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Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 10 Nov 2001 : 01:13:56
These are some pics from a computer recycling place I worked at a while ago. And when i say recycled, I mean stripped down for components and sorted then cruched into little bits. Sure we rebuilt systems and sold them, but about 80% of the macs were destroyed. On the bright side, in terms of computer waste Macs are considered very 'green' as almost everything can be turned back into raw materials. I'll let the pictures spek for themselves... 68k MLA ParaMedic |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 10 Nov 2001 : 05:43:36
Recycle Macs??? Recycle Macs???I wouldn't recycle Macs...i'd either scrap them for parts machines, fix them up, or if they fully worked, USE THEM!!!!!!!!! Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 5 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 10 Nov 2001 : 06:19:56
They chop up POWERMACS???I'd be selling them! ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00007 Macs liberated. |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 10 Nov 2001 : 12:59:07
I hope that you were at least able to obtain a few of them for your personal use.If it was me there, I would ask the head guy if I could have them all. ------------------ Captain Z - Sniper 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 17 68K Macs Liberated |
Trading Post Commander

202 Posts |
Posted - 10 Nov 2001 : 13:08:00
WOW! Just junking them! The Shame!!!! The humanity!  Looks like Mac genecide! General LeeMac M.A.C ( Mac Action Commando) Macs Liberated 0001 Inventory-Centris-660AV |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 11 Nov 2001 : 19:22:01
Looks like Mac genecide!
*ahem* genocide. Somebody has to correct spelling 'round here.  That company is going to hell (along with Bill Gates and that kid from the Dell commercials) FireWire is fast General, 4 star 68k Macintosh Liberation Army |
Trading Post Commander

202 Posts |
Posted - 11 Nov 2001 : 22:55:22
OOps! Sorry "Genocide!!"General LeeMac M.A.C ( Mac Action Commando) Macs Liberated 0001 Inventory-Centris-660AV |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 12 Nov 2001 : 03:34:03
You think that's bad! By the time I left we had built shelves to the roof, and they were full of computers! Fortunately not all of them were Macs. However anything from the 7100/90 downwards got scrapped. "No not the 68k's as well!" I hear you scream... well I managed to convince the owner to let me reconfigure all the PowerBooks (over 60 of them!) and a handfull of others.... a couple of Colour Classics and DOS LC630's. Unfortunately when a 5 tonne truck backs up full of Macs, ya just can't save them all :( Seriously though, recycling is good. Computers don't exactly decompose when you dump them. Here's what you get when you recycle computers, monitors, motherboards, power supplies...etc Apart from stripping any useful PCI cards, RAM, HD's ...etc you get: glass, copper, iron, PET plastic, gold, silver, lead, tin...... better to recycle this stuff than put it in land-fill dumps.68k MLA ParaMedic |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 12 Nov 2001 : 03:40:41
Here's a horrible thought: the day that TiBooks become obsolete *shudder* we'll be stripping them for the titanium!I should add that I also re-configured pallet loads of the PowerMacs that we DID keep, so all was not lost.  hey hey, found the smilies       
68k MLA ParaMedic |
Full Member
523 Posts |
Posted - 12 Nov 2001 : 09:40:57
Ye gods! I finally got the guts to click on the link. I feel sickened. Very, very sickened. This is worse than those movies where classic cars get trashed... While I understand the idea of recycling, and that some machines are dead, I'm sure that some of these guys got -gulp- chopped up alive... -goes off to cry-
PFC Tallgeese 68k Mac Liberation Army 68k Macs Liberated: 3 |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 12 Nov 2001 : 10:28:08
Oh the horror!I can't look, I can't look!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Private EL CINE 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Master of the Mac II series forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 4 |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 15 Nov 2001 : 21:14:28
*GASPS* Do you SEE those stacks of macs??? And do you see how that rhymed??? EEK! Do you know how much money they could make by selling those macs on ebay? You can't get a hell of a lot for anything 68k, but a 75mhz powermac would fetch close to $40, more if it had a nice hard drive, ram, or if it had a lot of pci slots. A 100mhz powermac might net you $60. And they had so many! It's sick! I don't care how much glass you get out of them. Where's the glass, anyway? Wherever it is, I'd rather have a 7100 than the plastic it's made of.{ candyPunk } { 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 4 } { My baby: Q660av } |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 15 Nov 2001 : 23:02:28
Hmm... that gives me a good idea... find those computer recycling places, see what it would take to scavenge the lot of Mac that are available, take what you want, fix it up, and resell it on eBay...------------------ Captain Z - Sniper 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 17 68K Macs Liberated |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 16 Nov 2001 : 00:49:48
Much as I hate to see Macs die, what would <B>YOU</B> do with four 40' containers of Macs? $40 on eBay yipeee. By flooding the market with that many Macs you'd be lucky to get five bucks. Ya gotta be a little realistic about these things  BTW. the glass comes from the monitors. 68k MLA ParaMedic |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 16 Nov 2001 : 00:58:18
Much as I hate to see Macs die, what would YOU do with four 40' containers of Macs?
