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Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 07:19:54
... are the best :)I'm on a mailing list related to computer coordinators in schools here in Oz, and I answer the odd mac question from time to time. One saturday morning a school said they'd had a Quadra 950 donated, which they don't have a use for - and first emailer gets it. I emailed and... it's mine!. I like 950's, I think everyone should have a gigantic computer at SOME stage. Anyhows, I picked it up 2 weeks ago, and along with a $30AUS portrait display from eBay and a Mac II and IIx (which seem completely dead) it seemed a nice haul for the day's trip. After getting home I opened the 950... and it's stacked full of cards! Pulling them out one by one for a look I found a SCSI RAID card, an Audiomedia sound card, a Truevision Nuvista video capture card, and a Jpeg codec card... and lying on the bottom of the case, another card with a massive heatsink on it - it's a 100Mhz daystar accelerator. woo!. Lots of stuff to play with :) As soon as I can find a few GB's of scsi drive for it, it's replacing my 8100 as the server for all the others. danamania 28 68k's... and counting
Junior Member

208 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 11:26:22
*whistles* That's one nice haul!I wish I could get stuff like that... for me, it's been a matter of quantity and not quality... *sigh* GORDOOM Commander, Academic Operations Reserve (University of Toronto, St. George Campus) total Macs liberated: 14 (as of January 7, 2002) "...the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 12:58:42
*whistles* That's one nice haul!I wish I could get stuff like that...
Dont worry - my dozen or so LCII/III's fill the 'quantity' basket for me!. They look nice all stacked up... perhaps I'll make furniture out of them someday. ( for those who haven't seen... :D dana 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 13:44:42
Dont worry - my dozen or so LCII/III's fill the 'quantity' basket for me!. They look nice all stacked up... perhaps I'll make furniture out of them someday.
*sighs, knowing it was a BIG mistake to restart the browser* suggestion (classification to be determined at a later date): articulated beach lounge chair? jt 
Starting Member
18 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 13:48:33
Is it considered in bad taste to use a bunch of old LCIIs to make a desk for a brand new imac?68k Macs Liberated: 5 1/2(One's not working yet) |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 13:56:18
Ahhh. Beach chair - yes. I think that could work... I'm sure in the end the 'yellowing' from sunlight would end up fairly even all over. And I might be inspired to tan :D. As for a desk - I've had that thought myself!. The lil critters though, are hard enough to keep clean just sitting around... dana 
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 14:14:03
In the subject of Mac furniture... I remember reading somewhere where someone suggested this (I think it was in a maccentral article) and I still think it would be a cool idea. What if someone bought a bunch of compact Mac cases and built an armchair out of them. It would be like having a Mac throne, and what Mac user wouldn't want to have a Mac throne? If I ever get my hands on a bunch of Mac Plus cases I am going to have to try it.AnubisTTP 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 14:23:53
Is it considered in bad taste to use a bunch of old LCIIs to make a desk for a brand new imac?
I just determined that IMHO the life-casting of 68k CPU's is the ONLY, PC (teehee) use for macs in a salvageable state by a card-carrying trooper of the 68kMLA. If it's DOA, hack away, unless it's a suitable donor shell (well preserved) which must be maintained in pristine condition to be exchanged for the refurb of another troopers functional mobo (entombed in a fugly plastic piece of.....). Plaster-casting advice hereby offered, the use of lightweight cushiony materials with internal armatures is suggested, and the advice of any materials choice savvy (engineering'l help please?) trooper is implored........... whatever, I'm feeling guilty for having been involved in the wholesale destruction of 68kMacs, by encouraging such behavior. let's do a new cookbook so no more working macs have to die. btw: i grew up on a farm, eat meat, have never been accused of being PC, and respect the self assurance those bold enough to wear fur in NYC...........but I'll steal ideas from ANYBODY! jt  disclaimer: opinion in this post in an example of hyperbole, 68kMLA/PETA/ACLU/vegan hybrid or any other offended trooper is hereby informed that the truth comes out in jest and to take anything i ever post with a BLOCK of salt (bigger'n a cube, cattle & unlucky deer lick 'em). "caveat lector" wish i remembered wnere i heard that one, love it, little help on the attribution! *gotta get some work done* Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 20 Jan 2002 20:09:02 |
Full Member
637 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 19:19:08
( for those who haven't seen... :D dana
How are the armrests stuck on? Superglue? or have you been Photoshopping again?  68k MLA ParaMedic |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2002 : 20:01:07
What if someone bought a bunch of compact Mac cases and built an armchair out of them. It would be like having a Mac throne, and what Mac user wouldn't want to have a Mac throne? been done, they weren't very comfortable, even with cushions. jt 
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2002 : 07:54:11
It appears that those are actual Macs and not just cases, and they all appear to be running. I would be worried that they would overheat, as close together as they are. Even more so since the vent holes on some of them are covered with padding.I wonder what happens when they need to put a boot disk into one of the computers in the back of the chair? AnubisTTP 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2002 : 08:16:16
Nice. BTW, danamania, where in Aus are you? ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2002 : 09:59:21
It appears that those are actual Macs and not just cases, and they all appear to be running. I would be worried that they would overheat, as close together as they are. Even more so since the vent holes on some of them are covered with padding.I wonder what happens when they need to put a boot disk into one of the computers in the back of the chair?
You're right, worries are justified, they had spares under the table, none died in service to my knowledge, a couple (my estimate, I wasn't really involved) perished in transit, it was all in a good cause IMHO, they're a computer repair facility, the guy in some of the frames is one of the owners, *whose design sensibilites and sense of humor I admire* I don't know, but I know who to ask if you really want to know. *see footnote jt * I posted this and other links and info (in a somewhat less cryptic format ) in a concurrent thread, explore the fora *can't believe I saw that word on another site!*, before requesting clarification, if I cross post, I might have to pry a nail/board thingie outa my skull. ¬ 
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2002 : 22:48:54
Nice. BTW, danamania, where in Aus are you?
I'm a bit west of sydney - country NSW :) dana 