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Posted - 07 Aug 2003 :  12:25:59
This is my first post, and I'd like to announce my enlistment to the 68KMLA.

I was at The Salvation Army the other day, looking for dress slacks for a 1960's prom-style anniversary party. While looking around I saw a Macintosh SE (2 floppy drives) sitting on a shelf, (no Mac cables, keyboards, mice, etc.) it had a $10 as is tag on it. I thought, heck, even if it doesn't work, it'd make a good RC car or something . Got it home, plugged it in, and much to my joy, it works! But it has no internal HD. Does anyone know where I can get an external SCSI drive for it?

I'm also counting my Performa 630CD that I pulled out of mothballs to run a SCSI scanner that I recently acquired. I got an ethernet PDS card for it so I can transfer scans from it to my main Mac: An iMac 17" 800 Mhz.

I found out about the 68KMLA from playing an EV: Nova plugin called, Polycon EV. I would see from time to time a Mac SE looking ship flying around, it's govt is 68KMLA. I decided to do a Google search for the MLA to find a resource that could help me to get a drive for my newest Mac family member.

Well, that's about me. I adore all my Macs, and I won't think twice if ever I see another Mac in need.

Macs liberated: 2
Macs Owned: 3

The Lightning Stalker
Full Member

747 Posts
Posted - 07 Aug 2003 :  19:50:05
Welcome to the army! Try eBay for the hard drive, or you could try posting a request into the Trading Post.

The Lightning Stalker

Performa 631CD, 7.5.5
LC III Mail Server

6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV
7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 4G, 9.2.2 (Main Mac)

Lady Smith Apples:
Apple IIc 5.25"
2 Apple IIeGo to Top of Page


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