Hello!This is in response to an original post that went away for some reason.
I have a mac plus that I'm trying to make a start-disk for. I have sys 5 for it, but I'm afraid that if I install that right off the bat, I may not have access to some of my programs that may only run in sys 4.2 so I feel that making a startup disk with 4.2 is a good idea. I just don't know how to do it.
I was asked about the particulars of my system:
Mac Plus total memory 1,024 K
finder 6.0 with 904K
sys 4.2 with 120 K
Ram Cache 32 k turned off (don't know if this is good or not)
I tried fitting sys 4.2 and finder 6.0 from the hd but I only had room for the sys 4.2 file. I guess I need both, right?
I'm trying to bassically clean up the drive by reinitilizing the hd (it's got about 18 yrs of junk on it), but don't want to do that unless I have a good working copy of sys 4.2 which I alread know works with these programs.
I'm also wondering, where one gets the single sided disks (the ones with just the one hole in the upper left hand side. I gues single density?) is this a stupid question?
Thanks for reading and your patience