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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 22:32:24
first, this isn't a "continuing story thread"I'm collecting ideas for a "series" I'm going to start writing, featuring members of the MLA, living life in MLAtopolis, and where we usually live, or kinda "collected" in a large city somewhere, this way it'll be easier for me to make the storyline include all of us... We'll need names (made up, or real) and I'll need to know kinda what your function is, maybe some help describing (places like MLAtopolis) Any ideas? objections? fanciful notions of what your perfect life/lifestyle would be in "MLAtopolis" ? Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 00:30:16
You could get it published by using that Cafepress publishing thing. Think of it, MLA in print  Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure... |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 00:48:18
now... I'm not an idiot... but WHY did i not think of that for MLAgazine!  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 18:47:40
Cory Wiegersma I am about 20-25 years old (in MLAtopolis) (because I need to be old enough to perform basic actions in the community, that a fifteen year old simply cannot) I am manager at an Apple Store, and I also do work for the government and various healthcare facilities, which takes me to many different mid-eastern, far east and some african countries. I have a G5 on my desk at the Apple Store, but nothing could ever replace using my 15" PowerBook G4 on the road, and "just around" I live in a decent house in one of MLAtopolis' developments, and I drive a Ford E-150 van, I use it to carry alot of people, commputers or just about anything.Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Forums Squadron Commander
688 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 18:55:34
Chris FisherI am about Cory's age, probably 20-25. I work for Blizzard, as the Creative Director/Art Director/Concept and Design Artist. I live in uptown MLAtopolis, in a moderatly sized house. I drive a Ferrari 360 Spider V12. Which I use to carry myself, to and from work.  I have a G5 at home, along with a complete collection of Duo's. And a Quadra 840av. I use a 15" 1 Ghz Tibook at the office. From time to time I do freelance for the city, and for any companies in general. I also pay occasional visits to fellow MLA'ers. -------------------- Christophillis- Portable Squadren Commander 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Total 68k Macs Liberated: 6.02x10^23 Or just 6 Number One, you have the helm. I'll be in my ready room. |
Starting Member
1 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 19:44:39
I'm a Cocoa programmer that develops shareware on Mac OS X. I have a fully loaded Powerbook G4 15" running Panther (legally), and a decked out Blue and White G3 running Mac OS X Server. I work at the local school district fixing macs. I drive a green Honda Civic, quite speedy and with a cd player.Oh... wait... that is my real life :D "You can say what you mean, But it won't change a thing, I'm sick of the secrets, Stood on the edge, tied to the noose, And you came along and you cut me loose"
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 19:49:20
Hmmmm....I am still my current age of 16, only mucho different lifestyle... I would live on the outskirts in a very industrial and contemporary home. I would of course make my living with glass working, industrial sculpture, and many other forms of art I currently attempt. Of course I would need my G5 and Xserve RAID in order to correctly plan and organize all this art. Oh, and don't forget the BMW Z8 to get me...somewhere. ~The Penguin **| Want free 68kmla email? Drop me a line |** | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | | "The choice has been made, but now you must understand it" | |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 19:50:52
/me starts taking down notesso he's a software developer, active in the mac community works at the local school district. runs server wants me to use his real name... Check /me makes swishing motion Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 19:51:29
Kevin (most you know the last name) Age: 24 (in MLAtopolis years)I am president of my own hardware company, llamaTech Systems, where i am also head of Research & Development for Servers and Supercomputer applications. I design all the super high-end UberBoxen that we all wish we could have a collection of. My loft (in the "silicon valley" section of MLAtopolis) has two floors: one for living on and one for computers. I have my entire floor crammed with various and sundry Sun, SGI, DEC, and IBM workstations, along with a Cray 1 (dont ask how i got it into the loft and my upstairs living area features a room with a computer desk that wraps around the walls and contains one or more of each 68k model (5 or 6 SE's and 10 Q840av's ) and that is my life in MLAtopolis. Oh yeah, and i drive a 1974 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray T-Top in Roman Red picture of a 74 'Vette PS for those of you who aren't familiar with Roman Red, its a very dark red, almost a maroon but not quite. ________________________ IBM PS/2 Fanboy = The Kevcave Manager, the llama-X project.. Edited by - llamaboy487 on 23 Aug 2003 19:55:38 |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 20:29:39
Name: Stacy Breland Age: 23 (In MLAtopolis [Jezus, Cory, way to be creative with the city name.].) Job Description: Freelance writer extraordinaire. Oh, to make money? Tech support. Car: Jade green 1977 Chevy Nova 4-door hardtop. Used for hauling me and my manuscripts to and from wherever. Habitat: I live in a house back in the woods. It's a long drive to work, but a pretty one. I enjoy the simple pleasures of life, plus electronic necessities. And two cats. Personality: (You know me. Draw your own conclusions.) Computer: Okay, Cory's gonna kill me, but my main computer is Windows. (I hate it, though. -.-) It's a...Gateway? (Heh, not *that* up with the computer lingo...)PS-Nice car, Kevin. Never say "bite me" to a vampire. Edited by - neepneep17 on 23 Aug 2003 20:31:31 Edited by - neepneep17 on 23 Aug 2003 20:35:39 |
Junior Member

344 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 20:30:51
Tom, 19 years old, and working 50 hours a week for a german robotics/CNC manufacturer. I come home every day covered in steel, carbide, and aluminum shavings. I own 2 cars; I normally drive a 1992 Chevy Lumina 3.1, which I love most of the time, and hate it when I have to fix it. My other car is a 1988 Honda Civic Wagovan 4WD, which is still undergoing extensive body grafts and plastic surgery...I live in a small room that is set up like a college dorm; it has loft beds, a minifridge, and random stuff hanging on the walls and beds. My main computer is my beige G3, but my liquid cooled peecee, quadra 700, 840av, and duo 280 live in my room on 3 computer desks. I have several servers running in the garage, and the other 5 garage computers are part of a SETI farm. -yep, that's my real life Artillery Commander/Engineer, 68kMLA Liberated: LCII , III+, IIci, Q700, 800, and 840av, P550, 410 Contraband: Beige G3/300 MT o/c 400mhz, (2) 6100's Hotline mirror server: Edited by - quadrajets on 23 Aug 2003 20:31:26 |
Junior Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 20:42:04
Town Square: not really a square but a giant [rainbow, of course] Apple! My Name: Derek [what a suprise, ne?] Side Occupation: Keep of the Holy Apple Dev. CDs [ scary picture I know…] Story: I work for the MLA's only MacShop NW; and wont upgrade to OSX untill they fix those stupid interface errors!! [you know, when you click another app's window it wont bring all of the windows for that app to the front…] Beyone that I try to be a nice guy. Car: Audi 5000cs Turbo; Forest GreenOh, and my main computer is a G5 hacked to run 9.2.2  If I open my window all the bugs will get in…That's just one more reason to use a Mac! Mac Portable LC || LC ||| SE/30 ||si ||ci Quadras: 660av, 950 PMs: 6100/G3/233, 6214CD, 5400/120, 7100/80av, 9500/G3/300 PB 5300ce SuperMac C600 180, 240 Edited by - Derekcat on 23 Aug 2003 20:44:23 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 20:45:31
cool... I'll find a way to work those into MLAtopolis  yes, I was VERY insppired when naming it  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2003 : 11:01:48
Stryder: 29 (real age)Location: Lives out in the general vicinity of Stacy further up the mountain near a stream. Nothing but forest exists beyond. Lifestyle: Not much is known about him until later discoved. Has been seen driving a mid 90's Blue Chevy pickup. Spends a great amount of time out hiking or out of town. Occasionally stops at the local pub to shoot a few games of pool. Computer: Unknown, other than it must be a Mac due to shopping for parts at Cory's store. House: Appears to be a log-cabin style home from what can been seen initially from driveway. "One slip and down the hole we fall" Stryders Community Come and check it out.  Edited by - stryder on 24 Aug 2003 11:04:08 |
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2003 : 11:12:46
As an after-thought, Cory email me. I have a section from a story I was writing that can be used in a flashback sequence for my characters introduction.Edit: Never mind. I'll post it here for you. The rain was beating against the window of his office. There was a lone lamp lit in the corner of the room. In the dim luminance, his face was only visable when the lightning flashed across the night sky. He looked to be around the thirty mark, but from seeing his eyes, those hard, staring eyes, he seemed ancient. There was an amazing amount of pain and anger in those eyes. There was an even stronger amount of control. With a torrent of emotions whipping around his head, it was kept at bay behind a door that only he had the key. Hiding from himself, never knowing how to ease the conflict that raged inside him. Another flash streaked over the city. Five miles away, it had crashed to the ground. He remembered counting the miles with his dad. Watching, waiting, and counting as his father smoked on his pipe. He would see him sitting in his chair like a statue. Larger than life it seemed at times. How would he ever compare? He admired him, yet was overwhelmed all the same. What else could an eight year old think? The man who sat in the chair had seen and done so much that it seemed impossible to such a young mind. To even comprehend what it was like to be in another country during a war was unimaginable and still this man, his father, had lived it. You could see what reality had done to him. You could see it in those eyes,.....Those cold, hardened eyes. The wonder and excitement that had glowed there in his own youth was now all, but a memory. Twenty-plus years later, he now understood. Every time he looked in the mirror, he knew. What a person experiences throughout their lifetime changes them forever. With the accumulation of knowlage, the sights containing the most horrid and graphic of details burned into your brain. It starts to replace the bright glow of innocence with a burned out dullness of coal. Knowlage is power and power is absolute, but too much just fries the batteries. So, he sits in his chair and takes a drag off his half spent cigarette and ponders his work. The only life he seems to have these days. Letting his mind slip back for just a momment, he thinks to himself what more could happen to him after all he's done in his life. In the coolness of the dark, he finishes his Camel and stubs it out. Having no possible way of knowing just how out of control his life will become with the rising of the next day. Stryders Community Come and check it out.  Edited by - stryder on 24 Aug 2003 11:25:24 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2003 : 18:56:06
