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Starting Member
10 Posts |
Posted - 09 Apr 2003 : 03:23:57
Hola! I've got countless trek things i could swap, along with some x-men(older toybiz) spiderman and star wars figs. i used to collect these things like mad, no use for em anymore!! email me for lists, as i dont want to go into the attic if i dont get any bites;) The videogames are pretty extensive also, lots of NES, SNES, genesis, sega cd(yes, both lunar disks) PSX, gameboy, GBA, gamecube and dreamcast. i've been bitten by the compact bug and want to rig up a little cd-rom equipped B&W 'puter to piddle with. ive got a 7100/66/40MB/500meg a 5260/100/40MB/750meg i could get parts from if you need them, or swap machines, this and that, i had bought two ethernet cards for the 5260, couldnt get either one of them to work, i think its the machine, i dunno. i'll swap for just about anything classic, as we dont have much of a market around here for this stuff. email me with requests at oh yea, plenty of PEZ too;) yay! pez! |
Starting Member
10 Posts |
Posted - 09 Apr 2003 : 12:29:06
ok, here is the list of videogames ive got to swap. people have asked for a list, and i already typed it all out! so i just copy/pasted it=) i suppose i should have mentioned, for the kick *ss games/systems( namely the sega cd with both lunars and/or dreamcast/psx lunars) i would want something higher end like a bondi imac? i hate that im about to part with this sega cd, because ive had it since i was 13 heh heh and these two games put a spell on me back then, and theyve not let go! so, here goes! NES: The legend of zelda, The adventures of link, mario/duck hunt, mickey mousecapade, mario 3, startropics,final fantasy, tiger-heli,zodas revenge, metal gear,RC pro am, teenragemoolahnitwitturtles(T.M.N.T, actually, i just wanted to say that) legacy of the wizard, bayou billy, castlevania 2, mega man 4, kirbys adventure, ironsword, metroid and destination earthstar SNES: sim city, paladins quest( a fun lil RPG) fzero, the legend of zelda a link to the past, super mario all stars, donkey kong country and super mario world. GB/GBA: Lunar legend(a big swap, remember;) fzero, golden sun, namco museum, tetris, pokemon yellow(if i can find it) castlevania: circle of the moon marioland, and an old style clear gameboy, in addition to the glacier GBA, all this stuff is in its boxes, as i never played it much. a gameshark w/ software cd/usb cord and a rechargable batterypack that matches the gba would come with it. PSX: grand theft auto, gran turismo 2, both lunar games(ughhh i really dont know if i wanna sell them!) alundra, castlevania: SotN, tekken 3, tetris, and a few others i cant find, ill comb through the house if you want any others;) Sega/Dcast/CD: lunar, lunar 2, vay, and some crappy game (with debbie harry in it hahahaha she was the only reason i picked it up! its called double switch, not much fun, though) the system, ecco the dolphin, a smash pack for genesis, smash pack for dcast, sonic dcast, crazy taxi dcast, web browser, star wars podracer dcast, Welp, thats it, it sure looks like more whenever its on the shelf, eh? get back to me if you have any questions, or offers. i wont be insulted by offers, as i really do need to be productive on a mac heh heh ive almost got a bet going with a peecee friend that an 8/16/30mhz mac is just as productive as a normal windows machine, so printers/games, cables, gamepads and such would be nice. as would something with a nice g3 *cough* bondi imac* cough* subtle, huh? hahahaha youall hollar back if you want any of this! oh yea, a grape/lime one wouldnt be so bad=)~ but low end works too, huh? let me know! Dustin 