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Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 04 Apr 2003 : 01:07:17
Hi,With my Newton MP 120 on its way, I need tog et accessories for it fast. Before I start though, I must make clear that all payments will be made in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS, either in the form of cash, or cheque (under my mother name, dman bank wont give me one). I know this may put some people off, but thats the only way I can, and will pay. If you make an offer, make sure you are taking this into effect. What I need is a 2mb Flash Card for Newton (OEM Apple Produced) and an AC adaptor made for Australia (the thing uses batteries to damn fast). All offered prices will be considered. Email me now god-dammit, I need these things fast! Edited by - Fedorenko on 16 Apr 2003 23:26:16 |
Junior Member

193 Posts |
Posted - 04 Apr 2003 : 13:18:31
For software check out . He has everything you need there and you can buy a 2CD set with everything for @$8US, this includes PDF's of the manuals, the Connection software (for mac it's just a serial cable, same as a printer uses). That should save you an amount of money right there.

Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2003 : 00:15:22
Hmmm, Im a person that pefers hardcopies of information, no CD's. Also, since I am aiming for mac transfer of files, I will still require the connection kit, in floppys, due to the fact my PB180C doesnt have a CD-ROM drive. Therefore, all of the original items are still wanted (even the cable, I dont have one, so i might as well ask for it here).Thanks 
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2003 : 08:32:20
Why not just DL[url=]NCU[/url], or [url=]NCK[/url]?~The Penguin **| Want free 68kmla email? Drop me a line |** | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | | <-- Official Hotline Server |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 05 Apr 2003 : 22:51:46
Becuase from what I understand, that is v1.0, and according to some sites I have visited, I will need v2.0 for NewtonOS 2.[EDIT] Ok, I didnt look correctly, Im downloading 2.0 for PC now, which brings me to my new problem. I need the cable to connect the Newton to the PC. Edited by - Fedorenko on 06 Apr 2003 01:27:37 |
Junior Member

463 Posts |
Posted - 12 Apr 2003 : 00:20:05
*bump*Newton is going to be here in a few days so my needs for the stuff is growning quite a bit. The priority right now is a cable. I am willing to take a standard serial mac printer cable if someone is willing to give it to me for a low price. I also need a Flash Card for the Newton ( Apple manufactured) of any size. All offers will be considered.
