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New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2003 : 12:14:36
This isn't exactly a 68k issue, but more of how I can gain access to my 68k programs. Over the last couple of months I have downloaded a cd worth of programs and system files I wanted/needed for my IIsi and the q950 from various (let them remain unnamed) sources. The files were mostly sit and image files and I downloaded them on my work pc (while working). I burned a copy yet when read by the AppleCD SC, there are strange extensions to the file names, such as SIT;, . So I copied the files to my wife's iMac running system ten. It reads and opens the files no problem. I actually burned an image file of system 7.6 on one cd and the SC had no problems reading it, although the system wouldn't install on the formatted HD, claiming it was missing necessary sys 7 files. So I burned a copy of the program collection on a 700 Mb disk with toast, OSX read it fine. I put it in the SC and it can't read it! I thought maybe it is the size of the disk, so I tried a 650 Mb - and the SC still can't read it! What is the scoop here? Why can it see files burnt with Nero on a pc, but not on OSX? Please don't recommend that I try burning in classic, because an old copy of Toast that I tried doesn't recognize the CD burner. thanks for any suggestions |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2003 : 14:33:13
Since the last post I have discovered the wonders of TransMac. It allowed me to use the pc to burn an image of all the files and the AppleCD SC can read them. Great. I still don't understand why the cd I burned with Toast under OSX can't ber read by the SC though. Oh well.
Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2003 : 15:19:31
When you burned the disk with toast, was it "MacOS" or "MacOS extended"? You need MacOS 8.1? or better to read MacOS extended which is HFS+.If this doesn't answer the question, can you provide more details on how the disk was created? I burn disks with toast on 10.2.x that read fine on System 6 and above. emaq123
SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |
Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 19 May 2003 : 15:22:14
Why can it see files burnt with Nero on a pc, but not on OSX?
About nero on a pc... Do you have a iso 9660 extension in your system folder? That would let you read an iso 9660 disk, which is what I guess you burned with nero. emaq123 SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2003 : 00:12:17
I just dragged the file to toast box and the first of the 4 option boxes was pushed (I think it says cd for mac or pc - I am not sure.The disk I got using nero and Transmac is ok, but the transfer onto the HD of the IIsi is going really slow with the SC. I keep on getting "bus error" failures and have to reboot.

Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 20 May 2003 : 06:51:27
I just dragged the file to toast box and the first of the 4 option boxes was pushed (I think it says cd for mac or pc - I am not sure.The disk I got using nero and Transmac is ok, but the transfer onto the HD of the IIsi is going really slow with the SC. I keep on getting "bus error" failures and have to reboot.
On my copy of Toast Titanium 5.2, the data button defaults to "Mac OS Extended and PC (Hydrid) CD". This doesn't work for me with old macs. You can change the disk type to "Mac OS CD" which should work fine with any mac. On the nero disk, I have a "ISO 9660 File Access" extention on my macs which is what should let you read that disk. The bus error issue sounds like a scsi termination problem. Are you sure your scsi bus is terminated properly? emaq123
SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 04:56:14
For some reason, the toast Titanium 5.2 on our system 10.2 iMac reports that it can not burn in disk type "Mac OS CD", so I have another mac extended disk which my system can't read. Is there a way to turn files into images on OS X? I burnt a sys 7.6 img. installation using toast and it can be read no problem. Otherwise, I will have to turn all the files into sit. files separately, copy it to a disk, transfer these files to the pc and burn using nero. I just didn't want hundreds of sit files, as my MacIIsi takes forever to unpack things. Any suggestions? 
New Member
66 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 06:34:26
You can't download .img files with PCMaybe it's easier to set up basilisk II with PC. With basilisk you can download .img files and you can burn basilisk disk file to cd with nero see here: --------- The Best of the 68k Games: |
Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 07:12:33
For some reason, the toast Titanium 5.2 on our system 10.2 iMac reports that it can not burn in disk type "Mac OS CD", so I have another mac extended disk which my system can't read.
Let me guess... You selected Mac OS CD in toast. Dragged a bunch of files there and then toast said, "no can do". If that is the case, I had the same problem. My work around was to use disk copy to make a disk image in Mac OS format. Copy the sit files to the new disk image and expand them there. Once I filled the disk image, I had toast burn that image as a Mac OS CD. Works fine for me. I don't what causes the problem I described above. I've found that working in disk images to be a great way to organize data. emaq123 SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 13:49:36
Thanks emaq123! You perfectly described the problem. Sorry pracht, maybe I didn't explain myself well. I downloaded 68k sit. files on the pc, burned them and took the cd to our iMac running 10.2. I copied all the sits to the mac and expanded them and organized them to make a nice Mac OS cd that could be read by my 68k computers, but Toast wouldn't burn a Mac OS CD for some reason, just as emaq123 confirmed. My new question - specifically to emaq123 - "disk copy" has turned the folder with these programs into a dmg file. In toast do I chose "Burn Mac OS CD " or "Burn Image" or is there some spec that I Don't see called "burn image as Mac OS CD"? Thanks for having patience with me, it is just that I have already gone through a pile of cds trying to get these programs to burn right and don't want another coaster.
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 25 May 2003 : 14:07:54
latest try: It seems that I can burn everything as one big dmg file as a Mac OS CD with toast, but that is not what I want. I want a CD that shows all the files, so that my slow as molasses AppleCD SC can read them. One huge dmg file won't read properly. When I drag the image file that appears on the desktop of 10.2 into toast under the "Burn Mac OS CD" option, it opens up all the files and I am back to where I was at the start - namely toast says it doesn't burn in this format. If I just drag the dmg file to the "burn Image file" will I get something I can read on my IIsi?? Thanks for bearing with me.
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 31 May 2003 : 05:41:05
ATTENTION emaq123 (and anyone else who may have an idea):I tried making an empty "standard MacOS" disk image under system 10.2 and then dragged the 68k program files there. While they were being copied the system crashed and a window appeared telling me in English, French, German, and Japanese to reboot the computer. Upon restart, the image with the partially copied files had disappeared. What is going on? Thanks 
Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 31 May 2003 : 08:36:45
ATTENTION emaq123 (and anyone else who may have an idea):I tried making an empty "standard MacOS" disk image under system 10.2 and then dragged the 68k program files there. While they were being copied the system crashed and a window appeared telling me in English, French, German, and Japanese to reboot the computer. Upon restart, the image with the partially copied files had disappeared. What is going on? Thanks
Hate to say it, but I've seen that crash happen. I can't say what causes it. I seem to avoid it by not copying large blocks of files to the image and checking the image with a disk repair program often. It is my opinion that the crash comes from a corrupted disk image. How it gets corrupted I don't know. I still use disk images extensively and I rarely see the error. I did turn on disk journalling on my boot volume to protect it however. Repair the image that crashed your mac and you should be fine. quote:
When I drag the image file that appears on the desktop of 10.2 into toast under the "Burn Mac OS CD" option, it opens up all the files and I am back to where I was at the start - namely toast says it doesn't burn in this format.
I think this may happen because the disk image is corrupt. I've only seen it once or twice. emaq123
SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 31 May 2003 : 11:09:34
Thanks emaq123! I feel as if I am trying to stuff soap bubbles. Can you tell me which disk repair program you suggest I use. I will then try and copy individual files rather than whole folders into the empty image.
Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 31 May 2003 : 12:26:05
Well, I don't think you will like this answer but here it goes...I repair HFS disk images on a virtual Mac Plus with Norton Utilities version 2.0.6. Why? Because my job does not allow me to bring one of my notebooks to my desk. I use a mac emulator on a compact flash card as a virtual notebook. Since I am doing this already, it is an easy method for me. I also believe in using old software when I can. I have an old copy of Norton and I haven't picked up anything newer. It gets the job done. Someone else might be able to recommend a program that runs in Classic mode. Don't trust disk first aid, it seems miss almost all problems. emaq123 SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 31 May 2003 : 23:24:22
Thanks emaq123! I managed to stuff the image without it bursting and burnt a disk that can be read by my 68ks! About half the programs can't be read, reporting disk errors, but I suspect that may have more to do with my old AppleCD SC than anything else, as toast gave the disk a clean bill of health.Thanks again for the help!
Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2003 : 07:38:19
Thanks emaq123! I managed to stuff the image without it bursting and burnt a disk that can be read by my 68ks! About half the programs can't be read, reporting disk errors, but I suspect that may have more to do with my old AppleCD SC than anything else, as toast gave the disk a clean bill of health.Thanks again for the help!
