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New Member

59 Posts
Posted - 05 Feb 2002 :  21:19:08
I was trying to figure out how to ask this without sounding too terribly stoo-pid and have given up on that part leaving nothing but the asking. Does a powerbook in general and, say, this cursed 540c specifically have a pram battery?

Official 68k Muse

1193 Posts
Posted - 05 Feb 2002 :  21:25:17

I was trying to figure out how to ask this without sounding too terribly stoo-pid and have given up on that part leaving nothing but the asking. Does a powerbook in general and, say, this cursed 540c specifically have a pram battery?

yes :)

Just to the right of the trackpad, and a little towards the keyboard are 2 coin-sized cells (inside obviously)... and they're a pain to get at... :(. If you take the right hand battery completely out and look inside, you should be able to see the cover for their compartment.

To replace them comfortably, you really need to near pull the 540c completely apart. Bad apple... BAD BAD apple.

Nice lil laptop though!


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LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 05 Feb 2002 :  23:41:31

Nice lil laptop though!

Umm, dana, isn't there a section in the 68kMLA training handbook on how to call Macs by their proper names?

I'll let you off this time, but once more...


Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!!

Warrior maclover5
68k Macintosh Liberation Army

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Full Member

523 Posts
Posted - 06 Feb 2002 :  07:34:30

<singing> I have to push the pram a lot... </singing>


Sgt. Tallgeese
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