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The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 22 Aug 2003 : 21:28:08
Quadra 840AV32MB RAM, Standad VRAM 700MB Quantum Blazer Drive 4X CD Drive (Caddy) RasterOps Video Card AV(Needs Pins To Be Resoldered) B&W Video Card Asante Nubus Ethernet Card I will include as a bonus a VCR and all required AV cables. 25.00 Canadian A Bag of 5 8MB 72-Pin RAM 10 Dollars VRAM Chips, 5 @ 256K 2 @ 512K For 68K's. $5.00 External SCSI Drive Case With Cables & Terminators 30.00 Pentium laptop Pentium 133Mhz, 48MB RAM 1GB Hard Disk CD-ROM Drive (CD AS-IS) Sound Card Windows 95 Microsoft Office 97 Profesional $150.00 Canadian PC Tower Celeron 1GHZ 256MB RAM 20GB Drive & 10GB Drive ATA Symbios Logic SCSI PCI Card Nvidia TNT2 PCI Card LG DVD-ROM Drive 56K Modem Will have Linux installed with DVD Player, and will come with a DVD or two. Ask me which titles you wish that I have. $200.00 Canadian UMAX 604e 200Mhz CPU Card Apple 604e 200Mhz CPU Card 10 Dollars each. Edited by - The Balance Of Judgement on 22 Aug 2003 23:43:31 |
Junior Member

106 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 10:10:33
Apple 604e 200Mhz CPU Card $10.00This will work in a 7500 right? _________ Flower Power iMac 500MHz 60gb HD 8x4x24 CD-RW 512mb ram 16mb vram 10.2.6 AIO G3 500 OC to 525/75 20+4gb HDs 512mb's ram 6mb vram Firewire&USB cards 10.2.6 6500/225PPC 225MHz 6GB HD 64mb ram OS 9.1 5400/200PPC 200MHz 13GB HD 72mb ram OS 9.1 |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 14:25:23
Yes it will.I'm sure shippin for it is dirt cheap too. Let me know what state your in (send me an e-mail) and I'll tell you how much. BoJ 
Junior Member

103 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 15:43:49
I think the laptop is overpriced and the linux box is underpriced. Just a suggestion.====================== Current Macs: iMac G4/700 (main) iBook G3/700 (portable) PowerMac 7300/180 (server) PowerMac 6100/66 (no monitor!) Quadra 610 (no monitor!) Performa 400, upgraded to 475 (busted monitor!) Apple IIe (dead but I keep it) |
Junior Member

344 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 16:13:09
that 840av is tempting, since mine died, but all I really need is the motherboardArtillery Commander/Engineer, 68kMLA Liberated: LCII , III+, IIci, Q700, 800, and 840av, P550, 410 Contraband: Beige G3/300 MT o/c 400mhz, (2) 6100's Hotline mirror server: 
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 16:32:44
Try and find a laptop with working battery, 1GB and sound and color scren for 150. Even eBay the best places for deals like that doesn't have 'em. Maybe I take this a little personally, but I find people today think just because something old it isn't worth anything. I know people who if they had the money, would be willing to pay a good 200 for the laptop. This is a laptop, not a desktop which means you can take it places, mobile. Mobility never comes cheap.btw, these are Canadian Prices, so perhaps there is where confusion lies, because 150 Canadian is only about 110.00 US, so for roughly 100 bucks, it's not that much. As for the Linux box, I couldn't care less. 200 is fine. I paid over 600 for it but there is no way I'm getting that out of it, it's just "JACWL" "Just Another Clone With Linux". QuadraJets, as per the 840AV, well, I can see what shipping would be, I can strip it down and send just the bare case & stuff. I really don't want to sell just the Motherboard because it leaves me with an empty case which is no good for anything but trashing. (Unless I find an 8100 to put in it etc, but I am not 100% sure about that.) We can chat about it on AIM> 
Junior Member

344 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 17:27:29
quote: QuadraJets, as per the 840AV, well, I can see what shipping would be, I can strip it down and send just the bare case & stuff. I really don't want to sell just the Motherboard because it leaves me with an empty case which is no good for anything but trashing. (Unless I find an 8100 to put in it etc, but I am not 100% sure about that.)We can chat about it on AIM>
I just fixed the 840av by washing the motherboard, so I guess I don't need parts after all. Someone who hasn't joined the 840av club can buy it.  Artillery Commander/Engineer, 68kMLA Liberated: LCII , III+, IIci, Q700, 800, and 840av, P550, 410 Contraband: Beige G3/300 MT o/c 400mhz, (2) 6100's Hotline mirror server: 
Junior Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 20:49:26
Humm… *tempted by the 840av-ness* I do have 26$ US… [that would have to be for shipping also] not sure… Dad will give me looks for buying another computer, right after I sold that LC III…*not sure* If I open my window all the bugs will get in…That's just one more reason to use a Mac! Mac Portable LC || LC ||| SE/30 ||si ||ci Quadras: 660av, 950 PMs: 6100/G3/233, 6214CD, 5400/120, 7100/80av, 9500/G3/300 PB 5300ce SuperMac C600 180, 240 |
Junior Member

135 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2003 : 20:51:09
Hey what is shipping on the whole 840 rig thing to florida?Logan Quadra 950, Workgroup Server 9150, Performa 6400, Powerbook 2300c, 4x Quadra 700's, iBook |
Junior Member

103 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2003 : 00:05:50
Try and find a laptop with working battery, 1GB and sound and color scren for 150. Even eBay the best places for deals like that doesn't have 'em. Maybe I take this a little personally, but I find people today think just because something old it isn't worth anything. I know people who if they had the money, would be willing to pay a good 200 for the laptop. This is a laptop, not a desktop which means you can take it places, mobile. Mobility never comes cheap.btw, these are Canadian Prices, so perhaps there is where confusion lies, because 150 Canadian is only about 110.00 US, so for roughly 100 bucks, it's not that much. As for the Linux box, I couldn't care less. 200 is fine. I paid over 600 for it but there is no way I'm getting that out of it, it's just "JACWL" "Just Another Clone With Linux".
Um, I never said that old things didn't have value. Many old things have value. I WANT old things to have value; I sell them at my online store ( However, I see laptops similar to yours selling as low as $60 US on eBay. But if you get higher than that, then goodybags for you, ok? ====================== Current Macs: iMac G4/700 (main) iBook G3/700 (portable) PowerMac 7300/180 (server) PowerMac 6100/66 (no monitor!) Quadra 610 (no monitor!) Performa 400, upgraded to 475 (busted monitor!) Apple IIe (dead but I keep it) |
Junior Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2003 : 00:55:14
Mike… you really need to fix that website man… Pages and pages of blankness between some things?  about the 840av… Im still not sure… If I open my window all the bugs will get in…That's just one more reason to use a Mac! Mac Portable LC || SE/30 ||si ||ci Quadras: 660av, 950 PMs: 6100/G3/233, 6214CD, 5400/120, 7100/80av, 9500/G3/300 PB 5300ce SuperMac C600 180, 240 Edited by - Derekcat on 24 Aug 2003 00:56:27 |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2003 : 22:28:55
Ho folks, sorry I have not replied for a bit, my ISP was having some downtimes and My machines refused to work with it. I think some of that is fixed now. (iThink)I will find out how much shipping is to Florida, and get back to you on that Logan. For those of you who sent e-mail to my address, I may be slow in getting it. 
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2003 : 00:52:49
Logan, best rate is 35 dollars canadian which givs the machine 10 bussines day travel.This is just an estimate as the Post Office will say the final price and it depends on what Box I put it in. (I have some upstairs in storage) Roughly, it's 40US. (I would say 50US just to be on safe side considering any extra charges or stuff, I would let you know the final price when I get it inside the final box and weight it but this gives you an estimate. E-mail me if you wanna discuss it further. 
Junior Member

132 Posts |
Posted - 26 Aug 2003 : 06:27:04
Hi BoJWhat items do you still have available? Are you able/willing to do swaps? K 
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 26 Aug 2003 : 07:02:53
The 604e CPU Card is sold, but everything else is still available. What kind of trade did you have in mind? We can do a mixture of trade/buy.I am open to trades.  Let me know. (You can add me to msn, yahoo, iCQ or aol isnstant messenger if you have any of these, as my e-mail is kinda unreliable at the moment.) If I do e-mail you, it'll be from :-) 
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 03:06:56
If I do e-mail you, it'll be from :-)
You have mail.  "One slip and down the hole we fall" Stryders Community Come and check it out.   |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2003 : 04:34:26
Update:Everthing on the list is now sold or in the process of trade, so if anything changes I will update the page. Thanks for all the replies. 
Junior Member

132 Posts |
Posted - 07 Sep 2003 : 14:40:42
Hey BalanceBeen trying to reach you by email. 