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Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 07:46:30 sounds scary eep
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 12:13:35
HA HaBut the pc world didn't exploit the case as successfully as apple I think indeed with ports on the back I would love a comparrisson. shaktiman Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive os 8.1 128 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive 3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 12:39:56
The 800 style cases sucked when you needed to add ram/vram.I havnt seen a single pc that needed the motherboard removed to add ram.
Junior Member

344 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 13:20:55
quote: The 800 style cases sucked when you needed to add ram/vram.I havnt seen a single pc that needed the motherboard removed to add ram.
I have, those K6-2 based Compaq presarios.... Artillery Commander/Engineer, 68kMLA Liberated: LCII , III+, IIci, Q700, 800, and 840av, P550, 410 Contraband: Beige G3/300 MT o/c 400mhz, (2) 6100's Hotline mirror server: Edited by - quadrajets on 27 Aug 2003 13:25:28 |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 14:11:27
quote: The 800 style cases sucked when you needed to add ram/vram.I havnt seen a single pc that needed the motherboard removed to add ram.
I think Apple has always assumed that most users would never upgrade their machines after they bought them -- part of Apple's "computers for the rest of us" groupthink. That mental model certainly shows up the nearly nonupgradable machines that Apple is prone to put out (Plus, Cube, early iMacs, etc.). I'd bet that non-upgradable/hard-to-upgrade machines are OK for most users -- I know that my Mac II never saw a Nubus card beside its display card. Unfortunately, the rest of the rest of us like to tweak, upgrade, and nurture our Mac's growth. Apple's design philosophy can be frustrating for those uberusers that like to tinker and upgrade. As for the Acer vs. Q800 case deisgn, I wonder which actually came first. Perhaps it was not a case of Acer or Apple copying one or the other but a case of some Asian manufacturer making cases for both computer companies. G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 15:14:51
Scary indeed.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 16:59:05
IF apple would have put the memory slots on the other side of the board it would have worked out much better.One of the reasons I like the older macs is because you can put a ton of ram into then so that they are still usefull even today. 
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 18:27:54
/me faints.../me buys an Acer S2  PEESEE with macintosh Beauty! LOVE IT! waiyyyy... 1989? but but.... FrogDesign? Crazy german guy??? what happened to Fridge!!! Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 19:55:52
IF apple would have put the memory slots on the other side of the board it would have worked out much better.One of the reasons I like the older macs is because you can put a ton of ram into then so that they are still usefull even today.
I agree, i have a PM8100 with 90 megs of ram, and apart from one of the 16 meg SIMMs, which i borrowed from the LCIII, all of the RAM was just stuff i had lying around. IMHO Apple is stupid for not designing any more systems with tons of RAM slots. "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 20:08:14
How many did the 8100 have anyway?I think that a mix between high capacity, and snotloads of slots, would be great... like if a G5 now can hold 8, 16 GB of RAM when bigger sticks come out... a later G5 with a larger case should be made with more RAM slots... /me imagines the look on someone's face knowing that a G5 can take 32? 48? 64? nay... even in excess of 128GB of RAM... /me imagines 64 slots each fitting a 2 GB ddr stick... Maybe that's a bit far off for the moment  I can't even seem to reach the 1 GB mark at the moment  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 20:12:03
The 8100 had 8 slots.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 20:13:49
:drool: 256MB then? 512 if you can use 64meggers and 1 GB if you can use 128meggers.... :drool:Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 20:26:33
Maybe...i dunno if the ROMs put a cap on it, but i reckon it would work."**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 01:37:14
Yeah I was figuring that the 8100 was taking 32 meg simms max, because I am assuiming here that the 8100 is using the 72 pin simms, & IIRC Apple has a 32 meg upper limit for each I was expecting it to be 256 meg max. I was recording with my 840av & you have the option to record into memory, but this means that your recording cuts off at about 114MB, now an 840av with 1 gig of ram would be a definite great. Anybody want to design a "Nubus flash memory card" type thing?, I am thing ala the USB flash memory drive thingies, the ones that fit on keyrings. Any developers listening? Ram drive for 840av please, Large Ram drive. shaktiman Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive os 8.1 128 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive 3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 02:06:35
How many RAM slots does the 840AV have? I think it has 8, but i'm not sure..."**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 02:11:59
No we have 4 ram slots in the 840av taking us up to 128MB ram only We have 4 vram slots allowing 4MB vram? I think or is it 2MB vram. Anyhow it's pretty irrelevant to this reply, just thought I might babble on incoherently for a few moments. shaktiman Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive os 8.1 128 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive 3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 02:33:16
Damn! I always thought the 840AV had 8! Btw, it has a max of 2 megs of VRAM.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 04:38:10
Yup 128mb ram, 2mb vram.. mines maxed
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 05:13:31
Anyone have a piccie of an Acer S2? I've googled the heck out of it, but can't find one.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 06:24:50
Maybe it was just a fake challange of AppleDesign...Y'all gotta get AppleDesign (me as well) and read up on the design of "FRIDGE" AKA the Quadra 800. Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Starting Member
18 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2003 : 11:25:55
quote: I have, those K6-2 based Compaq presarios...
Yeah, I have one.. :( NobleArc, |