15 |
Starting Member
28 Posts |
Posted - 22 Feb 2002 : 22:32:58
I have stuff but it would have to be a pick up in Maine!"Holy crap! A Mac can do that!"-Every PC user I talk to |
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 11:39:15
Damn, maine....thats about as far away from Hawaii as you can get. Hmm... Well, my zipper is 96755. How much for the vid adapter? You could probably cram it in a 32 cent envelope... (wait, are stamps still 32 cents?) Interesting...well, I think Ill wait till I get ahold of a SCSI adapter (since your not selling yours) (wait, this is the one that allows external devices, and theres a diff one for scsi disk mode?) before I buy a CD drv. Also, anyone know how to take apart these models of PB's?? Look at my new post, titled 'hard drives and such' (ill post it in a few minutes) My science teacher hooked me up with a pb 150, and a pb 145, (already have a 160). However, I crapped up my floppy in my 160, so how can I take a floppy out of the other ones and put it in the '60. Also, the 150 is missing its HD (no wonder it was so light! :) ) anyway, ill continue this in the other topicMacaphile, are you sure you couldnt mail me the stuff? even if i payed shipping? Tito 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 11:44:15
Well, Hawaii is more than the standard 34 cents, plus the video adapter is more than 2 ounces, anyway. I could definitely get it to you for $5 even, though.Oh yeah, and to open the PB you need a Torx size t-8 screwdriver, preferrably a non-magnetic one!  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! |
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 11:51:00
Do you have any extra of those screwdrives? I bet THOSE would fit in an envelope ;) Tito
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 12:21:29
I only have one, and I need it. Plus, I paid too much for it. I think if you go to a local hardware store they should have 'em cheap, though.666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! |
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 14:57:57
ok,cool, cool i just picked up the 145, and its really cool. The 50 doesnt have many ports, but the 45 has as many as my 60. It feels heavy enough to have a hard drive too! yay! Tito anyone have extra harddrives? adapters?

Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 15:09:06
I believe I have a 320MB 2.5" SCSI drive that's not either dead or being used, and I could let that go for $10.666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! |
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 17:56:38
Cool, yea, definintely. Just wait a few weeks, by then I should be able to make $10. Howabout I pay $12 for the drive,the mon cable, and Ill pay whatever shipping is.Does anyone else have any of those cables? Also, anyone got any memory, or power adapters? The one I have works for all 3 (all have batteries (one's dead, in the 150)) but I would like to be able to have more than one on at once. Anyone have any batteries? Thanks, you dudes are the bomb Tito I can make a cool sig! ---------------------- 68k Macs Liberated -3- 
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 18:05:08
Hey, scratch all that.Well, not really... Im gonna wait awhile so I can build up about $40, then buy everything at once. So, cool, Ill just wait a little while. Hey, the books have benn sitting around for 4 years, whats a few more months gonna be? ;) Tito--------------- Wooooo 3 pb's!! 
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2002 : 18:12:56
Why not get a job? I get $160 AUS a week, and even saving $80 of that for uni (college) I have plenty to buy cool computer stuff!  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 00014 Macs liberated. |
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2002 : 12:49:35
Yea, I string tennis rackets (raquets, whatever). I make 5 bucks a racket and I can do 2 an hour. Once I get up to speed, 3 an hour! Woot. But noone needs their rackets strung a lot. :( I just wanted to wait a little. Ok, Ive taken a look at the pb 145. I think its mobo is broken. The hard drive spins up INSTANTLY when I hit the power button, but the screen doesnt come on. Broken mobo, right? I think it has a HD tho, so i can stick it in the 150. Can I just use a regular screwdriver? Tito
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2002 : 13:03:50
You can use a very small allen wrench, but it'll take two-to-four times longer (and might strip the screws).666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Regular Disappear! Edited by - cinemafia on 01 Mar 2002 13:04:32 |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2002 : 17:10:12
Ok, Ive taken a look at the pb 145. I think its mobo is broken. The hard drive spins up INSTANTLY when I hit the power button, but the screen doesnt come on. Broken mobo, right? I think it has a HD tho, so i can stick it in the 150. Can I just use a regular screwdriver? Tito
From what I can tell that's just a dead PRAM battery... -------------------- Spellcheck/Grammar Bandit and beholder of: -the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ -the HTML Keyboard of Greater Knowledge™ -Compact Mac Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip™ -------------------- |
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2002 : 17:42:01
Sweet! Now where can I get one of those? (besides ebay). Anyone have any? W00000000000000 How much would they go for? cine, you gots one? if so, I can put in a gabonza order for all the stuff we've been talkin bout, when I get my hands on some greens (no, not marajuana...dollars) ;) Tito