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631 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2003 : 11:19:34
I didn't want to do this. I wanted to resolve this issue in private, without bringing it into a public forum like this. However, I'm at a loss- all I've got to show for our transaction is a badly damaged Color Classic and $120 less in my bank. I am not satisfied. I have repeatedly emailed you and urged you to contact me here in the MLA forums, and, despite your assurances, you have completely failed to follow up on our transaction, you have not kept your word, and I want a refund. Just to set the record straight, here's the email I've sent you four times, with no reply from you:
quote: I've not heard from you in at least a week, and you've not been on iChat either. What's going on?? At this point, I'd like to start discussing a partial refund on the Color Classic. I'm looking into the possibility of getting a new case for it, so I'd like to keep the CC, rather then sending the whole thing back to you and getting the $120 refunded- which I think I'd be within my rights to demand. What would you think of just giving me $60 or $70 back, keeping the rest of the money (seeing as how it does work, in spite of the massive cosmetic damage, and the padded case is in okay condition), and pursuing the insurance claim on your own? Frankly, I would like to use that money to try to put the CC back into the condition I was expecting it to arrive in.I'm perfectly willing to place the blame for the damage to the CC on CanadaPost/USPS, but the fact remains that it arrived from you badly damaged, and certainly not in the condition I was expecting. I feel that I've been more then patient in this matter, and I'd really like to see this resolved quickly, with no hard feelings on either end. Please let me know what you're thinking. Thanks, and again, I'm looking forward to resolving this quickly.
When the CC first arrived, you started a thread here titled (in part) "My rep is ruined!". Please don't make this become true by ignoring me any further. I can only hope that by airing my grievences here, in full view of all our online pals, you will be forced to finally deal with this. Please, don't stall any longer. Lets work this out- now. Awaiting your reply, SpaceBoy Official MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 29 Mar 2003 : 18:18:37
Not my affair, but was the computer damaged by the US or Canadian postal services? If so you should file a claim with them. Was it insured? If so, claim the insurance.Was it improperly packaged, with insufficient impact protection? If so, the seller/shipper bears some responsibility. If not, the problem lies with the carrier, not the shipper. Surely you guys can figure out who bears the responsibiity, and act accordingly. BTW, I do not recommend ever sending fragile equipment by the post. Use UPS or FedEx Ground, and make sure it's insured. Even then, it has to be extremely well packaged and protected. /Mr Lynn The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program. --Larry Niven |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 29 Mar 2003 : 18:56:37
quote: Not my affair, but was the computer damaged by the US or Canadian postal services? If so you should file a claim with them. Was it insured? If so, claim the insurance. Was it improperly packaged, with insufficient impact protection? If so, the seller/shipper bears some responsibility. If not, the problem lies with the carrier, not the shipper. Surely you guys can figure out who bears the responsibiity, and act accordingly. BTW, I do not recommend ever sending fragile equipment by the post. Use UPS or FedEx Ground, and make sure it's insured. Even then, it has to be extremely well packaged and protected.
Well, the gist of it is that the poor CC was fairly well backed, except on top, where it suffered all the damaged. The sides and bottom well stuffed with newspaper and packing peanuts, but the top had nothing whatsoever. I've never filed a postal claim before, so I'm honestly not sure who is responsible for this- Cats (for the less-the-adequate packing job) or the postal carrier(s) (for the actual damage to the item). As you said, quote: Surely you guys can figure out who bears the responsibiity, and act accordingly.
That's exactly what I'm trying to do! Catsdorule doesn't seem at all willing to work with me on this, and every day that goes by without any word from him is making me more and more pissed. I honestly don't think I'm being unreasonable- I just want this resolved, fair and square. So far, his only response has been a couple of 'gee, sorry bout that whole CC thing', and now he's ignoring me completely. This totally blows- I expected more from him. Has anyone here heard from him since I posted this? He seems to be pretty scarce lately... Thanks, and I'm sorry for having to deal with this here... SpaceBoyOfficial MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2003 : 15:43:28
Gee, I sure wish Catsdorule would contact me... Has anyone heard from him lately? Thanks,SpaceBoy Official MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
The Lightning Stalker
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747 Posts |
Posted - 31 Mar 2003 : 19:12:26
Come to think of it, I haven't heard from him lately either. No forum postings, anyway.The Lightning Stalker Performa 631CD, 7.5.5 LC III, FPU, 20/80/enet, 7.5.5, Mail Server 6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV 7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 1G/512k L2, 9.2.2 (Main Mac) Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc 5.25" 2 Apple IIe |
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 01:44:23
I'd lodge a claim either way. Start by lodging the claim with the postal service in the area from which it was posted.To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if they don't ask "that much" about how it was packaged, if you tell them it wasn't well packed then of course they'll say no but I personally wouldn't bother mentioning that it was less than perfectly packed in one area of the box. When I shipped my 9600 from the UK to Aus I asked about what would happen if it was damaged in transit. They basically said if you tell us you packaged it well then we'll beleive you. Of course I did pack it "extremely carefully" with several layres of bubble wrap. large polystyrene pieces then those little chips... All inside an iMac box. If Cats didn't package it perfectly that's one thing, but the postal workers are responsible for chucking it around. I guess you could argue it pretty well either way though. :/ -------- LC 2, LC 3, Q605, Perf 638, Colour Classic (160 603e) 6100, 7200, PTP 225 (Quad 604), PM 9600, G4 Cube |
