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Forums Squadron Commander
688 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 06:06:43
I have some questions,1) Does your 840 av have a tv tuner card or just an av card?(if there is a difference) 2) how did you paint it black? 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Christophillis- Privite First Class Total 68k Macs Liberated: 4 |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 07:16:02
1. No TV tuner card, just the onboard composite and s-video inputs and outputs. I'm thinking about getting a TV tuner card formy LC 475, though.2. I painted it black with el-chepo spray paint from Wal-Mart, however, it scratches off very easy. So, I'm planning on going to the local hobby shop to buy some Pactra paint and do a few more coats of black, then I was going to stencil it's name, Atramentous, along with the 68k MLA logo on the front. 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 07:37:03
I painted it black with el-chepo spray paint from Wal-Mart, however, it scratches off very easy.
If you scuff up the surface lightly with fine wet or dry sandpaper (or even Bon-Ami scouring powder on a textured surface) and use a coat of sandable gray primer first (or a few coats if you need to fill cracks/dings/scratches with metal based auto body filler and sand between coats), I think you'll get a much better finish and long term adhesion. Surface prep is just about the most important aspect in using any kind of paint. Primers are the most often misunderstood/misused/under-or-not-used component.IMHO jt - signpainter (quills/flats/fitches/cutters/real paint) from well before computerization/vinyl graphics era. (the shop smells much better now.....most of the time....) p.s. check out this 'peg of a black enamel camera, mine looks exactly like this one (without the motor drive *sigh*), it saw heavy use since 1957. You can't really see it in the 'peg, but the layers of yellow zinc-chromate and very light-gray/almost-white primers under the black enamel on the brass & steel are obvious in a good photo or in real life. NOTHING is harder to keep black paint on than a camera body, and the scratches/dings have more character with the colored primer layers showing, but that's a matter of taste. =8-} Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 07 Feb 2002 08:02:34
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 09:09:27
Ahhh, I'm a vintage camera nut myself. I only have three in my collection, though. I should take some nice portraits of them with my QT, if only I had that blasted close-up lens...666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 09:49:02
Ahhh, I'm a vintage camera nut myself. I only have three in my collection, though. I should take some nice portraits of them with my QT, if only I had that blasted close-up lens...
just hold a cheapo close-up-lens (filter type) in front of the lens, I've got to get all my video accessory lenses/filters/etc. out of storage to use with my eye-module2, can't wait to try the wide angle adapter!what kind of oldies (cameras) do you like? I'm into professional interchangeable lens 35mm rangefinders (each in its own bag full of lenses/accessories ready to rock!) and i've got a pile early F's/lenses/accessories for optical flexibility when desired. jt =8-} 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 10:03:53
quote: just hold a cheapo close-up-lens (filter type) in front of the lens,
Well I do have an old Video-8 camcorder which I can just set to macro and then capture stills on the Quadra (I could capture them on the 7500 too, but then that would be fitting discussion for the board, now would it? ).
quote: what kind of oldies (cameras) do you like? I'm into professional interchangeable lens 35mm rangefinders (each in its own bag full of lenses/accessories ready to rock!)
Wow, me too! Actually, only one of my three are like such, and it's an Argus C3 (the "brick", as they used to call it) with 3 lenses, a Bolex release cable and one of those sample filter books that cinematographers use. This is the only one of the three that I use regularly, and as a matter of fact most of the photographs on my website were taken with it. You can find them here. The other two I have aren't quite as pro, and have their own issues which prevent them from beign useful. One is a 35mm point-and-shoot, which was dropped and the focus ring got stuck. The other is an older 120mm with compact pop-out bellows, but the film advance wheel is stuck so when you finish a roll you can't get the neg out. I have been thinking of getting a Diana or similar all-plastic medium-format camera as well, one of the most interesting of the ilk that I have seen is this fabulous Eura Ferrania. 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! Edited by - cinemafia on 07 Feb 2002 10:22:08 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 10:52:00
Well I do have an old Video-8 camcorder which I can just set to macro and then capture stills on the Quadra (I could capture them on the 7500 too, but then that would be fitting discussion for the board, now would it? ).
