Well I went away on holiday for the weekend. My wife promised to organise but didn't & we ended up just going on the spur of the moment, unprepaired.The reason for the break I should add is that it was our Wedding anniversary on 31/03/03.
Son was left with grandparents.
We got a hotel/b&b. The guy gave me the creeps, he was over familiar/friendly & asked very specific questions as though he was being friendly but guiding the conversation, trying to pry. He had a small camera fixed in the hallway of his guest house & once in the room I searched for anything untoward!
Our first night we were kept awake by seagull noises, it sounded like seagulls were in our room.
Breakfast was awkward with him making comments, such as "just crept in at the death there", when we just made the curfew after the first night.
I just didn't take to the man, I am fairly straight talking as many of you here will know(a little too straight talking sometimes?).
Anyhow, we went to see Noises Off, a play which made us laugh. Then we went to a comedy club. The comedy was, war, accents.
I found the "northern bloke" funniest but only because I am northern.
The next day we went to the pictures & then had an Indian meal. The Masala was hot hot hot!, I ate it & then I had some of my wifes meal as she couldn't manage all of hers.
She has got the week off, & it is good to spend time together getting on & not arguing.
Who is Miss Red, well as we were walking past a shop I "missread" a sign as beer & dolls, the sign truly reading bears & dolls 
I assume that most here will recognise doll as a slang term for a pretty lady.
Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive,3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" os 8.1
, 12 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive