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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 19:22:20
I got my G3 today!!!!but it doesn't work... here's my story as fast and as accurate as my fast, and somewhat frustrated hands can take it to you... first, I'll note that the rear top handle was borked, so it hurt as I took it out... the item... OSX doesn't want to install, and you'll note that the thing has a 450MHz G3 on a Yikes! G4 mobo? well my mac source tells me it's a 400MHz.. OS9 ran VERY reliably... for a whopping TWO minutes, and it wouldn't work after rebooting. My 8.5 (worldwide) cd won't work because it needs 8.5.1 (stupid macworld CDs...) I can't get OSX installed, and NONE of my 9.0- or 9.1 CDs are bootable. On a lighter note, the included macalley keyboard/mouse work grandly with the tibook, and appleworks 6 which was on the CD (he modified and burned, so it's not bootable) works on the TiBook... Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 19:30:10
Did the guy upgrade the machine and screw it up?

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 19:33:45
Did the guy upgrade the machine and screw it up?
Sounds like it.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 19:39:39
Hope you got a no DOA warrenty

The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 20:07:22
I would return it and demand a full money back, because frankly, it isn't worth your hassle and time to try and fix this all.

Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 20:22:36
If the items were sold AS-IS he is out of luck, some sell with a DOA warrenty but you only have so many days to get back to them.Did the unit get damaged in shipping? If so if there was insurance then you might get your money back (keep the packing) IS the heatsink still attached to the processor? If not it could be overheating in a very short period of time (and finally burn out). 
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 21:13:54
yeah, I believe it's shipping damage as well... but I don't know what kind of damage it is...I'm told to send it back, file a claim with FedEx, sue the guy and a whole suit of other things over AIM and (here) I don't know what to do, and I really NEED a computer that will run jaguar *SERVER* for my project I was running 10.1 on the 7300, but couldn't get SQL, and by that time, I had already ordered this baby... I don't want to have to deal with ebay and other things *AGAIN* to get another computer.... but if I have to :-\.... Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 21:37:26
so here's the deal...he's eMailed me back, saying that it was in just ever-so perfect condition, and that if I'd dropped another million bucks on him, he'd included 10.2.6 "FREE!" (for scsi card, hdd and a zip drive) To quote his eMail exactly: Boy, am I shocked! That G3 was pro packed and then shipped FedEx insured for $450 ($75 over what you paid before P/H/S). That Mac was in GREAT shape when it left here, and I have pictures to back up my statement. Please submit a claim with FedEx ASAP, but you (as the recipient) have to file the claim. You can get a pair of G3 handles for about $20-30 on eBay, and let FedEx reimburse you via your claim. The late deliver (but only two days, not four) was totally FedEx's fault, and you should let them know that in no uncertain terms. Yes, it was MacOS 9.0 as specified in my auction. I would have given you MacOS X (10.2.6) for free if you would have purchased the SCSI drive w/SCSI card and Zip drive, but you didn't. I had that G3 originally for auction with a 10Gb HD w/MacOS X on it, but reduced it to it's original 6Gb w/MacOS 9 when no one met my reserve. I had the 6Gb HD w/MacOS 9 w/Appleworks running 24/7 for several days straight before shipping to you and all was running fine with not troubles what so ever. Please understand that that Mac ran great for the past two years as my wife's Mac. However, its configuration was with the 10Gb HD, a Zip 100, and four 128Mb RAM sticks. You have two of those four 2-2-2/100 sticks. The two 64Mb sticks are 3-2-2s or 3-3-2s which make all four memory sticks run at their slower speed. Try running the G3 without the two 64s, and you boot-up speed should jump up. FYI - The two 64's are that G3's original memory. END QUOTE... so I'm kinda dissapointed... I need to gather thoughs on how to fix this.. because I NEED my server for my server project... the ability to put a MasterLock on the back of the G3 really had me sold too... (I just found this out today though...) one thought, is that I need to see pictures, and another is why he coudln't have put OSX on the secondary drive? I'm told that the processor is actually 400MHz, from what I read to another mac expert over AIM, which means that his auction may have been lying in multiple ways? Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Full Member
554 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 22:01:04
Here's what I think for whatever it's worth. You need to get the pictures from the guy and take care of things with FedEX. I understand your frustration, actually you seem to be taking this rather well compared to how I'd be taking it... I'd be going ape. But that's besides the point. If he can prove the computer was in good shape with the pictures great, then make FedEX take care of all the other issues of why it just doesn't work. Then if you find out for 100% certain it is only a 400MHz processor, go back to the guy once again and bring that up with him. Try and strike up a deal with him to compensate, if he refuses to comply bring it up with eBay, needless to say he won't be on there much longer after that.oh, and I am truely sorry you have to put up with this BS, no one should have to, but unfortunately that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes... man.... this is *explicitive deleted* bull *explicitive deleted*..... ________________ foetoid, that's (fee-toy-duh) da band: Edited by - foetoid on 15 Aug 2003 22:07:43 |
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 22:52:37
If he misrepresented the auction in a major way ask for a refund asap. If he didnt just get your money from fedex for the complete rig and then scavenge what you can from it. I think your system is probably fried and a total loss (if the system shows up with shipping damage dont even bother firing it up because it could smoke and then the shipper wont pay for it).

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 23:04:51
for those who aren't on AIM right now...Intrikit Weaver v5.0, a 450MHz Blue/White Power Macintosh G3 with a Yikes! G4 motherboard, is running. It has 512MB of RAM right now, and will soon be powering a website of my own... I replaced ALL the RAM with a stick of my own, and then put some of it back in... it works GREAT!!! to all those who put up with me, I thank you... Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 23:06:37
Great to hear!  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 23:21:40
tomorrow I'll sort things out with a MySQL srver and get php enabled, so's I can run PHPbb2!!  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 01:38:44
To put it bluntly: You lucky bastard  Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure... |
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 02:21:54
If he indeed has photos to back up the condition of the machine then definitely file a claim for the handles. Are you sure the RAM was seated correctly when it arrived? If it was bumped hard enough to break the handle it could have loosened the RAM.If he doesn't have pictures, or goes quiet just report him to ebay, people like that are a pain in the ass for everybody. Also about the smaller drive and stuff did he tell you this *before* you paid? If not, once again, report him to ebay. -------- LC 2, LC 3, Q605, Perf 638, Colour Classic (160 603e) 6100, 7200, PTP 225 (Quad 604), PM 9600, G4 Cube |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
312 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 03:30:09
good to know you got it working ...Orcadian MLA Division 68ks Liberated: 2 |
Full Member
554 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 06:49:04
nice nice nice... I'm really glad to hear it's at least running.________________ foetoid, that's (fee-toy-duh) da band: |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2003 : 20:51:32
I did reseat the RAM, the processor and reconnected and properly mounted the HDD...I put the two 128meggers back in, and it would become unreliable after a few hours... that has been rectified though... (I took them out) I don't think that ALL of this is bad RAM, and if I can get 384, 512 or some other bigger number, and still operate reilably, I'll be atop the world, and I'll add the defective memory to my shipping claim? I might not include the memory and flying HDDs in my shipping claim, because that's an issue not with the shipping, but with the seller... Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 18 Aug 2003 : 04:10:07
Include everything, if they question something say you thought it was hipping because you couldn't believe someone would be that stupid!-------- LC 2, LC 3, Q605, Perf 638, Colour Classic (160 603e) 6100, 7200, PTP 225 (Quad 604), PM 9600, G4 Cube |