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 Internet browsing habbits..
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Junior Member

463 Posts
Posted - 13 Jun 2003 :  02:48:35

We all have habits regarding what sites we go to on the internet, so tell me them. To get the ball rolling:

-Once my slow dialup connection finally connects, my homepage is some IBM file saved on my hardrive, I cant see the point of changing it.
-Once I have finished reading that love IBM page, my next site is to go to www.pravda.ru and go to its english section, and read the news from a russian perspective, its quite interesting.
-Then, I go to www.OSNews.com and read all the news from the computing world, focussing on BeOS and Mac.
-Then off I go to http://begroovy.com and read any of their news and go to the forums to check out anyhting new.
-After that, I go to www.wihlborg.se to see if he has released a new game.
-www.apple.com is next to see if they are touting anything of intereasted to me.
-After that, I go to www.yellowtab.com to see if anything intereasting is happening with Zeta.
-Ebay is next, though I really should stop, its hard to stop to biding when you know your parents credit card number. Though it is fun to raise the cost of items that reserves are fair higher than the current cosy.
-At this stage, I wap between, you 0guessed it here and www.google.com when Im researching onee thing or another.

Thats prety mcuh it. Sorry for any mistakes, my cockateil has been jumping on my hand the whole time.

Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure...

Edited by - Fedorenko on 13 Jun 2003 02:50:15

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 13 Jun 2003 :  03:01:13
Well, I wake up at whenever I wake up, turn on my Dell's monitor, and go on AIM and see if anyone left me any messages. Then i go and check my Hotmail, and then either go to breakfast, or go to LowEndMac and see if there's any interesting new articles. Then I'll come to the MLA and see whats up. Then I'll go to MacAddict.com, and then Cinemafia.net forums, as well as the Holden Discussion Forum. Sometimes I'll go to AppleFritter. Often I'll go off a tangent and look at something compeletly different, as I did this afternoon with the AppleCollection, and if there's something I need to look up, I'll Google it.

"**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers
Warrior maclover5

Official 68kMLA Detective
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The Lightning Stalker
Full Member

747 Posts
Posted - 13 Jun 2003 :  04:40:45
1. Dial Up
2. Check e-Mail
3. Reply to e-Mail, if there is any
4. Check the warez board I frequent
5. Start downloading some warez or app/cracks(if there is any)
6. Go to 68kmla
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Full Member

602 Posts
Posted - 13 Jun 2003 :  05:36:48
Cable modem here so no waiting for dialup crap.

I visit the following in no particular order:
www.msn.com is my homepage and I check that for news when I boot up and get on the net

www.dosgames.com forum (dos gaming)
www.emu-uk.com & eab.abime.net (amiga forums)
www.****edcompany.com (to see what company is going to shit every day)
www.slashdot.com (interesting articles)
www.theregister.co.uk (computer land trash tabloid)
www.compgeeks.com (around noon to see whats new and what the daily specials are)
www.isonews.com & www.nforce.nl (warez news)
www.lowendmac.com (for interesting articles on mac related stuff)
news.com.com & www.cnn.com (to see whats new in the world)
www.ebay.com (to check on auctions I am watching)

The filter through a zillion emails for the various email lists I am on

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LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 17 Jun 2003 :  23:00:25
Y'know, I'm sure this thread had more posts than this.

"**** em" - Jobs in regards to customers
Warrior maclover5

Official 68kMLA Detective
Number of 68ks Liberated: 7
Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster: 1Go to Top of Page

Junior Member

463 Posts
Posted - 17 Jun 2003 :  23:10:06
As do I, as do I.....

Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure...Go to Top of Page

Starting Member

3 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  01:35:27
Привет Федоренко! Я обычно начинаю с http://list.ee - это наш форум эстонский, затем на ментовский портал http://dobro.ee прошвырнусь. Вот теперь сюда, на - default.asp.html
А тебе рекомендую зайти на наш "Полигон Железных Призраков", как раз там проходят испытания старого железа. http://phantom.sannata.ru

Russian solder 68 KMLA with Macintosh Plus (1986) and SC 20 (HDD 1989). http://eston.netGo to Top of Page

Junior Member

463 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  02:22:57
Um, talk about being brought back from the dead, and in Russian (I think)

Good ideas usually are created by crazy people, go figure...Go to Top of Page

Starting Member

3 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  02:47:43
О том, что освободил лично я, -- можно узнать вот из этого номера рассылки:

написанной мною же. ;-)

Russian solder 68 KMLA with Macintosh Plus (1986) and SC 20 (HDD 1989). http://eston.netGo to Top of Page

Senior Member

1627 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  13:11:56

I have no habbits, tho i do frequent MAF.

Well... We like to call it ЬberGather2k6/7Go to Top of Page

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  21:19:03
yay! new member!!!

in addition, I know that I repleid to this thread... so it's likely that this is a new topic...

remember mike's thread "WTF are all the posts locked up?"

Official 68k videographer
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"I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life"Go to Top of Page

Junior Member

107 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  21:33:27
Fire up the computer/load up a browser, home page is my university storm intercept team site
from there i go to various weather data sites, including
then check the national wx service forecast discussion from the north webster, in forecast office...
Then go to some other sites such as http://www.aos.wisc.edu/weather/ to look at more maps
Then maybe an occasional visit to here...like right now!
And as you can see, real meteorologists don't use the weather channel
Yep, most of the times I'm on the net I look at weather data, and a visit to the mla, or to some news site or whatnot.

macdaddy - 68KMLA Field Meteorologist
68Ks at my base:
Q840AV, Q605, D280/DuoDock II,P550, LC 475,LCIII+,(2) LCIIIs,IIci, P410,LCII,Mac II
(2) PM G3/300 MTs, PM G3/300 DT, P6360, Q800/PPC 601, 6100/66 w/ 240Mhz Newer G3
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Junior Member

217 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  22:16:34
http://www.ehmac.com/cgi_bin/ultimatebb.cgi Canadian Mac Forums
Another email

Editor of the printed word, Ministry of 68k Truths (mini6)
PowerCD, Mac HD 20, SE, Classic II, IIx, IIvi, PB 170, LC 475, LC 575, Quadra 650, Performa 5200, iMac 333

How you like d'em apples?!Go to Top of Page

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  22:27:47
I usually come here....
what ever other forums I may have either started, or been interested in as of late...
eBay rounds....

then I download all night long...

Official 68k videographer
Official MLA TourGuide
Editor of the MLAgazine
"I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life"Go to Top of Page


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