Today is Cory's first day of Tenth grade at Kingman High School in Kingman, Arizona.I have 6 classes, they are all in one day, and they are probably all one hour long.
I got my hair cut so it's really short now, and I got a new bag, binder, some socks and new shoes for school.
It's almost as though I'm a grand new person, and I LOVE IT!
I am in geometry this year, but had I continued on my original path for math "The Path of Math™" I would be in Algebra II...
From what I saw of the people last year, there is some pretty decent people here in Kingman. Let's find out today! 
Official 68k videographer
Official MLA TourGuide
Editor of the MLAgazine
"I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life"