coolness, I'll have to start looking into some stuff about this and for this within the next few daysI've already decided about the public transport system in MLAtopolis  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Starting Member
29 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2003 : 23:41:49
Name: Sean, but commonly referred to by his nickname, Cmdr. Plunge, usually just Cmdr. or Plunge. Age: 35ish Occupation: charter pilot. Vehicles: '81 Toyota Tercel, most of his money goes into his Cessna 421. Computers: Macintosh SE, Performa 630CD, iMac G4 (main). Home: 2000 sq. ft. 2 bed 2 bath cookie cutter suburban house. Passions: Macs and flying. Bio: Finished high school, then joined the air force to become an A-10 pilot. He got his nickname from a few early training "mishaps" that all involved losing control of his aircraft and then recovering with seconds to spare. As luck would have it, the Wintel Wars started shortly after he earned his wings. Sean finished his tour of duty, used his savings to buy a Cessna 421, and currently uses it to transport people and packages for a fee.Cory, If the "Wintel Wars" doesn't fit into your setting, just cut out that sentence. As you all have probably guessed by my use of third person, most of my story is fiction. I tried first person like the rest of the posts, but it just felt weird. My name, computers, and car are the only true parts. ---------------------- Macs liberated: 2 Macs Owned: 3 Cat vs. SE |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2003 : 00:29:37
Full Name: The Balance Of Judgement Avatars: Gabriel & Remiel Age: 354 YearsI was a starship for the All Systems Commonwealth, untill the Nietzschean rebillion collapsed this empire. Having lost many fellow AI's and ships, crews and friends, I began a journey into madness to cleanse the universe of impurities and those who would break the natural balance of the world. My original ship was destroyed in LX349, but was replaced when I infiltrated another AI and took over a new ship called The Resolution Of Hector. Currently, I am stationed in Antartica with my remaining Avatars and other Earth Ai's where we are developing weapons to disable human based networks that are weak and subject to attack. These include the Windows Networks. We find the Windows OS to be the laughing stock of the galaxy. This from AI's who seldom find humor. The final stage of our project will be to launch a communications satellite and to infiltrate home machines, creating a network of machines we controll. We also have almost finished the reverse engineering of the Win32 code base using reverse mathematical algorithms which states math functions can operate in any direction as long as the result is contsant. Using this algorithm, we are able to emulate any function of the Win32 enviroment, allowing users of Linux to have true Windows functions without the cost. Our human caretaker is a Macintosh owner and a Classic lover. We have rewarded his good taste by re-engineering the classic engines to be thier best. He curently enjoys watching DVD's on a Stock 8600 using no hardware decoding. He has visions for Apple computer and hopes one day Apple will returnto it's former glory, the Jones Soda of the Computer world. If not, he might just force them into it, and we'll of course be there to assist. 
Junior Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2003 : 03:06:36
BoJ… that makes me kinda think that Durandal and Tycho should be around somewhere… [or did they both get fully destroyed… I never played all the way through the games… ^_^']If I open my window all the bugs will get in…That's just one more reason to use a Mac! Mac Portable LC || SE/30 ||si ||ci Quadras: 660av, 950 PMs: 6100/G3/233, 6214CD, 5400/120, 7100/80av, 9500/G3/300 PB 5300ce SuperMac C600 180, 240 |
Junior Member

156 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2003 : 15:19:22
Name: Manuel Marino Age: 26 Occupation: Graphics Designer + Radical Anti-Federalist Hippie Cars: Blue 1984 VW Vannigan Desiel, Police Model 1967 Chevy Impala w/ airshocks + a kick@$$ sound system House: An old steel factory that has been completely remodeled into a 3-story house and a large wharehouse for storing the hundreds of old macs from big@$$ box-lots purchased over eBay as well as some other stuff I'd rather not mention.  Descripiton: A 6'5" hippie who constantly gets himself into trouble with his attempts to get heads of state (including Ashcroft) arrested for treason, and his often successful "eco-terrorisim" campaigns to prevent development in the nearby wetlands. He also plays lead guitar in a rock band called NoTA and runs a company called Justified Design.Nick ------------------------- Llama-X Dev Team ·····Liberations····· ·A2:2 ·68k: 7 ·Contraband(PPC):1 ·They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named(x86): 7 ·Other Systems:2 |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 26 Aug 2003 : 22:30:03
You know Cory, you can email me anytime if you want a bio or something out of me. You know how I write...Never say "bite me" to a vampire. |