Ship them to New York and I will tell you. Only problem I have with that many parts is a place to store them while I am fixing them. Actually, I would probably refurbish as many of the units as possible, and them make them available for other people to buy. Every part can be sold. Even the system that has all dead parts can have the casing sold. ------------------ Captain Z - Sniper 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 17 68K Macs Liberated |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 16 Nov 2001 : 02:24:26
Hmmm, I should give them a call. As far as I know there are still several hundred Mac's still there....68k MLA ParaMedic |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 16 Nov 2001 : 09:59:15
Much as I hate to see Macs die, what would <B>YOU</B> do with four 40' containers of Macs? $40 on eBay yipeee. By flooding the market with that many Macs you'd be lucky to get five bucks. Ya gotta be a little realistic about these things  BTW. the glass comes from the monitors. 68k MLA ParaMedic
Fine, don't flood the market, give them to a school. Around here, they have labs full of iMacs, but that isn't the case everywhere. Those things are damn useful for kids who need to research whales on the web. { candyPunk } { 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 16 Nov 2001 : 12:09:39
There's no such thing as a market flood when it comes to macs!
Private EL CINE 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Master of the Mac II series forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 4 |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 26 Nov 2001 : 02:48:24
DEATH TO ALL!!! NO KILLIN MACS !!!! NOOOOOOO                 jeremy "If we go down the shitter the whole ecosystem goes down the shitter." - Steve Jobs
My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2001 : 05:00:28
How much do they pay for computers? My grandfather does volunteer work for a charity, all the do is strip all they can, sell the metal and junk the rest. I assume they can get more by actually recycling the CPU, circuits, ICs, etc?~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2001 : 06:03:32
yeah, but you need to be talking about serious bulk amounts for anyone to be interested in collecting it. There's not too many places that actually do the recycling if you know what I mean. Lots of collection centres, but no one actually doing the work. You can go to some industrial areas and find a places that pay $$ for scrap metal, but you need to be talking tonnes before it's actually "worth' anything. Put it this way, i worked in an engineering shop for a few years and we sorted our scrap steel and aluminium into bins, to recycle into our beer fund. (Beer! Sometimes you need encouragement to make you realise that the earth ain't going to last forever at this rate, and recycling is our last uptapped resource! I think I'll just hide in the corner making dolphin noises now) We loaded the truck every month or so with 1 1/2 tonne (don't ask me if that's metric or not) of scrap, drove 'round the corner, weighed in and out of the recyclers and got a cheque for $250. Not much beer, but then it was cheaper in those days. The Mac's in the pictures account for maybe 5% of the types of computer scap that was handled by that company. If it makes everyone feel better, a lot of the scap was brand new Pentium PC's and laptops- the scrap bins from >insert high profile brandname here< tech service centre. You know the kind... where they find a fault and say "oh, thats the sound card.." rip that out and it doesn't fix it so they say "..oh, that'll be the network card then....that'll be the motherboard then...." By the time they finish you end up with the same axe- it's just had two new heads and three new handles! Anyhow, anything below a PII266 is completely obsolete now. For that matter, anything PC below 400MHz is pretty much on the way out. We scappped tonnes of these. Bye bye PC. It makes me smile to think about it 
68k MLA ParaMedic |
Full Member
523 Posts |
Posted - 28 Nov 2001 : 09:18:13
DEATH TO ALL!!! NO KILLIN MACS !!!! NOOOOOOO                
Ye Gods! Do we need smiley limits on the forums?
