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LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2003 : 06:03:19
FINALLY have Basilisk II online. As a matter of fact, I am typing this post from it. It's rather zippy around the web, which is cool. I'm currently using iCab, which is the most modern browser for the 68k, as Netscape isn't developed anymore, and is sorta crappy anyhow. But, I'm not having any luck finding AIM 4.0 for the 68k. Anyone know of a HTTP download for it? I can't get to FTP servers.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2003 : 06:17:41
Don't worry about that request, i've already found one.  Btw, I'm back on Netscape...iCab was really borking out with some of the forums. "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2003 : 06:18:33
Hmm I wonder if your 68k Mac software knows its Inside Intel Inside a peecee? Maybe the entire world is a simulation running on a Windows 98000 machine from the future. That could explain why the world is often such a mess. G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2003 : 06:41:23
Now I'm afraid.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2003 : 03:18:11
Matrix Fan.  Fear the day Microsoft patents the binary 0 and 1 system, then we are all messed up for good. Abaccus will make a comeback. 
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2003 : 03:39:02
Who's the Matrix fan? G4 or me?  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2003 : 05:25:35
We are both simulations of fans of the Matrix.But being a fan of the Matrix is very dangerous. The people that run the simulation occasionally insert stories like the Matrix to find people who are about to uncover the truth about the universe. Fans of the Matrix are considered potential subversives by the operators of this simulated universe. Time to put on the aluminum foil hat.  G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2003 : 06:48:04
Get a bucket put it on your head and go with army folks to fight martians.The truth is out there and it's gonna get ya, it's gonna find ya.... 
New Member
54 Posts |
Posted - 08 Aug 2003 : 20:43:08
Sounds like a fun simulation. "Subversion" is only ever complained about by vulnerable people! Microsoft will not get any better no matter what they patent, people who use their shyt can blame themselves too. If you "need it for work", then you might work for chumps who like pricey, disfunctional software and bumbling "service". Anybody who needs a captive audience to foist their hokum on is doomed by their lack ov desire for progress or quality. SAME GOES FOR THE US DOLLAR, those who dislike competition will step off- ov the stool they hang themselves from
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 08 Aug 2003 : 21:18:01
I may have that at home - I'll look for it when I'm back there. Could you run Speedometer 4 benchmarks on the 2GHz basilisk mac? that would be way cool to see how many times faster than a 605 it thinks it is. (of course, benchmarks being rather limited, and even MORE limited when run on emulators - but it's still neat =) dana
Dana, I ended up finding AIM 4 for 68k...on AIM's Latin America site...heh. Where abouts can i get Speedometer? I'll definately have to run a benchmark test on it.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 09 Aug 2003 : 00:04:33
Thanks. Benchmarks will be coming soon (meaning sometime within the next few days...i'm kinda busy tomorrow.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 09 Aug 2003 : 00:25:05
That part about software is partly incorrect. Sadly, many companies like Adobe, Macromedai only make Mac/PC versions and many only make Windows versions of certian products. So, in a sense, it's forced Windows to be the standard because PC's are cheaper, hence appealing to a business budget.
Full Member
602 Posts |
Posted - 09 Aug 2003 : 00:37:08
That part about software is partly incorrect. Sadly, many companies like Adobe, Macromedai only make Mac/PC versions and many only make Windows versions of certian products. So, in a sense, it's forced Windows to be the standard because PC's are cheaper, hence appealing to a business budget.
Thats not how it happened. The original IBM PC came out before any mac ever existed. Withing a few years clones of the IBM came out because everything on a PC was off the shelf components that were well documented and only the bios had to be cloned. The original PC's were very expensive and not as common as you think. The reason they caught on was because you had multiple venders making them (not a proprietary system like macs are now and were from the beginning)and all the hardware was documented. The more IBM's made the more venders who made hardware/software for them which eventually snowballed into cheaper machines and lots of software because of competition (something you dont have on a mac). just remember the architecture came first, and the software came later.. not the other way around.

New Member
54 Posts |
Posted - 09 Aug 2003 : 02:50:34
Sorry, I am more ov an end user. I started off using commercial software a few years ago, I have little patience for it anymore. I am basically an AI/ music guy, the most powerful softwares have been by far on classic Mac OS and UNIX, now on just about any POSIX environment. I think 99% ov commercial software is ok stuph that has finally come out for hundreds ov dollars about ten years after the capabilities were there for free. But why get something better for free when you can pay for the diluted version. I've got it… tech support! Easier, but not for me. If it went this way, computer science would die. Even Carnegie-Mellon would not get a Micro$haft certificate to run on my Palladium box.Can you really benchmark a Quadra in emulation? Unless you've got benchmarking software which knows your physical hardware in detail, I'd be skeptical. I'd love to try it though! And ironically, after putting themselves mostly out ov the home computer market… now an "IBM PC" basically means a Macintosh. 
Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 09 Aug 2003 : 16:04:58
The Matrix is everywhere... Even in this very room. You see it everytiome you look out ofthe Window, or turn on your television. You feel it when you go to church, or when you pay your taxes...I'm unsober, tired and it's 12:04 am. Forgive me :) As for Basilisk it hgasn't been updated in an age, tho that doesn't stop it working good. I don't need it of course as I have nough 68ks and other Macs, not to mention a new 800MHz iMac. It was one of the things that convinced me to get a Mac years ago though, so credit where it's due  -- Mark Benson FlatPackMacs 2nd Lieutenant - 68kMLA, LC Quartermaster Holder of the Crowbar of Persistant Crate Opening "Never send a human to do a machine's job" - The Matrix Edited by - SiliconValleyPirate on 09 Aug 2003 16:07:37 |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 09 Aug 2003 : 16:06:37
The Matrix is everywhere... Even in this very room. You see it everytiome you look out ofthe Window, or turn on your television. You feel it when you go to church, or when you pay your taxes...
Yes.  "**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers Warrior maclover5 68kMLA Official 68kMLA Detective  Number of 68ks Liberated: 7 Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1 |
The Balance Of Judgement
Senior Member
Ivory Coast
1006 Posts |
Posted - 09 Aug 2003 : 16:59:41
The linux version of Basilisk II is being updated, just no-one has compiled it for Windows.The Linux version supports realtime resolution switching, for those games that like to use 256 colors etc. 