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New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2003 : 16:56:59
A bit of shameless self promotion:I'd like to submit to you a new website I recently launched called The site is dedicated to persuing the unique usage of old computer equipment. The inspiration behind the site is a rescued garage sale LC III (think m68klma meets lowendmac meets danamania). Enjoy, Contribute! -Brad |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2003 : 17:29:13
Nice site, but I can't get anything but the "welcome" to appear. For example, clicking on the "Projects" item on the Nav panel causes the word "Projects" to appear in the main panel, but no other text appears. Maybe its under construction, maybe its iCab being finicky about HTML.You might also be interested in: They have more old computers than you can shake a dongle at, but they go way back into the olden days when Zilog was the Intel of its time. Good Luck! G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2003 : 17:56:30
Thanks for the feedback.The site was developed for and tested on IE 6+ and Netscape/Mozilla 6+. Not because I want to discourage others, it's because It's what I have access to on my PC (WinXP & Linux). Thanks. 
Master of Puppets
Starting Member
32 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2003 : 18:55:43
Not bad at all. Your site works just fine in opera 7.01 too. I wish I had the patience to try to set up linux or something one one of my old pizzaboxes.
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2003 : 13:26:51
erm, sorry but the site dosn't work for my Netscape 4.0.8.shaktiman Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive,3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" os 8.1 , 12 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive Performa400(asleepintheattick) |
New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2003 : 14:00:16
The site was designed for current IE & Netscape browsers, sorry. I've implimented a catch/redirect for older browsers rather than showing a "broken" site. Ironic that a site hosted on a LC III requires current browsers.
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2003 : 17:32:32
ironic that a site hosted on a LC III requires current browsers.
Totally If it really is a site dedicated to older computers it should at least be compatible with 4.x browsers. I see nothing crucial on that site that could not be done in a way more compatible with older browsers. You do seem to have a lot of javascript in there that doesn't seem to do an awful lot though. In particular you seem to have a script in there that only modifies the size of the layout by one pixel either wayl? My javascript is a bit rusty as I never liked it but that's what it looks like to me and the question is why??? Sorry if I sound like I'm being totally negative, if I weren't aware of the issue with older browsers ('ve only looked at it in Safari v64 and IE 5.2x) I'd have nothing but good stuff to say about it. Is this site based on a template or did you do all the code yourself? I'd be glad to help out with the layout and issues with older browsers if you want a hand. My other suggestion is that you are going to need to catergorize the site more. If you really are going to cover a wide range of 32 bit comuters you are going to need seperate FAQs, reviews, hints, projects etc. You could maybe put some tabs in along the top of the page, simillar to version tracker for each class of 32 Bit computer. EDIT - spelling and grammar! Edited by - Gothikon on 15 Mar 2003 17:37:36 |
New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2003 : 08:47:45
Thanks for your thoughts Gothikon, they're very much appreciated.It's strange actually discussing the site in an open forum like this. I've been working in on this project in complete isolation for quite some time. I was hoping for some discussion in a forum such as this and it looks like I've found it! Perhaps some discussion will enable me to focus the site more. I totally agree with supporting older browsers. The truth of it is I've had so much fun actually toying around with the site architecture that I haven't spent as much time on designing the site itself. What I don't like is the idea of supporting multiple versions of the same content for different browsers - hence some of the unnecessary javascript due to poor planning on my part. It's quite easily fixed, I'll just have to dedicate some time for it. quote: My other suggestion is that you are going to need to catergorize the site more. If you really are going to cover a wide range of 32 bit comuters you are going to need seperate FAQs, reviews, hints, projects etc. You could maybe put some tabs in along the top of the page, simillar to version tracker for each class of 32 Bit computer.
Yes, I realise this is a limitation in its current state, but will change as the focus of the site solidifies. Whether it'll be all things 32bit I don't know. The name was inspired by the LC III, and that's where I'm starting from. Future content on for the site is up in the air. Right now I'm working on a couple of projects which in a sense document the making of Other than that I'm completely open to suggestions on what to include on the site. As much as I'd like, I don't have time to review every last 32bit computer that's out there. I'll work with what I have for now, which is: (not all of which is 32bit) 2 - LC III (one of which hosts 1 - PowerMac 6100/60 (hosts email server) 1 - Mac SE (holds door open) 1 - Mac Classic (in Classic II chassis) 1 - Apple IIgs system (runs Kings Quest I) <- Way too many hours wasted here 1 - Vic 20 (in original box) inc data cassette 1 - C64 (complete system) 1 - Timex Sinclair quote: EDIT - spelling and grammar!
LOL!! I never was any good with spelling and grammar, and vi is no help to me in this regard whatsoever! Still, I'll look into it. :-)Thanks, Brad 
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 16 Mar 2003 : 13:17:29
Renders fine in Safari....-danny You! What PLANET is this! -- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0 ------- 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 68k Macs Liberated: 3 |
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 17 Mar 2003 : 00:30:39
LOL!! I never was any good with spelling and grammar, and vi is no help to me in this regard whatsoever! Still, I'll look into it. :-)
I was reffering to my own actually! But it's always good to double check! -------- LC 2, LC 3, Q605, Perf 638, Colour Classic (160 603e) 6100, 7200, PTP 225 (Quad 604), PM 9600, G4 Cube |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 17 Mar 2003 : 05:57:20
Maybe its my G4 AGP or OS 9.0.4 that are incompatible with this site. No text appears in the main panel in Netscape 6.2.1 and "Page Source" shows no text either. Is stuff supposed to appear in the main panel??? G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
Junior Member

United Kingdom
162 Posts |
Posted - 17 Mar 2003 : 06:10:31
It works on IE6 on my XP machine at work. Here's what it looks like: I am in agreement with others that I think it should be viewable using older browsers. Jobf. |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 17 Mar 2003 : 08:16:15
It works on IE6 on my XP machine at work. Here's what it looks like: I am in agreement with others that I think it should be viewable using older browsers. Jobf.
It looks exactly like that on Netscape 6.2.1 on my G4 under 9.0.4, except the main text panel (with the short "welcome" letter) is blank. Clicking on a Nav link changes the title of the main panel, but no text appears. In iCab, the text of the welcome letter appears, but clicking on a Nav link only changes the panel title without changing the panel text.It looks like the chgContent(changewhat,changevalue,changeurl) Javascript function is not loading or rendering the text properly.
  G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 17 Mar 2003 : 10:15:28
It works on IE6 on my XP machine at work. Here's what it looks like: I am in agreement with others that I think it should be viewable using older browsers. Jobf.
It looks exactly like that on Netscape 6.2.1 on my G4 under 9.0.4, except the main text panel (with the short "welcome" letter) is blank. Clicking on a Nav link changes the title of the main panel, but no text appears. In iCab, the text of the welcome letter appears, but clicking on a Nav link only changes the panel title without changing the panel text.It looks like the chgContent(changewhat,changevalue,changeurl) Javascript function is not loading or rendering the text properly.
  G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent
I'll have a look into it, though without a Mac running any MacOS at my disposal, it may be difficult to diagnose. I took a look into modifying the site for older browsers. The one catch I can see so far would be that very javascript function which modifies the content in the iframe (or layer as the case may be). Netscape 4's doesn't render table borders adequately either. Which could be a pain. I'll keep working as time permits. :-) -Brad 
Junior Member

United Kingdom
162 Posts |
Posted - 17 Mar 2003 : 10:28:41
quote: I'll have a look into it, though without a Mac running any MacOS at my disposal, it may be difficult to diagnose.
Basilisk II 
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2003 : 01:45:57
I'll have a look into it, though without a Mac running any MacOS at my disposal, it may be difficult to diagnose.
As the other said Basilisk is your friend. One major mac advantage is you can have a virtually unlimited number of browsers installed. It's why in some ways the make better web testing machines than PC's. With virtual PC installed you can have multiple versions of windows installed with different browsers as well. quote:
I took a look into modifying the site for older browsers. The one catch I can see so far would be that very javascript function which modifies the content in the iframe (or layer as the case may be). Netscape 4's doesn't render table borders adequately either. Which could be a pain. I'll keep working as time permits. :-)
The answer is to ditch the Javascript!! It's one of the most evil of mans creations! I know this well having been a web master, currently a software tester working on web based applications (I drew the short straw and have to test using NS 4.77 ) and doing freelance web design and programming. It's one thing to use Javascript for showing off, rollovers etc, but for loading content it's just not acceptable -------- LC 2, LC 3, Q605, Perf 638, Colour Classic (160 603e) 6100, 7200, PTP 225 (Quad 604), PM 9600, G4 Cube |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2003 : 15:44:58
wow...I like the "viewer" thing.... only load the pics if you want them  Official 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2003 : 15:49:07
cool!-danny You! What PLANET is this! -- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0 ------- 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 68k Macs Liberated: 3 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2003 : 15:54:32
raise your hand if you think that that wont work on a 68k web browerOfficial 68k videographer Official MLA TourGuide |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2003 : 17:03:29
Hate to say so but with all that javascript i doubt it will.-danny You! What PLANET is this! -- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0 ------- 68k Macintosh Liberation Army 68k Macs Liberated: 3 |
New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2003 : 11:17:24
I've given the idea of providing support to older browsers much thought over the past few days and at first I was initially in favour of supporting older browsers, however I've now changed my mind. In order to host the site I have in mind, I need the flexibility that current browsers provide. Because the LC III is very limited to what services it's capable of providing (picked intentionally for this reason), I must rely on a rich client to provide this functionality. The point is not to make a site for old 68k machines, it's to make a modern site ON an old 68k machine. That said, if there are issues with current browsers on some platforms, please let me know and I'll do my best to correct them. In the mean time, if you REALLY want to see the site on an old machine, perhaps I'll work on a text only version. Lynx anyone? :-) Thanks, Brad 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 19 Mar 2003 : 11:29:32
