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Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 02:44:38
I was looking through the telephone book for Telstra (to get rid of that annoying 101 bullshit they shovel down your throat) and I pick a random page in the commercial section. I looked at the top of the page....and it said IPEX! To confirm it was actually Ipex computers I looked at the last entry on the page...and there it was "Ipex Computer"......evil.Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure... |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:12:28
Eeek....evil.....Ipex. Y'know, I had an Ipex once. Back in 1999, i got a whole bunch of old Ipex parts for free, put them all together, and had a working computer...well for a while, anyway. First a power supply crapped out, and then a mobo went to heaven (or hell!), then another mobo crapped out, and then another power supply borkulated itself started smoking. Then the last mobo i had finally crapped out. Now i have it at home sitting on the floor in front of the telly, i use it as a stool to put my feets on when i'm watching a film. That thing was the beaten up XD Falcon of computers: Old, crappy, unrealiable, and falls apart easily. Only reason i haven't flattened it with the Holden is because of the fact that the Ipex no longer contains parts, and therefore it wouldn't be as fun.  Two other little facts you might like to know about Ipex and I: a) In my Hardware Fundamentals class, where we pull apart old PeeCees and crap, at least one Ipex per week gets written off.   b) Another reason i hate Ipex so much is because of something very evil they did to me in mid-2000. Even more evil than Microsoft and the RIAA combined. Some of you already know about this, and others don't. I won't put much here just in case Satan himself is reading this (Everything they know about my location and how to contact me is now irrelevant, it has all changed), but if you email me, verifying that you are who you are (you never know what tricks they may get up to. ) I may tell you about it. "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

192 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:17:46
oh come on maclover. i'm curious about it. why can't you just post it up here ?

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:20:22
There is a very low chance of them finding, or visiting the MLA, but you never know. All my contact/location details have changed since The Incident, and i'd like it to remain that way, thankyouverymuch.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

192 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:22:33
so is ipex based on usa or au ? i never heard of them here!
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:23:46
Australia. If you're lucky enough to live in the US, you will have never heard of Ipex, you lucky thing. They are practically run by Satan."**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

192 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:27:44
practically run by satan! hehe, that's makes my day, man. they must did something terrible to you. but i don't really understand how evil a computer vendor ? can be.
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:46:02
Maybe you might after i send you an email.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

192 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 05:50:07
uh oh. please do so. you got my email right ? prohacks@hotmaili only got 30 minutes more online. so i'll be waiting .. 
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 06:09:52
Done!"**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

192 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 06:25:22
thanks for your mail man. sorry to hear about it.well if it can do you any good, why don't let me run the website. i don't suppose they want to take legal actions on someone outside their country. but then again, i might go to australia someday. and these satans? might bug me. hehe. and that's why you never tell me your name™. cool man. good thing you're on macs.

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 09:02:43
you need someone to run a website?  sorry to (well I can gather what happened.. you haven't told me though...) so IPEX is kidna evil huh? and it's not just the bad products eh?  better luck with other manufacturers  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 15:27:10
you need someone to run a website? 
Not at all!  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 18:36:27
Why not just abuse Ipex over pay phones :), nice, simple, totally safe too.Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure... |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 18:50:20
LOL!remember to use collect calling also! costt hem moneys AND annoy them!  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide Editor of the MLAgazine "I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life" |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:28:04
Funny. I live in USA and have heard of Ipex. Even before I came here.The Lightning Stalker Performa 631CD, 7.5.5 LC III Mail Server Q610 Q650 6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV 7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 4G, 9.2.2 (Main Mac) Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc 5.25" 2 Apple IIe |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:40:50
Why not just abuse Ipex over pay phones :), nice, simple, totally safe too.Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure...
I already do. I ring up their number, without putting any money in, and as soon as they pick up, the payphone cuts off. Next time i have 40c spare, i might put on a fake voice and do a bit of mucking around.   Btw, Lightning, do you mean you've heard of the Ipex that is the evil, or some other company with that name....Googling for "ipex" brings up many, many, many matches. "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Starting Member
23 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:42:40
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The plan WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!    |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:45:16
Shut Up.™  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Starting Member
23 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:46:56
No! You Shut Up. Otherwise i shall be forced to drop an Ipex T600 on your head!   |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:47:20
Whatever.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:51:43
I should have seen this comming....Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure... |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:57:20
HAR!™ Fyi, "IPEXlover5" is me. I registered it a while ago for a joke in a thread about "my evil left hand". However, I still have that name, for "Special Occasions"....  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Starting Member
23 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 19:58:22
As you say, "Whatever. "
I love evil! Evil everywhere! Including ML5, who is now evil! |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 21:02:53
I remeber the thread about good old IPEXLover . How about this....all the Australian members find where you live.......and cut your left hand off  Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure... |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 21:14:54
HAR!™ Its actually pretty good for touch typing, and besides, if i didn't have it, how else would I carry around all those superheavy AIO Performas that i fixed up at the Shop last year?  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 21:16:55
How about if we gave you a forklift  Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure... |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2003 : 21:36:26
LOL"**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 20:33:01
quote: Btw, Lightning, do you mean you've heard of the Ipex that is the evil, or some other company with that name....Googling for "ipex" brings up many, many, many matches.
Could be a different one. |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 15 Aug 2003 : 20:56:09
Did they make computers?"**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |