Your image in the dictionary
This life is more than ordinary
Can't stop the spirit when they need you
This life is more than just a read thru
It is great to see this band, Red Hot Chili Peppers, doing so well, it is nice cos if your a young white man, your musical contemporaries tend to be either "boy bands (dressed up puppets to impress girls)", "naughty boys" (rock bands, rap etc), or you can be gay.
Personally it is encouraging to see some artists with a bit of depth.
Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive
os 8.1
128 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive
PPC7600/132, 4.23Gig & 500 Meg drives, 8X cd
os 8.6
3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14"