Glad to hear that it worked! If you have a different brand of CD-R the AppleCD might like it better. emaq123 SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jun 2003 : 16:22:23
There seem to be a few seperate issues here, one thing I don't think you have mentioned is what 68k Mac you have and what OS it is running.The multi language error in OS X.2 you mentioned is a kernal panic, the most severe form of crash in X. if you use Apple System profiler you can view the KP logs and attempt to deduce the cause. I was getting them reguarly due to flakey RAM but yours are no doubt due to something else. The problem with downloading on a PC and transferring to a Mac is that mac files hav a data and a resource fork. Amongst other things the resource fork tells the computer what kind of file it is and what program to open it with. If you download files on a PC and put them on a disk the PC will throw away the resource fork. However .sit .bin files etc have NO resource fork so these can be transferred safely using PC formatted disks with PCs and the files will open correctly on the Mac. As long as you stick to short file names you should be able to burn CDs of your downloads happily on PCs and transfer them to a Mac. Longer file names will get messed up but you can simply rename the files and they will open correctly. One other work around is to open your program e.g. stuffit first, then use file and open to open your downloaded file rather than double clicking on the .sit. You do need the ISO9660 extension to read PC CDs on a Mac but any mac with a CD drive should already have it, although it might be disabled in the extension manager. To get around the problem with IS09660 discs and the file names being messed up there is an extension you can download so that they appear correctly, I really can't remember what it's called though and haven't used it in a while. I had to get it so I could use my MP3 player properly in OS 9. use to search for something like PC CDs long file names. I suspect you are getting crashes because your SCSI chain isn't terminated properly or your OS installation is botched on the 68k Mac. Hopefully you will be able to do a full instal of 7.6 to fix it. I'm not sure why you can't burn HFS discs in OS X but my copy of toast only works in OS 9 so I can't offer any advice other to to try starting up in OS 9 and using Apples disc burner. Finally lots of old CD rom drives mac or pc have problems reading CD-R discs, try burning at a lower speed and using higher quality media. In the long run the best thing to do is probably get a network card for your 68k Mac. You could probably pick one up for the cost of 10 blank CDs and save yourself a lot of hassle. if your Mac is running 10.2 i can pretty much guarantee it has ethernet, your PC may or may not have it but an old ethernet ISA card can often be found for nothing. OS X can network with older macs and you can get a copy of DAVE to network your PC with your 68k Mac, although 10.2 supports samba so you could network your 10.2 machine and PC with no extra software, just start sharing a folder on the PC and then Go->Connect on 10.2 -------- LC 2, LC 3, Q605, Perf 638, Colour Classic (160 603e) 6100, 7200, PTP 225 (Quad 604), PM 9600, G4 Cube |
Junior Member

103 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jun 2003 : 21:26:16
Hmm... interesting topic here, I have no Mac with a CD burner in it, My PC has one. I have downloaded every type of Mac file off the internet, including ".img" and been able to burn them to a CD on my PC and open them with my Mac. I use Nero with the ISO 9660 extension in my system folder(sic) and I've even duplicated Mac OS CD-Roms on my PC that boot in a Mac. I've used TransMac to some success to translate file, but what I have found to work BETTER is Unstuffit 5.0 and I copy the file to my Mac hard drive (I have plenty of HD space on my 6400) and I can mount the ".img" file from there. I installed OS 7.6.1 that way.Macs Liberated: 9 - 6400/180 (main Mac), 660AV, 636CD, LCIII+, LCII (2), Classic II, Classic and SE. See my system: |
Junior Member

258 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jun 2003 : 05:11:02
Hmm... interesting topic here, I have no Mac with a CD burner in it, My PC has one. I have downloaded every type of Mac file off the internet, including ".img" and been able to burn them to a CD on my PC and open them with my Mac. I use Nero with the ISO 9660 extension in my system folder(sic) and I've even duplicated Mac OS CD-Roms on my PC that boot in a Mac. I've used TransMac to some success to translate file, but what I have found to work BETTER is Unstuffit 5.0 and I copy the file to my Mac hard drive (I have plenty of HD space on my 6400) and I can mount the ".img" file from there. I installed OS 7.6.1 that way.
If you don't have a mac on the internet, I would recommend doing exactly what it sounds like you are doing. The big thing with ISO 9660 disks is to keep the mac files in an internet safe file and decompress on a mac. For those of us with cd-burning macs, we can create MacOS disks with the files decompressed which is nice since I don't like decompressing large files on 68000 computers. The catch is to make sure that the cd burning software doesn't use an HFS+ format for your old macs since they can't read it. I did that once with a disk of system 6 software. emaq123 SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER! |