Junior Member

193 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 12:19:55
Hi- From a retailer point of view who has done a few claims with the USPS you'll need the following: original packaging evidence of damage (the item) the insurance tag proof of valueall of this is needed for domestic, it might be more complicated with international. You need to go over to the post office and ask them what to do. -Eft

2899 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 12:32:44
It's spring break/vacation season too, so lots of comrades will be incommunicado for varying periods at this time of year. I wouldn't worry about his not getting in contact unless it's longer than a week or so.jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 13:56:45
It's spring break/vacation season too, so lots of comrades will be incommunicado for varying periods at this time of year. I wouldn't worry about his not getting in contact unless it's longer than a week or so.jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF
Actually his faimly is prepareing to move into a new home which has keep him offline most of the time. Getting ahold of him would be very difficult. Is it possible that packing peanuts were on top too? If the box was damaged enought to cause the kind of damage shown in your pics, it'd be reasonable to assume that packing material could have escaped as well through the abuse. Hard to say without personally seeing it or packing it, but something to think about. The burden of proof on recieving an insurance claim is on you though, You're the one with the package. To send it back to him would negate the possiblity of compensation. I don't think blaming him publically in the forums for something the postal service did is a very mature way of going about this either. It's understandable you're upset about the matter, but take a breath and think about the what you're saying. This is no way to provoke a possitive responce. It's like Ti's thread demanding money for other peoples stuff that's been paid for. You paid for a CC to be sent to you. The postal service was PAID to deliver it properly. The most Danny can do right now for you is to give you some pics of the CC if he has any prior to shipping and a signed statement acknowlaging it's condition at that time. You are now in possession of the property and it falls to you to follow it up. It would be a different story if he didn't show himself to follow through properly in sending it in the first place or misrepresented the contents. All in all, Sh*t happens. Don't let anger cloud your sight on who is the main responible party. I don't believe you've really been blown off, keep in mind that real life gets complicated outside these forums and can tie us up from time to time. "One slip and down the hole we fall" Stryders Community |
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 14:11:55
I almost forgot about this, but it may explain another part of his absence. This was posted at another forum we seem to share an interest in from time to time.
catsdorule iCEMAN Posted - Mar 14 2003 : 6:14:29 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Look on the day this happened one of my friends car got hit by a bus, hes in a coma not with his legs broken
As I said, real life troubles come into play sometimes. There are better ways than jumping to conclutions. "One slip and down the hole we fall" Stryders Community Edited by - stryder on 01 Apr 2003 15:20:51 |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 14:49:30
We all mighike to think that we are all great people here. Sometimes we may not be.My advice is make a claim & say it was properly packaged. I have recently completed an inter-forum transaction. It went really well, but in light of this & other occurences I think next time I will ask for name, address, phone number & email. Hope you get something sorted. shaktiman Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive,3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" os 8.1 , 12 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive Performa400(asleepintheattick) |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 15:28:00
Guys- Thanks for the feedback! I just want to make it clear that I did not bring this into the forums in a spirit of anger- I like Danny, and I don't really believe that he had/has any intention of stiffing me. I am rather frusterated by his astounding lack of communication on the matter- okay, maybe he's in the middle of a move (or spring break), but at least a week or two went by when he was posting here in the MLAforums several times a day, but completely ignoring my emails/forum postings. Also, I've not seen him on iChat (where most of the details of the sale were worked out) since March 9th. I really appreciate the thoughts on how to procede with the insurance claim- my biggest problem (other then never having filed a claim before!) is that I don't have an insurance recept/tag/whatever. All I have is the shipping box and a trashed CC. Will that be enough to file a legit claim? And if I get the $100 the insurance was for, what becomes of the CC? Okay, thanks, and if anyone hears from Danny, please let him know that I just want to get this settled, without it being a huge, mud-slinging, Jerry-Springer-style fight.Thanks again, SpaceBoy Official MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD"
2899 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 16:32:55
Guys- Thanks for the feedback! I just want to make it clear that I did not bring this into the forums in a spirit of anger- I like Danny, and I don't really believe that he had/has any intention of stiffing me.
That's clear from your reactions to the guys in your thread over on 'fritter.I'd NEVER heard that kind of bashing about packing materials or that peanuts aren't good enough before your post about this over there. The piccies made it seem like the CC was packed OK to me, but, in retrospect, I can now see why computer places use that fancy injected foam bag packing system. I've packed a LOT of stuff for shipment over the years and only ever had one problem, but you learn something new every day!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 20:07:44
It's not clear from this thread whether the item was insured or not. If not, you are SOL. Just forget about it. If the case is so badly broken as to be useless, you can always find another, maybe from someone's dead CC. Try the LEM Swap List.If it was insured, there should be a sticker or tag on the package, and the seller should have a receipt. HTH, /Mr Lynn The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program. --Larry Niven |