Hello there,I will get some stuff downloaded to a friend's PC from Penguin's FTP server and I need to know how can I burn them on CD...
I'm talking about:
OS42User.tgz (When I decompress this... what will it be?)
Rhapsody Intel.toast.sit
Mac OS 8.toast.tgz
Mac OS 8.1 Multi-Install.img
How will I burn the toast images?
And what about the .img files?
I also downloaded "Rhapsody DR Intel Install.img" and "Rhapsody PC Drivers.img" which are floppy images I suppose...
Can't get them to work! How can I copy these to a floppy?
I downloaded the OpenStep 4.2 floppy images and they copied just fine to a floppy using RawWrite for windows...
Thanks in advance,
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