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 Quid Pro Quo 2.1.3
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
162 Posts
Posted - 07 Mar 2003 :  08:17:19

I'm looking for the software as subject. I already have version 2.0, but can't find 2.1.3 or 2.1.2 anywhere on the net. It seems that every site that mentions it doesn't provide it for download but merely links to the developers website.

Since Social Engineering are now defunct, I can't find the latest (last?) version anywhere.

Someone must have it on a CD or old hard disk somewhere?

This software was/is freeware. (I don't want the Pro version).


Starting Member

38 Posts
Posted - 11 Mar 2003 :  15:48:08
Email me offline at bugsi AT mac DOT com. (Substitute actual @ and . for AT and DOT).
I have QPQ 2.1.3 and QPQ Plus 2.1.3. They're 1.9 MB and 3.2 MB, respectively.
The PDF manual is 564K. I can put them on an iDisk for you, or work out any other way of getting them to you, even if I have to snail a CDR to you.

QPQ totally rocks for a webserver, I have no idea why S.E. went O.O.B., but I had the same experience as you did when I was trying to find it. It took me a while, but I did get it.

eMail me, we'll hook you up.
-Bugsi (Mark)

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