In more ways than one too!I'm back from california
I'm back from cross country camp
I'm back from having no internet
Now here goes a general summary:
California was great! Great state, lots of fun at the tech thing, willing to explain more upon request
. I came home to find my house had been struck by lightning when i was gone. Great. My router and dsl modem both fried, sending a surge over ethernet to my g4, which now has a dead enet port. The iMac was never unplugged by my mum (although it was off), and now will hardly do more than turn VERY slightly on, nothing more. (my server ran fine cause of my UPS though, yay!). Immediately after I had to go to CC camp, barely getting a modem and router ordered before hand. CC camp was tons of fun, although quite tiring and making muscles sore. I then came home to find a new router with wireless now
and a day later a new modem. So now, finally, I am back, just in time to have bandcamp next week, although its only three blocks away, so I'll hopefully be around more.
Thats all for now, ask me anything u wana know aboot!
~The Penguin
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| Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy |
| "The choice has been made, but now you must understand it" |