The answer is to ditch the Javascript!! It's one of the most evil of mans creations! I know this well having been a web master, currently a software tester working on web based applications (I drew the short straw and have to test using NS 4.77 ) and doing freelance web design and programming. It's one thing to use Javascript for showing off, rollovers etc, but for loading content it's just not acceptable
LOL! You lucky dog! Until recently, Netscape 4.73 was the ONLY browser that my ISP (Verizon DSL) supported on the Mac!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2003 : 12:22:32
Gothikon:Looks like the last few posts have been deleted, in any case here's an update on PHP. It's installed, and it's working with no noticable hit on RAM, though pages do load slower due to crunching at the server. I looked at the php tutorial you provided, that helped, but to get at all productive with php I'll most likely have to pick up some more reading material. I'm still undecided whether or not I'll go this route or not. On the one hand, it'd make the site much more modular which I like, on the other hand it slows it down and it sends more data each round trip. Without getting into caching, if I browse to the site and select the FAQ. With PHP it appears, the whole page is re-rendered and send back to the client, images & all. If I just update an IFRAME, only that page is sent to the browser. Granted, the php ditches all the additional tags required to properly render the HTML in the IFRAME... The short of it is, I'll keep playing with it. I'm not discounting anything. Afterall, if danamania has it.... :-) What I could do is setup the 6100 as the primary webserver with the php templates on it and only grab the content from the LC III. That would speed things up, but I'll have to decide if that deviates too much from the site goals which I'm still evaluating. -Brad 
Full Member
537 Posts |
Posted - 25 Mar 2003 : 01:11:20
Good, I'm glad you're giving the new approach a serious attempt. I looked at the tutorial and thought I'd get further in to PHP, to be honest though I really don't "dig" PHP compared to Perl, bought a book flipped through it and went back to Perl. This kind of templating is the one thing I use PHP for, you can do it with Perl but it just isn't as neat. Unless you plan on getting serious about PHP (probably a good idea as it's so widespread) you could probably make do with the addition tutorials at and webmonkey. I'd sell you my PHP book but I doubt it's worth the cost of postage from Aus to Canada, even if I sold it to you for like 15 USD (It cost 30 a couple of months ago)Is it really slowing down the site significantly? I assume you are accessing the machine by ethernet but the slow down may not be noticeable to dialup users (the majority). Either way try and limit the number of PHP includes to the bare minimum. you shouldn't need one per page. Don't bother using seperate includes for headers/footers and menu bars. Even if you have to maintain each template by hand their shouldn't be too many to deal with. The problem with the iFrame is it's not standard code, propriety tags suck too. Lets add that to the list Things that suck, Javascript Frames Proprietry tags. And while we're at it browsers that aren't fully standards compliant, or implement standards in their own funky ways! If you're going to use the 6100, why not just transfer the whole site to it? Doe your LC3 have an FPU? It might help. Probably the easiest way to add one is through one of the combined ethernet/fpu PDS cards, you may already have one. Failing that you could always pick up a Q605 or an LC475 (you could even get the mobo on it's own and install it in your machine.) This would be quite a lot faster and not cost too much. It would also keep with the low power server theme. Keep us posted! -------- LC 2, LC 3, Q605, Perf 638, Colour Classic (160 603e) 6100, 7200, PTP 225 (Quad 604), PM 9600, G4 Cube |
New Member
63 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2003 : 09:49:47
I'd sell you my PHP book but I doubt it's worth the cost of postage from Aus to Canada, even if I sold it to you for like 15 USD (It cost 30 a couple of months ago)
Thanks, there are a few local computer book stores I can try if it comes to it. So far the online tutorials have been adequate. quote:
Is it really slowing down the site significantly? I assume you are accessing the machine by ethernet but the slow down may not be noticeable to dialup users (the majority). Either way try and limit the number of PHP includes to the bare minimum. you shouldn't need one per page. Don't bother using seperate includes for headers/footers and menu bars. Even if you have to maintain each template by hand their shouldn't be too many to deal with.
I've begun a redesign of the site using php templates and I believe I've tweaked it enough (using my very limited php knowledge) so that it's being served as quick as is possible. Whether or not this is quick enough remains to be seen. :-) quote:
If you're going to use the 6100, why not just transfer the whole site to it? Doe your LC3 have an FPU? It might help. Probably the easiest way to add one is through one of the combined ethernet/fpu PDS cards, you may already have one. Failing that you could always pick up a Q605 or an LC475 (you could even get the mobo on it's own and install it in your machine.) This would be quite a lot faster and not cost too much. It would also keep with the low power server theme.
Yes, the LC III has an's required in order to run Linux on it. In fact, it's as loaded as an LC III can be without overclocking it. Still, a comparable 605 would still be around 50% faster than an LC III with it's 040, but that isn't the point. I chose the LC III deliberately because of it's specs. I wanted a machine with minimal specs to run Linux & my site on. That's the point of the whole exercise. Moving it off the LC III would be cheating. :-) I hope with the new template I'm working on, I may have the site php based within a few days with a little luck. -Brad 