Whatever it takes to create 68k!..publicity shots is right on topic in my book.I really should do some emulsion-interface documentation of my hack-in-progress..........lets see...should I use my (mfd'd during J.F.K. administration)Leica.....( I loved dissenting opinion in MaxPC's gear of the year: quote: "You have to be blind if you actually believe digital cameras can compete with film. My single stroke Leica M-3 will kick your digital camera's @$$!, says Gordon "The Contrarian" Ung."
but for the web 640x480 film free playtime wtlh auxiliary lenses is pretty cool too! In the real world, lenses from 19-135mm are funner, IMHO. A tripod adapter/aux lens rig is going to be one of the next projects. It'll be interesting to use a w/a adapter that weighs 10x the combined weight of the Visor/eyemod it's attached to! The close ups of the hack will be a lot of fun and zero cost! But should burn some film too (lots of shutters to exercise!).....worktime..........:-( jt 
Forums Squadron Commander
688 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 17:12:55
Can I get a Tv tuner card for eithe rmy 7100 or a quadra?68k Macintosh Liberation Army Christophillis- Privite First Class Total 68k Macs Liberated: 4 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 07 Feb 2002 : 18:29:11
Can I get a Tv tuner card for eithe rmy 7100 or a quadra?
off topic! this is the camera! of 68k's thread! LOL.........I only know about the 630 series TV/Video system, but it works in a few others. I like the info over at lowendmac, maybe there's a listing in apple specs. Googling for reviews and newsgroup q//a's is a great way to get info on specific products, or find lists of similar......jt back again: didn't find anything but 630 info yet, but search their site. ciao! jt Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 07 Feb 2002 18:41:53
Full Member
543 Posts |
Posted - 08 Feb 2002 : 12:00:11
1. No TV tuner card, just the onboard composite and s-video inputs and outputs. I'm thinking about getting a TV tuner card formy LC 475, though.
How does the 840AV video compare to the 630/card in terma of pixel count, quality, capture framerates, flexibility to run w/res deff. form 640x480 and 16"What is availabe for the microquadras? jt2 <8-} 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 08 Feb 2002 : 12:39:51
quote: Can I get a Tv tuner card for eithe rmy 7100 or a quadra?
Here's a list of macs that have a TV tuner card slot for either Apple's TV Tuner or TV/FM/AM tuner card: Performa 630, 631, 635, 636, 637, 638, 640 LC, Quadra 630 Performa 5200, 5210, 5215, 5220, 5260, 5270, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5400, 5410, 5420, 5430, 5440, 6200, 6205, 6210, 6214, 6216, 6218, 6220, 6230, 6260, 6290, 6300, 6320, 6360, 6400, 6410, 6420, PowerMac 5200, 5260 There are also LC/PDS and Nubus TV Tuner cards, but they're pretty hard to find compared to Apple's proprietary slot versions. quote: How does the 840AV video compare to the 630/card in terms of pixel count, quality, capture framerates, flexibility to run w/res deff. form 640x480 and 16"?
It took some digging, but I found it! Apparently, it's worse than I thought. With 2MB of VRAM (mine is still at 1MB, as I need just 2 more 256k VRAM SIMMs), the Q840av will capture 10-20fps @ 160x120 (and possibly at 320x240) at 16-bit color. 640x480 is limited to stills. By the way, with only 1MB of VRAM, it has to line-double the digitzed feed to achieve 16-bit color, which results in super-low resoltuion. The solution, obviously, is to upgrade to 2MB of VRAM. However, if this is impossible (such as on a Quadra/Centris 660av), there is a way to step down to 8-bit greyscale capture without line-doubling, which actually results in very good quality greyscale video capture. 666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! Edited by - cinemafia on 08 Feb 2002 13:29:33 |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 08 Feb 2002 : 13:11:02
Also, wanted to note, the Quadra 840av does have a 40-pin DAV slot on the Mobo, and a couple of the higher-end Nubus video capture cards were made with a DAV bridge (much like with the DAV in the 7500 and beige G3's) which would allow very high-quality 640x480 30fps, 24-bit uncompressed video capture without the slow processes of compression/decompression that you'd find in, say, a Quadra 950. Unfortunately, any of the cards that suported the DAV bridge are probably going to be next-to-ipossible to find, as some hasd their production cancelled before they were even released.666th poster to the 68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 Visit my site! |
911 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2002 : 02:30:55
Hey Cin!I've got an extra closeup lens for a QuickTake. E-mail me a modest offer :-) ~Chaplain Marchie 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Holder of the Compact Mac Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head ~~"We are all Mad here."~~ |