Sgt. Tallgeese Apple II Squad Leader 68k Mac Liberation Army 68k Macs Liberated: 3 |
Starting Member
41 Posts |
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 : 18:57:37
Where is this Located? If it was near me I'd be there in a Second! Grab what I could. I'd ask, "I'd like to go through the warehouse and pick out a few old computers. I'll pay ya a few bucks for your trouble." Then I'd go around looking for whatever I thought looked like it'd work the best and load it into my parents van. Or I'd rent a truck or Uhaul or something.That would make me Very Happy! New Toys!!!!! ::::..:....:::.::.:..::.:....:....... Please! no more weasels! I'm full... Just like the New TNN, [url=]Visit the New[/url] |
Starting Member
41 Posts |
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 : 18:59:19
D'OH! What'a up with my Sig? How do I get a URL in there? |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 : 20:46:49
Add quotation marks around the URL[url="(insert URL here)']your URL name[/url] Just place double quotes on both ends of the URL you are entering. ------------------ Captain Z - Sniper 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 17 68K Macs Liberated |
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2002 : 13:46:56
First off. This is my first proudly posted message here!I saw those palettes full of Macs and that made me sad. What would I do with all of those macs? I'm not sure, but one idea did come to mind! I wonder if anyone has ever attempted a Mac (hardware) based Beowulf cluster?? It would come at the expense of the system software, but I say throw on Yellow Dog and have at it! |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2002 : 21:21:50
Geez, you guys don't get it yet do you!?! It's just not possible to save every computer! Besides, what would be the point? It's obsolete technology. There's more than enough 2nd hand Macs around to please people such as us at the 68kMLA, and whle donating to charities and schools is always a noble thing sometimes that's not possible (for logistical and various other reasons- trust me) Hell, I've advertised free Mac hardware and software (all you need to do is pay postage) and do you think anyone wanted it? I couldn't even give it away. Go figure!!!! (Actually I ended up posting a lot of it to a Mac-happy home, but the stuff HAD been advertised in various web sites for a loooong time first)Besides all of the above, the other point is that we have limited resources on this planet. Millions of tonnes of computer scrap is poured into land-fill every year. I think any attempt to recycle should be acknowledged with lots of smilies       Check out for more details... cheers Flash! 68k MLA ParaMedic |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2002 : 22:27:58
Geez, you guys don't get it yet do you!?! It's just not possible to save every computer!
I get it... I get it... I get it already..... BUT AN ENTIRE SKID STACKED WITH QUADRA 605'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get it... but I still think I'm going to be sick..... jt

2899 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2002 : 22:42:04
whle donating to charities and schools is always a noble thing sometimes that's not possible
You're right, and if somebody found homes for all the other classic Contax, Leica, Canon and Nikon Rangefinders my collection wouldn't be worth squat. But, I peeked again... THERE WERE A HUNDRED Q605'S ON THAT SKID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........gotta go clean off this keyboaaaaaa (returns editing message to include signoff) ....feeling muuuch better now.. Unfortunately, you really are right of course. .... but I ain't lookin' again. jt Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 10 Jan 2002 22:50:08
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jan 2002 : 04:16:05
Man, I'd love to "shop" at that place for an afternoon (or three)…I need to find 64 or 128 PowerMac 6100's to build me a killer AppleSeed cluster… 
,xtG .tsooJ RTFM |
Junior Member

116 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2002 : 21:28:21
Woa. I bet there are like 5 bronze powerbooks somewhere in that plant! what a shame.maybe even a .......pismo! what kind of powerbooks are there? I like all laptops, including 68ks.....australia is pretty close to hawaii huh? think there are any good pbs? tito
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2002 : 00:47:23
Not many 'super fast' Macs here, and not many PowerBooks either. Mostly PB500 series, and couple of Duos and a handful of PB100's (there were only 100 od PB's while I was there) Rest assured, they were all saved- the PowerBooks that is.As for the rest, they were mostly LC475/Q605's, LC630's, 7100, 7200, 7220, other Quadra's. 7300's upwards were all re-configured rather than being scrapped. The only G3 I saw there was a lonely Blue iMac, with smashed screen and some very burnt out looking guts. 68k MLA ParaMedic |
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 17 Jan 2002 : 07:48:58
Not too long ago I was at a flea market where one of these recycling outfits was selling off computer hardware. They had dumped several truckloads of busted up computers into a huge pile at the intersection of two of the roads and were inviting people to climb through this sharp pointy mound of hardware and take whatever they wanted for 5 dollars. There were no Macs in the outer layers of the pile that I could get to however, and that was probably a good thing. Most of the computers looked like they had been fed through a thresher and than run over a few times for good measure.AnubisTTP 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2002 : 06:35:51, running off a cluster of 256 Quadras and SE/30s... I'd like to see that!~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2002 : 18:36:19
Umm...did you just say "LC630" or "LC475"?Yikes! *hugs his 630 and his 475* Don't worry...i'll never recycle you! *sniff* -------------------------- Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 5 |