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 MLAgazine - A Project
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 24 Mar 2003 :  21:16:04
I am currently starting something that I will be more able to do...

I call it MLAgazine.

I already have a few slots filled, but I need some people to talk to me and I need to talk to a few people.

Performa/LC Palace - ML5 is doing this one
PowerBook Place - CaptainZ
Compact Mac [witty thing] - Marchie
MicroQuadra/LC - [Danamania] I haven't gotten approval yet
MacroQuadra/Centris - I have a list of people
FireWireIsFast; Shaktiman; Cinemafia; and Coxy

I haven't gotten any Netwon, or Apple II stuff... CaptainZ is going to do some light PPC stuff to tack in here and there...

Any other ideas?

Anyone want to help please tell me!




- Cory5412

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1627 Posts
Posted - 25 Mar 2003 :  06:13:13
I don't know what i'd do, but if this gets off the ground i'll write an article about something.

You! What PLANET is this!
-- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 25 Mar 2003 :  06:21:35
I have these people signed on

FireWireIsFast - larger quadras
~Coxy - Larger quadras
MacLover5 - LC/Performa
CaptainZ - PowerBooks
Boredomconquersall - some misc. stuff
Marchie - Compact macs
Catsdorule - Howwabout.... well we need to figure that one out.
Citon X600 - some graphics work

Anyone else?
Any Ideas?

Official 68k videographer
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176 Posts
Posted - 25 Mar 2003 :  07:39:43
I'll sign on for the Apple ][ section. What are your grand plans here? Print or online? Email subscription or just a website?

"Man's best possession is a sympathetic wife."
-- Euripides (480?-406 BC), Greek dramatist

Benevolent Genius, 68k MLA
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 25 Mar 2003 :  20:14:39
I was going for the print*able* effect... I was thinking of making it in the format of a magazine with Desktop Publishing software and then PDFing for either print, or eMailing ect ect...

MacMoose - Apple ][ stuff

Official 68k videographer
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United Kingdom
162 Posts
Posted - 26 Mar 2003 :  02:00:19
What about a Lisa section? I can do that!

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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 27 Mar 2003 :  20:05:14
It's not so much 'sections' as a few articles about each topic. We want also, to leave some content for a future issue or whatever like that. I was thinking that if we could go about this in a yearly or quarterly fashion...

Anyone who has things like reviews, how-tos, and just about anything please speak up

Lisa certainly deserves a spot in the MLAgazine I'd say... if it's not mac, then at least it's a 68k.

Official 68k videographer
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 31 Mar 2003 :  06:07:16
I started the layout in QuarkXPress yesterday.

The cover 'section' or story or block of stories or however that works is "Quadras"

If anyone has Quadras, knows Quadras or...

Official 68k videographer
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 24 Apr 2003 :  20:28:16
Has anyone gotten anything done for MLAgazine? I have the I was liberated article, an unfinished article from boredom and danny still doesn't know what he wants to do...

I have a graphic from dana and I'm still looking for more stuff (also looking for QuarkXPress either newer version, and/or serial number... that's not what this is about though)

Official 68k videographer
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258 Posts
Posted - 24 Apr 2003 :  21:00:23
I'm a newbee here but I've got a lot of gear and stuff. I do have Lisas, newtons, etc... What about a software section on what software runs great on what platform? I'm working on loading my PB100 right now for speed and function. I'm reloading a Classic back to system 6.0.8 from 7.0 to see how much speed I can get. Do you want any NeXT coverage? It's not Mac but it is 68k. I really need to clean the optical drive in my Cube to see if I can get it working.



SE/30 and system 6.0.8 Now we're talking POWER!Go to Top of Page

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 24 Apr 2003 :  21:41:11
I would appreciate if you could write about your NeXT box... I also would like you to write simply about anything you can...

Make sure they are seperate articles, that you don't mind being edited and that you stay on topic, don't ramble etc etc.

I really should cut some frommy 'I was liberated' story... 2+ full pages....

thanks in avance for ANYTHING AT ALL you can produce for this project

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1627 Posts
Posted - 25 Apr 2003 :  07:57:36
I'm going to make my article on what my design for a future mac computer would be, why I would have it that way and such.

You! What PLANET is this!
-- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
68k Macs Liberated: 3Go to Top of Page

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 26 Apr 2003 :  00:53:11
Just remember, you can do more than one story and if you can kinda pull it's strings to make it KINDA 68k related... (more than just run ancient programs in clasic mode or baslisk also)
I'm going to require a graphic and/or piccies for that article also please.


Official 68k videographer
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Forums Squadron Commander

688 Posts
Posted - 12 May 2003 :  18:53:24
Uh, I may be a bit out of the loop here but what exactly do you need help with? The general articals? If I could get some specifics I could help some I guess...

68k Macintosh Liberation Army
Lt. Colonel
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 15 May 2003 :  20:09:51
I need some small articles to fill a few holes I've got... I have 2 big articles placed on pages now and theyre pretty big....

if you can do almost anything i'll take it and if it doesn't go in the first one it'll go in later....

"anything you can do will certainly help"

I've been somewhat in search of a graphic for catsdorule's article if you're good with that sort of stuff...

Official 68k videographer
Official MLA TourGuide
"I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life"
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LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 15 May 2003 :  23:26:26
Cory, when do you think you'll be able to release the premiere issue of the MLAgazine? I can't wait to read it!


Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s

Warrior maclover5
68k Macintosh Liberation Army

Number of 68ks Liberated: 7
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1627 Posts
Posted - 16 May 2003 :  06:05:24
Hes got a publisher to .

You! What PLANET is this!
-- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
68k Macs Liberated: 3Go to Top of Page

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 16 May 2003 :  07:52:12
I thought he was gonna turn it into a pdf and upload it to the net?


Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s

Warrior maclover5
68k Macintosh Liberation Army

Number of 68ks Liberated: 7
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Senior Member

1627 Posts
Posted - 16 May 2003 :  10:04:26

I thought he was gonna turn it into a pdf and upload it to the net?


Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s

Warrior maclover5
68k Macintosh Liberation Army

Number of 68ks Liberated: 7
Number of Contraband (PPC) Liberated from the Dumpster:

He is.

You! What PLANET is this!
-- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
68k Macs Liberated: 3Go to Top of Page

Forums Squadron Commander

688 Posts
Posted - 16 May 2003 :  14:46:58
Well, I can do graphics or a small article it dosent matter. Just email me with specs if you want something done.

68k Macintosh Liberation Army
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 16 May 2003 :  20:21:10
cool... I'll get around to defining exactly what I need soon. I also want to trim some out of the few articles that I already have.

This way each takes up an even 2-page spread and maybe another page....

If anyone can get ahold of an ad to put in the MLAgazine or... has something they'd like to advertise... and it'll be applicable still at the end of the year...


Official 68k videographer
Official MLA TourGuide
"I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life"
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Forums Squadron Commander

688 Posts
Posted - 22 May 2003 :  19:30:56
So cory when are you gonna be getting this out?

68k Macintosh Liberation Army
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 22 May 2003 :  21:44:19
whenever I can feel like getting my act together and putting more stuff in it.

I need advertisements, I need to get PDFing it to work... I need another few articles like reviews and how-tos for it.

Catsdorule, eMail Christophillis and ask him if HE can do your graphic.

ML5 and Christophillis (thanks for both, showing so much interest) the MLAgazine WILL come out this year, if I have to send to everybody thirty individual JPEGs of the pages.

I certainly hope that I can get it all working well..

I have an issue about QUADRAS, and the most I have is performa/lc 580/630 and "how I was liberated" another performa 5x0 story and a small quadra 840av review.

If you have Quadra content!

Dana, MicroQuadras?
trash80, don't you have some sort of freak AV quadra setup?
what about your cube 605 thing?
Cinemo? 840av?
FireWireIsFast, I hear you have quadra info...

If ANYONE has anything that they'd like to give to the MLAgazine... I have some great layout ideas and I have a few 'stock graphics' but anything else that anyone can give..

(BTW: ML5 and me, I might trim your larger articles because theryre 3 pages long each!)

Official 68k videographer
Official MLA TourGuide
"I'm just a normal computer geek who somehow landed a social life"
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