I may not be helping much here, at least not directly.In my experience this is somewhat similar to the error message I have recieved when I have tried unsuccessfully to connect a computer to the internet.
I believe it to be saying to you, this is not working. It is a message worded in such a way that you think it is being specific, but all it is saying is that the whole process isn't working.
I wish you luck, I have had many miserable hours recieving the message The site you entered does not have a DNS entry,
I believe the message is computer gobbledegook because it can't just say to you, it isn't working sorry I tried but I can't make it work I am unsure as to the specific problem.
Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive
os 8.1
128 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive
PPC7600/132, 4.23Gig & 500 Meg drives, 8X cd
os 8.6
3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14"